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If...Then doesn't work, $j doesn't become 0 again

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G'day everyone

I have a little script that pastes HTML-like tags into Notepad at the cursor position. The script is as follows:

Global $foo
Global $tags
Global $len
Global $ben
Global $numtags
Global $j

HotKeySet("^{RIGHT}", "NextTag")

$foo = '<f1>asdf</f1>asdsdfasdf<s0/><a11></a11>'

$j = 0

$tags = StringRegExp ($foo, '(<[/]{0,1}[a-z]{0,3}[0-9]{0,5}[/]{0,1}>)', 3)

; So now $tags[0] is <f1>, $tags[1] is </f1> etc

$numtags = UBound($tags)

While 1

Func NextTag ()

WinActivate ("Untitled - Notepad", "")
WinWaitActive ("Untitled - Notepad", "")

ClipPut ($tags[$j])
$len = StringLen ($tags[$j])

Send ("^v")
Send("{LEFT " & $len & "}")
Send("+{RIGHT " & $len & "}")

; Now if $j is 4 then it should change $j back to 0
; so that $tags[$j] matches <f1> again

If $j = $numtags Then
$j = 0
$j = $j + 1

; ...but it doesn't change $j back to 0 even if $j is 4.
; The question is... why?????


The user presses Ctrl+right to paste the next tag, but after he gets to the last tag, I want Ctrl+right to go back to the first tag (so it goes in a circle). To do this, $j has to be reset to 0 when the $j count reaches $numtags (in the above case, 4). I want to use $numtags because later I'll make the script read $foo from a file.

Yet when I reach the last tag, AutoIt exists with an error telling me that my I've exceeded the number of subscripts in the array, which to my mind means that $j has failed to have been reset to 0.

Can anyone point out the obvious? Thanks!

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the problem is

$numtags = UBound($tags)
is actually = to 5 not 4("Now if $j is 4 then it should change $j back to 0")

HotKeySet("^{RIGHT}", "NextTag")
$foo = '<f1>asdf</f1>asdsdfasdf<s0/><a11></a11>'
Global $j = 0
$tags = StringRegExp ($foo, '(<[/]{0,1}[a-z]{0,3}[0-9]{0,5}[/]{0,1}>)', 3)
$numtags = UBound($tags)

While 1

Func NextTag ()
WinActivate ("Untitled - Notepad", "")
WinWaitActive ("Untitled - Notepad", "")
ClipPut ($tags[$j])
$len = StringLen ($tags[$j])
Send ("^v")
Send("{LEFT " & $len & "}")
Send("+{RIGHT " & $len & "}")
    If $j = $numtags-1 Then
        $j = 0
        $j += 1
Edited by will88
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