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Help with _SendMessageA

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The following code currently exists:

;trap changenotify for a change in USB



GUIRegisterMsg($WM_DEVICECHANGE , "MyFunc")

Func MyFunc($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $WParam, $LParam)

;timer begin

$begin = TimerInit()

$val = ShellExecuteWait( "c:\windows\usbWhat.vbs", "", "C:\Windows", "", @SW_HIDE )

;timer end

$dif = TimerDiff($begin)

MsgBox(0,"Time Difference",$dif / 1000)


While 1

$GuiMsg = GUIGetMsg()


This traps a change to the USB device; example: I can plug in a USB printer and it launches usbWhat.vbs. I can also plug in any other USB device and it runs the VBS code.

What happens is that it traps the message but doesn't let it go on. The VBS code is for a USB printer that gets attached. I don't want to handle any other USB device but you plug in a USB drive and the code kicks off but the computer doesn't recognize that the drive is plugged in so it doesn't ready it for use!

In trying to understand this type of code, I read that I need to pass on the changenotify message so that the computer can handle it normally. The problem is that I don't know how to do that. The code above is torn from code used to identify the insertion of a USB drive. I practically stripped it to run the internal VBS code on any USB device that's plugged in.

It would be a success if I can capture the message but also send it along so the computer can process it as normal.

Thanks for any help you can send my way,


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Start over from this code, is it better ?

GUIRegisterMsg($WM_DEVICECHANGE , "MyFunc")

While 1
    $GuiMsg = GUIGetMsg()

Func MyFunc($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $WParam, $LParam)
    TrayTip ("","USB change detected",5)

Read the function help, it SPECIFICALLY says :

Warning: blocking of running user functions which executes window messages with commands such as "Msgbox()" can lead to unexpected behavior, the return to the system should be as fast as possible !!!

Edited by Inverted
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Start over from this code, is it better ?

GUIRegisterMsg($WM_DEVICECHANGE , "MyFunc")

While 1
    $GuiMsg = GUIGetMsg()

Func MyFunc($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $WParam, $LParam)
    TrayTip ("","USB change detected",5)

Read the function help, it SPECIFICALLY says :

Thanks Inverted! I guess I had to take a step back and look at the code again. Also, I was using a ShellExecuteWait when all I really needed is a ShellExecute. I'm gonna retry and post results.

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