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yellow folks... i know that just about 2 weeks ago, this was asked, but how do i make a GUI inside of a GUI... i tried searching the forums for GUI in a GUI but those words are all under 4 characters... wow... so could i please see the example once more?!?!? i promise ill save it on my computer!! :)

thanks a bunch!


Create a child GUI without a title bar (so it can't be moved) and set the coordinates so it appears to be part of the parent GUI.


How do you create a GUI with no title bar? I was trying to do this a few days ago but couldn't find anything in the help file.


[font="Times"] If anyone remembers me, I am back. Maybe to stay, maybe not.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Times"]Things I am proud of: Pong! in AutoIt | SearchbarMy website: F.R.I.E.S.A little website that is trying to get started: http://thepiratelounge.net/ (not mine)[/font][font="Times"] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font][font="Arial"]The newbies need to stop stealing avatars!!! It is confusing!![/font]


How do you create a GUI with no title bar? I was trying to do this a few days ago but couldn't find anything in the help file.


Here you go

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
AutoItSetOption("TrayIconDebug", 1)

;Initialize variables
Global $style1
Global $IniFile
Global $GUIWidth
Global $GUIHeight

$GUIWidth = 250
$GUIHeight = 250

;No caption (title bar):
$style1 = BitOR($WS_POPUP, $WS_SYSMENU)
GUICreate("New GUI", $GUIWidth, $GUIHeight, -1, -1, $style1)


While 1
   $msg = GUIGetMsg()
      Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

     ;Case $msg = ...



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