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PixelCoordMode (Option)


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I am having troubles with the following, been at the whole project for hours.

Global $CGH, $PixColor ;$Name is defined, just removed for forum support.
Opt("PixelCoordMode", 0) ; Tried 0 (tested as $CGH = winGetHandle($Name)), 1 (didn't test because it's not what I want) and 2 (current $CGH)
$CGH = ControlGetHandle($Name, "", "[CLASS:Internet Explorer_Server; INSTANCE:1]") ; When using a msgBox(0, "", $CGH) It returns the value AutoIt Info Tool has, WORKS!
$PixColor = PixelGetColor(85, 75, $CGH) ; Gets the pixel at this location on the screen not the window (coordMode 0) or client area (coordMode 3)

This pixel stuff is one of my final steps in this, but it will not seem to return correctly.

Any ideas? Thank you.

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