Custom Query


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Results (301 - 400 of 1093)

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Component Ticket Milestone Reporter Resolution Summary
AutoIt #901 Kip Rejected Array in array
AutoIt #912 dexto Rejected Avarage Color
AutoIt #918 trancexx Completed GUICtrlSetFont() and related
Other #929 anonymous Rejected form designer
AutoIt #932 Spiff59 Completed Add additonal mouse event constants to WindowsConstants.au3
Aut2Exe #936 insignia96 No Bug File version
AutoIt #938 skyteddy Completed UDPOpen and/or UDPSend to doesn't work
AutoIt #942 dexto Rejected WinGetActive
AutoIt #946 catalinx@… Rejected Disable automatically generated msg mox alerts
AutoIt #949 timsky Completed Add custom User Agent for InetGet function
Standard UDFs #952 anonymous Completed _ArrayDisplay - add new optional parameter for column header text
AutoIt #953 Madmikep Rejected New Function request – WinServiceStop and WinServiceStart
AutoIt #957 Nutster Completed Assert keyword or function
SciTE4AutoIt #960 maxistedeams@… Rejected AutoIT v3 Windows info and AutoIT API having problem with handler in x86_64 envirronement
Standard UDFs #962 Future Release Zedna Completed SQLite - update it to latest version
Standard UDFs #966 Zedna Completed _FileListToArray - new flag (4)
AutoIt #967 Valik Completed Inet functions need to support FTP through a proxy.
AutoIt #968 Valik Completed AutoUpdateIt needs updated due to Inet changes.
AutoIt #970 zipnokaj@… Rejected I want the goto command back :|
AutoIt #973 anonymous Rejected _FileListToArray()
Au3Info #978 Zedna Rejected Au3Info - ToolBar info - add ToolTip Text,Image Index
SciTE4AutoIt #980 Future Release Zedna Fixed Scite4AutoIt3 - include latest Koda version
Standard UDFs #981 Zedna Completed _WinAPI_AnsiToOem + _WinAPI_OemToAnsi
AutoIt #984 mark.carrell@… Completed Addition to @OSVersion
AutoIt #987 anonymous Rejected Telnet capabilities
AutoIt #988 anonymous Rejected TCP Send with URGENT bit active
AutoIt #992 larchen Rejected Macros for all useful system user folders
AutoIt #994 anonymous Rejected For ... In ... Next: added functionality
AutoIt #998 Zedna Rejected @VirtualDesktopWidth + @VirtualDesktopHeight + @DesktopMonitors
AutoIt #1016 Volly Fixed _WordDocSaveAs - if path exist
Documentation #1017 Zedna Completed StringRegExpReplace - back-references --> add this as example in Helpfile
AutoIt #1020 anonymous Rejected FileCreate or FileSave
AutoIt #1022 athiwatc@… Rejected Different between " and ' like PHP
AutoIt #1029 hilmy2002@… Rejected New Feature: Restrict users from changing windows
AutoIt #1034 NeedHelp Rejected SetLocale()?
AutoIt #1035 albertzhen93@… Rejected Different SendModes
AutoIt #1038 anonymous Rejected Add icon to menu item
AutoIt #1039 HydroXidE Rejected DocStrings?
Standard UDFs #1045 Zedna Rejected ConstantsAll.au3 or GUIConstantsAll.au3 - new include file/files
Other #1050 poebel@… Completed TextPad v5 syntax files
AutoIt #1054 anonymous Completed Character Encoding
SciTE4AutoIt #1057 Supercross Rejected SciTe ToolTip negative coordinates
AutoIt #1070 ZNote Rejected Adlib Suggestion
AutoIt #1071 mvgulik Duplicate editing existing files at any position.
AutoIt #1080 bjashepherd@… Completed InetGet doesn't return immediately for a background download
Standard UDFs #1081 jondemarks@… Rejected Consider this code for include: waiting for the clipboard to fill.
AutoIt #1084 anonymous Rejected Setting for mouse default speed
AutoIt #1086 anonymous Works For Me Remove limit on number of files that can be opened.
AutoIt #1088 Bitboy Rejected GuiCtrlSetOnEvent - Easier Event handling
AutoIt #1091 Orgasim Rejected Request: Packet Send & Packet Catching
AutoIt #1096 aSigN Rejected MouseMove() Function
Standard UDFs #1107 partypooper@… Rejected Ability to sort hexadecimal numbers using in a Listview
Standard UDFs #1112 Yashied Completed Add _WinAPI_SetCheckMethod() and modify _WinAPI_Check()
AutoIt #1118 partypooper@… Fixed Change to _ArrayConcatenate
AutoIt #1119 partypooper@… Fixed Minor change to Help File wording for FileWrite
AutoIt #1120 partypooper@… Rejected Overwrite hidden system files with FileInstall()
AutoIt #1127 i-love-autoit@… Rejected Implement a new function : StdOutReadLine
Standard UDFs #1128 danielkza2@… Completed UDF Addition: _WinAPI_PathFindOnPath
AutoIt #1133 anonymous Duplicate NOT and Int64 numbers
AutoIt #1137 xelotiac@… Completed Change RegEnumKey/RegEnumVal error return to be more sensible.
Other #1138 athiwatc Rejected XML
Documentation #1148 anonymous No Bug _ArraySort() Helpfile Typo
AutoIt #1149 Info Rejected GUICtrlSetTrans()
Documentation #1150 sksbir Fixed TCPrecv returns @error=-1
SciTE4AutoIt #1153 anonymous Rejected User-defined libraries support with 'Open Include'.
AutoIt #1155 Yashied Fixed _WinAPI_CreateSolidBitmap() is too slow
Standard UDFs #1157 Valik Completed Add Crypt.au3
Standard UDFs #1158 Yashied Completed Global update the WinAPI.au3 library
AutoIt #1159 shiva.2785@… Rejected To select an child from the device manager in win vista 32 bit machine
AutoIt #1163 rover Rejected WinGetClassList - optional parameter for parent class only
AutoIt #1169 hagikura Rejected high-level Recording
AutoIt #1172 arthur@… Rejected .NET controls in beta
Standard UDFs #1173 Tyger Rejected mysql UDF
AutoIt #1175 anonymous Rejected add the macro @CPUusage showing the current CPU load
AutoIt #1178 hhzz Rejected MsgBox timeout indicator
AutoIt #1181 anonymous Rejected GUIGetMsg and OnEventMode.
AutoIt #1185 eukalyptus Rejected Priority Flag for OnAutoItExitRegister
AutoIt #1186 anonymous Rejected native support of array "slices" as Lvalue and Rvalue
AutoIt #1191 jchd Completed Make explicit size of arrays optional when have explicit initialization
AutoIt #1198 Rob Saunders <therks@…> Rejected User tray items auto-checkmarking
SciTE4AutoIt #1201 anonymous Works For Me Sci-TE editor (i can't send them emails for some reason so I open it here)
AutoIt #1202 tayou fabrice Duplicate AdlibEnable
AutoIt #1204 Assaf Rejected New function - WinWaitLoad
AutoIt #1205 Nutster Rejected Dim / ReDim / Static optimization
AutoIt #1209 anonymous Rejected FileOpenDialog will not allow you to specify a folder
AutoIt #1211 anonymous Rejected Support for Mouse drag operation
AutoIt #1216 monoceres Rejected Adding arrays working suspiciously
AutoIt #1217 downloadresumer Rejected InetGet resume ability
Standard UDFs #1228 Beege Completed FTPEx.au3 missing callback parameter for some functions.
AutoIt #1229 Valik Completed Integrate Tweaky's script into the build process.
Other #1230 Future Release Valik Completed Changes to the build process.
AutoIt #1233 jchd Rejected "Deep" global variables not treated as global
AutoIt #1236 anonymous Rejected error/extended pass on in "Return function()" case.
AutoIt #1243 Jayowee Rejected Request @FuncName
SciTE4AutoIt #1244 danielkza Rejected New AU3Wrapper directive: #AutoIt3Wrapper_MinVersion
AutoIt #1245 hunt Rejected Last version supporting winnt 4.0
Standard UDFs #1262 univeda Rejected Add SMTP AUTH to _INetSmtpMail() in inet.au3
AutoIt #1263 eru Rejected Request: Delete a Line from a File (FileDeleteLine)
Other #1265 Future Release Valik Completed Au3Check support for Static
AutoIt #1267 Mison Rejected Regular expression - Specify line endings default code to CRLF instead of LF
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.