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Results (1 - 100 of 775)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ticket Summary Owner Type Milestone Component Version
#594 wintitlematchmode Feature Request AutoIt
#139 window identification / fixing current window Feature Request AutoIt
#3278 win\print\suffix Bug Aut2Exe
#643 whole array operations Feature Request AutoIt
#2189 white space after if statement is removed Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#3655 we need more protection on aut2exe Feature Request Aut2Exe
#310 visual Autoit studio Feature Request AutoIt
#2251 variables in FileInstall's "source" Feature Request AutoIt
#57 unable to click hyperlink in any window Feature Request AutoIt
#3261 the #include-once at the top does not seem to stop the include when it comes from a different path Bug AutoIt
#3008 texting on a notepad Feature Request AutoIt
#1758 tables for the gui Feature Request AutoIt
#2987 support PCRE case escape sequences Feature Request AutoIt
#3272 suggesting 2 features that would be really useful Feature Request AutoIt
#772 stringstripLF Feature Request AutoIt
#1231 strange wildcards behaviour with filecopy Jon Bug AutoIt
#1598 standalone combobox function (like inputbox) Feature Request AutoIt
#456 simple drawing commands Feature Request AutoIt
#429 shellexecute() new feature Feature Request AutoIt
#3000 scriptline Feature Request AutoIt
#1303 script to replace the @ScriptLineNumbe Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#423 samples Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#1590 restore FileOpen("con", 4) in AutoIt Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#2020 request: StringLTrim($str) and StringRTrim($str) Feature Request AutoIt
#1906 reparse point Feature Request AutoIt
#866 new function FileGetDir( ) Feature Request AutoIt
#241 new dllcall type Feature Request AutoIt
#459 need run under pure dos Feature Request AutoIt
#1186 native support of array "slices" as Lvalue and Rvalue Nutster Feature Request AutoIt
#1173 mysql UDF Gary Feature Request Standard UDFs
#829 move in SCITE the tabbed-windows Feature Request AutoIt
#2633 more possibilities when assigning values to variables Feature Request AutoIt
#2638 macros.htm - proposal Feature Request Documentation
#1795 long "long path" support Feature Request AutoIt
#2954 latest version of scite does not show correctly Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#2969 label size Feature Request AutoIt
#2151 integrate signtool in AutoIt3Wrapper Feature Request Other
#1550 inireadsection Feature Request AutoIt
#1763 incorrect sequence during GUICtrlSetGraphic Bug AutoIt
#2778 include REGEXP function in to SQLite Feature Request Standard UDFs
#2360 implement optional byref parameter passing to function Feature Request AutoIt
#3088 ie.au3 readystate enums Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3381 Bug AutoIt
#1169 high-level Recording Feature Request AutoIt
#807 help Feature Request AutoIt
#349 guiconstants.au3 Feature Request AutoIt
#1737 gui enhancements for touch screens Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#1894 gimagex for AIK 3.0 Feature Request Other
#1739 get/set cookie value function Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#2788 fuzzy string searching Feature Request AutoIt
#3275 free/unset variable Feature Request AutoIt
#929 form designer Feature Request Other
#2006 foreach Feature Request AutoIt
#1782 forcing targeting of commands to only one target process/executable Feature Request AutoIt
#1373 filecopy filemove with independent thread Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#74 expose C (CRT) _finite(double x) function as IsFinite($x) in Autoit Feature Request AutoIt
#1236 error/extended pass on in "Return function()" case. Feature Request AutoIt
#712 enhanced PixelSearch - search direction & logical mask Feature Request AutoIt
#1334 dynamic include - rt embedding - Bug found? Feature Request AutoIt
#535 don't pause the script when the tray menu is open or the gui title bar is right clicked Feature Request AutoIt
#1628 default icon for compiled scripts Jon Feature Request Aut2Exe
#463 date.au3 library // _DateToMonth() Gary Feature Request Standard UDFs
#598 database access (Microsoft) Feature Request AutoIt
#1727 crypt.au3 Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#775 control AfxFrameOrView operation Gary Feature Request Standard UDFs
#171 consolewrite() documentation addendum Feature Request Documentation
#620 complete documentation as PDF file Feature Request Documentation
#1379 compiling... Feature Request AutoIt
#1627 compiling x64 Jon Feature Request Aut2Exe
#2103 compiles autoit Feature Request Aut2Exe
#162 compile to .dll Feature Request AutoIt
#125 codexecute Feature Request AutoIt
#53 change taborder of controls in GUI Feature Request AutoIt
#1846 change _GdiPlus_GraphicsDraw/Fill* functions to corresponding floating point version Gary Feature Request Standard UDFs
#2342 case-sensitive variables Feature Request AutoIt
#49 cSnippet.exe (outdated and no unicode version) Feature Request Other
#1622 build secure Feature Request Aut2Exe
#3769 automatic user UDFs and/or all included files calltips parsing Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#2110 autoit.exe -> autoit.exe + autoit.dll Feature Request AutoIt
#3194 autoIT script in selenium IDE Feature Request AutoIt
#2656 array automatic redim for $array[] = ... Feature Request AutoIt
#1720 adding functionality to GUICtrlSetImage Feature Request AutoIt
#1175 add the macro @CPUusage showing the current CPU load Feature Request AutoIt
#427 add latest SciTE info to Feature Request Other
#2272 a script file can't access other file's local variable Feature Request AutoIt
#592 a collection of prime based or prime related math functions Feature Request AutoIt
#2630 _XOR() and _XNOR() - new function Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3783 _WinAPI_SetThreadAffinityMask, _WinAPI_SetThreadGroupAffinity, _WinAPI_ GetProcessGroupAffinity Feature Request AutoIt
#618 _WinAPI_OpenProcess documentation needs updating Feature Request Documentation
#17 _WinAPI_MessageBeep with parameter 3 Bug AutoIt
#3616 _WinAPI_GetVersion - No Return Value for Windows 10 in the helpfile / documentation Bug Documentation
#2030 _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage - accept specified error code parameter Gary Feature Request Standard UDFs
#2759 _WinAPI_GetFinalPathNameByHandle - dwFlags - Parameter Feature Request AutoIt
#3030 _Timer_SetTimer: example with $sTimerFunc parameter Bug Documentation
#2173 _StringProper doesn't capitalize correctly Feature Request Standard UDFs
#2914 _StringProper - Diacratic Char issue Bug Standard UDFs
#728 _ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd Change Feature Request AutoIt
#3553 _SQLite_Startup() - cannot use SQLite.dll without "_x64" suffix in 64 bit script Feature Request AutoIt
#175 _ProcessHide Feature Request AutoIt
#3576 _PathSplit Feature Request Standard UDFs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.