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Results (101 - 200 of 775)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ticket Summary Owner Type Milestone Component Version
#568 _INetSmtpMail(): Two features: 1.) email priority, 2.) possibility to add attachments Jos Feature Request AutoIt
#1767 _IETableWriteToArray does not handle Rowspan, ColSpan, and strips tags inside data fields Gary Bug Standard UDFs
#3654 _IECreateEmbedded isn't accessibil with screen readers Feature Request AutoIt
#900 _GUICtrlTreeView_SetChecked() - add Remarks Feature Request Documentation
#1788 _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetMargins and _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetMargins Feature Request Standard UDFs
#1930 _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort doesn't sort ItemParam Feature Request AutoIt
#2664 _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText - proposal Feature Request Documentation
#1971 _GUICtrlListBox_SetHeaderColor Feature Request AutoIt
#1837 _GUICtrlIpAddress_EnableDisable Gary Feature Request Standard UDFs
#2301 _GUICtrlComboBox_GetEditControl for standard combobox Feature Request Standard UDFs
#227 _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect and transperent windows Bug AutoIt
#2325 _FilleWriteFromArray doesn't work with Unicode text Feature Request AutoIt
#3035 _FileListToArrayRec: new switch for (protected system files) Feature Request AutoIt
#973 _FileListToArray() Feature Request AutoIt
#3634 _FileListToArray error codes Feature Request AutoIt
#272 _FileListArrayEx() - with recursive option Gary Feature Request Standard UDFs
#668 _FileGetCommonPath & _FileArrayGetCommonPath Feature Request AutoIt
#2829 _Excel_RangeRead unable to return Text values of excel cells Bug AutoIt
#3732 _Excel_BookList water Feature Request Standard UDFs
#2594 _EventLog__Read on Security under Server 2008 R2 Bug Standard UDFs
#827 _DateDayOfWeek Gary Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3066 _Crypt_EncryptFile - creating 1 kb file with wrong decryption password. Bug AutoIt
#1368 _ClipBoard_GetData($CF_BITMAP) not working on Valik Bug Standard UDFs
#622 _BlockInputExc Feature Request AutoIt
#3213 _Arraydisplay() (from Array.au3) may truncate headers since their max widths are unchecked Feature Request Standard UDFs
#2154 _ArrayShift & _ArrayUnShift Feature Request Standard UDFs
#1602 _ArrayMinIndex and Void entries Feature Request AutoIt
#1889 _ArrayDisplay optionaly display columns in hex. Gary Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3205 [Suggestion] Allow functions to be also defined with the keyword "Function" Feature Request AutoIt
#20 [:class:] in regex Bug AutoIt
#3180 Zip and Unzip Feature Request Other
#1138 XML Feature Request Other
#1641 Write compiler for autoit Feature Request Aut2Exe
#202 Would like to be able to Branch on condition Feature Request AutoIt
#37 Wine Compatibility Notice Feature Request AutoIt
#878 Windows PE and GimageX Feature Request AutoIt
#2100 Windows On ARM Compiler (WOA) Feature Request Aut2Exe
#2023 Windows 98/ME (ANSI) compile support needed again Feature Request AutoIt
#1382 Windows 7 Taskbar API Feature Request AutoIt
#1401 Windows 7 Jump List Feature Request AutoIt
#343 Window checks to return only visible windows (option) Feature Request AutoIt
#2419 Window Titles and Text (Advanced) - example - bug and links Bug Documentation
#2143 Window Info: Request to add ControlClick position on the Window tab Feature Request Au3Info
#3652 Window Bug Bug AutoIt
#2181 WinWaitActive() doesn't necessarily return active window Bug AutoIt
#11 WinWaitActive error WaitingUserInfo Bug AutoIt
#2058 WinWait, WinWaitActive and WinActive calls are waiting indefinitely irrespective of timeout. Jon Bug AutoItX
#2409 WinSetTrans - AZJIO - PROPOSAL Feature Request Documentation
#1163 WinGetClassList - optional parameter for parent class only Feature Request AutoIt
#942 WinGetActive Feature Request AutoIt
#3133 Win* functions to set @error or @extended flag in case of fail / timeout Feature Request AutoIt
#766 Why was trac disabled? Feature Request Other
#3747 Want to add Select dropdown value Keyword to autoit robot framework library Feature Request Documentation
#253 Various TODO ideas Feature Request AutoIt
#225 Varible++ Feature Request AutoIt
#3266 VarGetType helpfile example broken Bug Documentation
#2248 VarGetName() & @FunctionName Feature Request AutoIt
#1570 Using information from another window while hidden Feature Request AutoIt
#1153 User-defined libraries support with 'Open Include'. Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#1198 User tray items auto-checkmarking Valik Feature Request AutoIt
#1969 User files for SciTE abbreviation Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#3839 User data in control Feature Request AutoIt
#2014 Updated Array.au3 UDF to be used with 2D arrays Gary Feature Request Standard UDFs
#2133 Update the @OSVersion on Feature Request AutoIt
#1386 Union support Feature Request AutoIt
#660 Unicode version for Au3Check Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#3520 Unexpected parameter type limit of _GUICtrlTreeView_GetItemParam Bug Standard UDFs
#2679 Undocumented behaviour of arrays Feature Request Documentation
#2654 Unable to do automation for installing a software Bug AutoIt
#224 Ubound would return last index Feature Request AutoIt
#1863 UDPRecv halts script for 100ms when there is no data to recieve Bug AutoIt
#2188 UDPRecv delay able to be set with the TCPTimeout AutoIt Option Feature Request AutoIt
#509 UDP Receive String Feature Request AutoIt
#1317 UDFs & DllStructCreate() & char/wchar --> Unicode/ANSI problem Valik Bug Standard UDFs
#1632 UDF to display a table Feature Request AutoIt
#2774 UDF standards >> #Region Feature Request Standard UDFs
#710 UDF for port access Gary Feature Request Standard UDFs
#2563 UDF - _ArrayUnique - proposal Feature Request Standard UDFs
#2561 UDF - _ArrayPermute - proposal Feature Request Standard UDFs
#2564 UDF - _ArrayInsert - proposal Feature Request Standard UDFs
#2420 Tutorial - Regular Expression - links in example Feature Request Documentation
#188 Try...Catch Feature Request AutoIt
#2002 Try to find the cause of slow file operations. Bug AutoIt
#2281 Tron-Troff (Trace ON Trace Off) Feature Request Aut2Exe
#391 TreeView to just accept select in the checkboxes Feature Request AutoIt
#522 TrayMenu Select Option - Works on button down, not button up Feature Request AutoIt
#2312 Tray icon flashes into the black square Bug AutoIt
#1966 Transparent Tree View Feature Request AutoIt
#354 Transparency with images Feature Request AutoIt
#411 Topmost option Feature Request AutoIt
#1159 To select an child from the device manager in win vista 32 bit machine Feature Request AutoIt
#2025 TimerInit() return data type change. Feature Request AutoIt
#1974 Tidy autoit source auto include and global comment Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#2182 The real "ContinueCase" Feature Request AutoIt
#1787 Test coverage features Feature Request AutoIt
#2620 Ternary operator and php 5.3 sugar syntax Feature Request AutoIt
#2750 Ternary Operator Should Have the Lowest Precedence Feature Request AutoIt
#987 Telnet capabilities Feature Request AutoIt
#2513 TCPSend() Not functioning with string over 225 characters in length. Bug AutoIt
#988 TCP Send with URGENT bit active Valik Feature Request AutoIt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.