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Results (301 - 400 of 1093)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Milestone Component Resolution Reporter
#1071 editing existing files at any position. AutoIt Duplicate mvgulik
#1080 InetGet doesn't return immediately for a background download AutoIt Completed bjashepherd@…
#1084 Setting for mouse default speed AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1086 Remove limit on number of files that can be opened. AutoIt Works For Me anonymous
#1088 GuiCtrlSetOnEvent - Easier Event handling AutoIt Rejected Bitboy
#1091 Request: Packet Send & Packet Catching AutoIt Rejected Orgasim
#1096 MouseMove() Function AutoIt Rejected aSigN
#1118 Change to _ArrayConcatenate AutoIt Fixed partypooper@…
#1119 Minor change to Help File wording for FileWrite AutoIt Fixed partypooper@…
#1120 Overwrite hidden system files with FileInstall() AutoIt Rejected partypooper@…
#1127 Implement a new function : StdOutReadLine AutoIt Rejected i-love-autoit@…
#1133 NOT and Int64 numbers AutoIt Duplicate anonymous
#1137 Change RegEnumKey/RegEnumVal error return to be more sensible. AutoIt Completed xelotiac@…
#1149 GUICtrlSetTrans() AutoIt Rejected Info
#1155 _WinAPI_CreateSolidBitmap() is too slow AutoIt Fixed Yashied
#1159 To select an child from the device manager in win vista 32 bit machine AutoIt Rejected shiva.2785@…
#1163 WinGetClassList - optional parameter for parent class only AutoIt Rejected rover
#1169 high-level Recording AutoIt Rejected hagikura
#1172 .NET controls in beta AutoIt Rejected arthur@…
#1175 add the macro @CPUusage showing the current CPU load AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1178 MsgBox timeout indicator AutoIt Rejected hhzz
#1181 GUIGetMsg and OnEventMode. AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1185 Priority Flag for OnAutoItExitRegister AutoIt Rejected eukalyptus
#1186 native support of array "slices" as Lvalue and Rvalue AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1191 Make explicit size of arrays optional when have explicit initialization AutoIt Completed jchd
#1198 User tray items auto-checkmarking AutoIt Rejected Rob Saunders <therks@…>
#1202 AdlibEnable AutoIt Duplicate tayou fabrice
#1204 New function - WinWaitLoad AutoIt Rejected Assaf
#1205 Dim / ReDim / Static optimization AutoIt Rejected Nutster
#1209 FileOpenDialog will not allow you to specify a folder AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1211 Support for Mouse drag operation AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1216 Adding arrays working suspiciously AutoIt Rejected monoceres
#1217 InetGet resume ability AutoIt Rejected downloadresumer
#1229 Integrate Tweaky's script into the build process. AutoIt Completed Valik
#1233 "Deep" global variables not treated as global AutoIt Rejected jchd
#1236 error/extended pass on in "Return function()" case. AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1243 Request @FuncName AutoIt Rejected Jayowee
#1245 Last version supporting winnt 4.0 AutoIt Rejected hunt
#1263 Request: Delete a Line from a File (FileDeleteLine) AutoIt Rejected eru
#1267 Regular expression - Specify line endings default code to CRLF instead of LF AutoIt Rejected Mison
#1270 GUISetIcon (@ScriptName) sets the 48x48 icon to the GUI AutoIt Completed Emiel Wieldraaijer <emielwieldraaijer@…>
#1271 History added to Func notes directly AutoIt Rejected Dolemite50
#1274 Increase Datatype Ranges AutoIt Rejected robertlcull@…
#1289 Port to Mac AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1298 Poor Behavious of UBound Function AutoIt Rejected nitrogen
#1302 InetGet - Multiple AutoIt Completed anonymous
#1308 Execute to assign variable AutoIt Rejected P5ych0Gigabyte
#1309 BitShift() as Unsigned Integer by Default AutoIt Rejected wraithdu
#1310 TCPConnect Timeout Future Release AutoIt Fixed Proggy
#1311 MouseGetCursor() - identify also standard hand cursor (IDC_HAND) AutoIt Completed Zedna
#1316 SleepUntilTime($hour, $min, $sec) and RunOnTime($hour, $min, $sec, "UserFunction") AutoIt Rejected andref
#1324 MsgBox: options for size and position AutoIt Rejected hessebou
#1334 dynamic include - rt embedding - Bug found? AutoIt Rejected benjamin-thomas.schreiber@…
#1357 New concatenation operator for Static AutoIt Rejected trancexx
#1359 Embed a file in compiled script AutoIt Rejected flackrobert@…
#1364 IniReadSection update AutoIt Duplicate xrewndel <xrewndel@…>
#1373 filecopy filemove with independent thread AutoIt Rejected thesnoW
#1375 An array element alias AutoIt Rejected xrewndel <xrewndel@…>
#1376 FileOpen() AutoIt Completed xrewndel <xrewndel@…>
#1379 compiling... AutoIt Rejected IchBistTod
#1382 Windows 7 Taskbar API AutoIt Rejected Tom V <tomvalk@…>
#1386 Union support AutoIt Rejected monoceres
#1388 GUIRegisterMsg() return value AutoIt Rejected KaFu
#1401 Windows 7 Jump List AutoIt Rejected momitty
#1405 Array definition, less strict data-part format. AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1411 FileReadLine enhancement to enable more efficient reading of very large files. AutoIt Rejected Bowmore
#1416 Open project in new window (right click context menu from Tabs) AutoIt Rejected Monolith
#1419 Directory Management Functions AutoIt Rejected juergen.hooss@…
#1426 $PBS_MARQUEE speed selection AutoIt Rejected SwooshyCueb
#1429 Change return value of FileGetSize() on failure. AutoIt Rejected Anonymous
#1433 Picture driven computing AutoIt Rejected snelson@…
#1451 RegRead AutoIt Rejected xrewndel <xrewndel@…>
#1452 FileOpenDialog AutoIt Rejected xrewndel <xrewndel@…>
#1457 InetGetsize / VariableType AutoIt Duplicate tankbuster@…
#1462 Need speedup FileReadLine() and FileWriteLine() functions Future Release AutoIt Completed Suppir
#1465 Proxy functions or udf AutoIt Rejected e1m1
#1490 Create a Dictionary UDF which creates a Scripting.Dictionary object AutoIt Rejected aemcasa@…
#1497 Sign(<expression>) function AutoIt Rejected jchd
#1508 IniReadSection: Possibility to increase restrictions, except Win9x? AutoIt Duplicate skyteddy
#1516 Get Full Returnstring from TCP-IP-STACK in AutoIt-Variable AutoIt Rejected card0384@…
#1521 ProcessList AutoIt Rejected raupi
#1526 Display FileName into Aut2Exe Error AutoIt Completed lamarches@…
#1533 FileSaveDialog/FileOpenDialog return selected filter type AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1539 Add RegExp in CLASSNN / INSTANCE for control names AutoIt Rejected MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
#1547 Macro to determine if compiled with console switch AutoIt Rejected Klaatu
#1550 inireadsection AutoIt Rejected lite
#1554 RegExp precompile handling AutoIt Rejected MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
#1557 Constants.au3 update AutoIt Completed jebirum
#1558 Automate HTML based GUI AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1569 _ArraySearch fails returns wrong result AutoIt Completed david@…
#1570 Using information from another window while hidden AutoIt Rejected metalluigix@…
#1571 StringSplit - Add CaseSense parameter AutoIt Rejected MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
#1574 AutoIt Help AutoIt Rejected s.c.a.r.y@…
#1576 Aut2exe Compile Icon Directive AutoIt Rejected adrian@…
#1579 Get Admin privileges AutoIt Rejected xrewndel <xrewndel@…>
#1585 Keys AutoIt Rejected Deathboy
#1590 restore FileOpen("con", 4) in AutoIt AutoIt Rejected txj
#1593 Prevent script Exit from OnAutoItExitRegister function AutoIt Rejected MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
#1594 Allow "-1" default parameters for GUICtrlSetPos() AutoIt Rejected Spiff59
#1596 Allow "Default" parameters for GUICtrlSetPos() AutoIt Fixed Spiff59
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.