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Found 5 results

  1. I am using autoIt to automate some test cases. I need to right-click which opens a context menu and then select the 6th item in the context menu. I tried to use Send("{}"), but it doesn't choose the 6th item and chooses randomly. AutoIt Window Info shows only [CLASS:#32768] about the context menu. I found another solution in a forum - Local $putMsgHandle = WinGetHandle ( "[CLASS:#32768]" ) Local $putMsgMenu = _SendMessage ( $putMsgHandle , $MN_GETHMENU , 0 , 0 ) Local $putMsgRect = _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemRect ($putMsgHandle, $putMsgMenu, 6) ControlClick("[CLASS:#32768]", "", "", "left", 1, $putMsgRect[0], $putMsgRect[1]) This code works but sometimes it chooses the wrong option. While executing, there was no mouse movement, keyboard or pop-up etc. The application to be tested was the only one open.
  2. Hi All, I am new to this AUTO IT and I have created a script that will open an app,enter pin and copy the code generated to clipboard. My java code call this autoIT script and use the copied generated code from clipboard. This works fine when server window is on focus. My server is an windows server. But when I minimize or disconnect the server, the script opens the app.exe but doesn't copy any value to clipboard. Can anyone help me on this 😐 Run("C:\Program Files (x86)\RSA SecurID Software Token\SecurID.exe") Local $hWnd=WinWait("abc - RSA SecurID Token") ; waits until the window is the active window $hWin = WinGetHandle("abc - RSA SecurID Token"); ControlSend($hWnd,"","","1111") ; simulates pressing the Home key ControlSend($hWnd,"","","{ENTER}"); ControlSend($hWnd,"","","^c"); Sleep(1000) ; ControlSend($hWnd,"","","^c");
  3. I've been working for quite a while on an automated installer for python3.8.3 and Thonny3.2.7 and encountered a pretty strange problem - automated python install work perfectly. However using pip to install esptool returns error code 1. The strange thing is if i manually install it after running the python installer it does indeed install correctly (returns 0 instead). The code i was using: Local Const $sInstallerPath = @ScriptDir & "\python-3.8.3.exe" Local $PythonResult = RunWait($sInstallerPath & " /quiet") Local $ESPToolResult = RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & "pip install esptool") MsgBox(0, "Installer returns", "Python result: " & $PythonResult & @CRLF & "esptool result: " & $ESPToolResult) Than I thought that maybe python installer fires off multiple processes during installation and tried : Local Const $sInstallerPath = @ScriptDir & "\python-3.8.3.exe" Local $iPID = Run($sInstallerPath & " /quiet") Local $PythonResult = ProcessWaitClose($iPID) Local $ESPToolResult = RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & "pip install esptool") MsgBox(0, "Installer returns", "Python result: " & $PythonResult & @CRLF & "esptool result: " & $ESPToolResult) However, The problem still remains. some-why esptool install refuses to be automated with python but if i comment out the python install part it does work ?! (note that i comment it out after the script already installed python and did not manually install it myself). Any idea why this happens ? NOTE: I added the unattend.xml file im using but python.exe was too big - I'm using python3.8.3 for compatibility with thonny and the unattend files makes a minimal install just for thonny to work (target platform esp32 with micopython) unattend.xml
  4. Restore blank Windows 10 start menu icons. ; RESTORE BLANK WINDOWS 10 START MENU ICONS. ; TOGGLE SETTINGS-START-"USE START FULL SCREEN" TWICE ; THIS WILL RESTORE SOME OF THE BLANK ICONS ; FOR THOSE THAT IT DOES NOT REDO "CHANGE ICON" FROM THE PROPERTIES DIALOG BOX FOR EACH MISSING ICON. ; "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\AutoIt3_x64.exe" "F:\MYAPPS\WINDOWS\StartMenu1.au3" ; windows 10 and autoit3 ; begin restore blank icons on start menu Run(@ComSpec & " /c start ms-settings:personalization-start", "", @SW_SHOWMINIMIZED) Sleep(500) WinWaitActive("Settings") Sleep(1000) ; WinWaitActive ("[CLASS:ApplicationFrameInputSinkWindow]", "") ; ; BEGIN https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/1353-check-if-a-computer-is-online/ $Computer = "" AutoItSetOption ("SendKeyDelay" , "125") ;was 55, 500 If RunWait("ping.exe -n 1 " & $Computer, "", @SW_HIDE) == 0 Then WinActivate("Settings") send("{tab}{down 5}{tab 6}") sleep(500) send("{space}{tab 10}") ; if online. Move to "use start full screen", toggle it and (improves reliability) return cursor to "find a setting" search box. Else WinActivate("Settings") send("{tab}{down 5}{tab 6}") sleep(500) send("{space}{tab 6}") ; if offline. Move to "use start full screen", toggle it and (improves reliability) return cursor to "find a setting" search box. EndIf ; END https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/1353-check-if-a-computer-is-online/ ; ; MouseClick("left", 379, 490, 1, 0) ; Toggle "use start full screen". Autoitv3 Window Info MouseClick Coords are 23px north. If y=467 use y=490 Sleep(500) ; Msgbox(0,"Operation halted","Continue?") ; PAUSE FOR DEBUG ; WinClose("[CLASS:ApplicationFrameWindow]", "") ; Send("{LWIN 2}") ; OPEN AND CLOSE THE START MENU Send("{LWIN}") ; OPEN START MENU sleep(500) Send("{LWIN}") ; CLOSE START MENU Sleep(1000) ; Run(@ComSpec & " /c start ms-settings:personalization-start", "", @SW_SHOWMINIMIZED) ; Sleep(500) ; WinWaitActive ("Settings") ; WinWaitActive ("[CLASS:ApplicationFrameInputSinkWindow]", "") ; ; BEGIN https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/1353-check-if-a-computer-is-online/ $Computer = "" AutoItSetOption ("SendKeyDelay" , "125") ;was 125, 55, 500 If RunWait("ping.exe -n 1 " & $Computer, "", @SW_HIDE) == 0 Then WinActivate("Settings") sleep(500) send("{tab 7}") ; if online. Move to "use start full screen", sleep(500) send("{space}{tab 10}") ; if online. Toggle "use start full screen" and (improves reliability) return cursor to "find a setting" search box. Else WinActivate("Settings") sleep(500) send("{tab 7}") ; if offline. Move to "use start full screen", sleep(500) send("{space}{tab 6}") ; if offline. Toggle "use start full screen" and (improves reliability) return cursor to "find a setting" search box. EndIf ; END https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/1353-check-if-a-computer-is-online/ ; ; MouseClick("left", 379, 490, 1, 0) ; Toggle "use start full screen". Autoitv3 Window Info MouseClick Coords are 23px north. If y=467 use y=490 Sleep(500) ; Msgbox(0,"Operation halted","Continue?") ; PAUSE FOR DEBUG WinClose("[CLASS:ApplicationFrameWindow]", "") ; end restore blank icons on start menu Exit
  5. Greetings! I've been toying around with a project for my boss.... Basically he saw this from a customer/friend's blog post: http://blog.vmfarms.com/2011/10/how-we-solved-remote-employee-problem.html and tasked me with building this (lucky me). He supplied the wood frame, and the arduino, and same "here, it's easy!" I'm not good with TCP/IP and Python in windows, so I've fallen back on my favorite windows language, autoit, to make a simle solution for my boss. I've got an arduino board connected via a serial connection (CommMG.au) working with an AutoIt Script to accept keyboard input for left/right control over a servo which rotates the laptop, but I can't figure out a way to communicate over the internet with an autoit script. Currently I'm thinking if I can access an instant messanging UDF, I could possibly open a chat session between two auto it scripts (one running on the arduino controlled platform, and the other running on a host machine, with an open skype session). Once I have the session open, I could setup a script on the client machine to send a message via the chat session telling the other script what to do. Has this ever been done? am I over-complicating things? I've seen an IRC udf which permitted the sending of messages to a channel, which could be an option, but I didn't see a way to read messages from a channel, If I had that, I could solve my problem pretty easily
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