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Found 7 results

  1. Hello. I have IETable, Get by this code $oTable = _IETableGetCollection ($oIE, 1) $aTableData = _IETableWriteToArray ($oTable) Local Const $iArrayNumberOfCols = UBound($aTableData, $UBOUND_COLUMNS) Local Const $iArrayNumberOfRows = UBound($aTableData, $UBOUND_ROWS) Local $aArraySubstringsRow[$iArrayNumberOfCols] ;~ Local $aExtract = _ArrayExtract ($aTableData, 1, 1, 1, -1) ;~ MsgBox(0, "", $iArrayNumberOfCols) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aExtract) Local Const $iArrayRowIndex = 1 Local $sSubstring For $i = 0 To $iArrayNumberOfCols - 1     $sSubstring = StringLeft($aTableData[$iArrayRowIndex][$i], 2)     $aArraySubstringsRow[$i] = $sSubstring Next _ArrayDisplay($aArraySubstringsRow, "This is a row") and i want to use cell (52, 82, 18, 9,...10) one by one for selecting dropdown box in internet explorer. So, How to show/get/extract cell one by one (in msgbox)?
  2. Yesterday I had to make some little changes to an old Autoit program we use at my work. The program reads some data and convert it to Excel. Before writing the cell, it is changed to text and later on I slap the column with an autofitwidth. Furthermore weI execute a conditional format on the sheet, to make the data more readable. I quickly found out that because of the breaking changes Excel.udf had starting from AutoIt, a lot of things had to been changed. The changes I had to do, only took 10 minutes. After trying to adjust the script for over 5 hours, to get it working with the new Excel.udf, I gave up. I stopped changing the script, uninstalled the my Autoit and went looking for an older version. Luckilly I was able to find Autoit v3.3.8.1 (with corresponding Scite) in my software repository. Installing Autoit V3.3.8.1 and compiling the file, now took me 10 minutes . So why did I not get the old script working with the new Excel.udf? There are several reasons I failed getting the old script working with the new Excel UDF. I had some pressure from management to fix it ASAP (and got a little anxious) Most all resources on the internet point to the working of the old EXcel.UDF And offcourse there were thosing "breaking changes", with new functions using diffrent parameters or using parameters in different order. One of the column's on the sheet is used to store EAN13 (barcode) and was formatted like 1,23E12. I couldn't change the cell to text, also autofitwidt was not working and using conditional formatting was also a no-no. So in the end I could use the new Excel UDF, but not desapointed management. What would I like to ask? I understand that sometimes you want to rewrite a program to make it better. I even understand that one has to make breaking changes sometimes. But in this case because of lacking examples/resources my day went completely down the drain. I would like to ask the Excel.udf developpers to: Make more functions available to do things like changing cell properties easily, changing cell color, do an autofit columnwidth, format data conditionally. Or write an Example using the (new) Excel UDF, making examples how to format a cell, do conditional format, changing cell colors etc. I probably am more of an example guy. Having a good Excel.UDF Example showing a lot of common things normally makes, programming things easy for me. Because I can keep tweaking snippets until I get it working the way I want it. So dear developpers, could you help me and other future user out?
  3. I am a newbie in AutoIt. May I know what is the code used to expand the width and height of excel cells because I want to insert pictures in the cell.I tried AutoFit but that doesnt work as I cant specify for the width and height. Only for column width I could expand by using .ColumnWidth but for the row I am not able to expand the row? How to do?? What is the code used ??Please help me and thank you.
  4. I am a newbie in AutoIt. May I know what is the code used to expand the width and height of excel cells because I want to insert pictures in the cell.I tried AutoFit but that doesnt work as I cant specify for the width and height. Only for column width I could expand by using .ColumnWidth but for the row I am not able to expand the row? How to do?? What is the code used ??Please help me and thank you.
  5. I saw in the Help File, the UDF for managing Excel 2013 and on Windows 7, but I can't manage how can I add silently a specific value in a specific cell in a specific Excel file Pls help me And yes I updated to the last version of Autoit...
  6. Sorry if this is a silly/stupid question, but I was curious how to do this. I am trying to check dates in an excel column to get usage statistics, and the date is formatted like MM/DD/YY. I would like to pull this out as a string, and separate this into 3 variables for month, day, and year to be able to do some basic calculations on. Is there an easy way to do this? Thanks
  7. I've got a tab delimited text file that needs column headers added. As you might be able to see it's for an Amazon Order confirmation File. With my current experience with autoit I figured the best way to make this happen would be to use excel. Only problem is that excel is being a punk and changing my numbers to short hand. The numbers that are being changed are FedEx Tracking numbers like: 064089467117955 End up like this: 6.40895E+13 So i was looking for a better way to do this or a way to prevent my cells from being changed. Here's my Code: FileCopy("Y:\New Folder\HOLDFILEEXPORT.txt", "C:\Amazon\HOLDFILEEXPORT.txt", 1) FileCopy("C:\Amazon\HOLDFILEEXPORT.txt", "C:\Amazon\HOLDFILEEXPORT.xls", 1) $oExcel = _ExcelBookAttach("C:\Amazon\HOLDFILEEXPORT.xls") _ExcelRowInsert($oExcel, 1, 1) Sleep(10) _ExcelWriteCell($oExcel, "order-id", 1, 1) Sleep(10) _ExcelWriteCell($oExcel, "order-item-id", 1, 2) Sleep(10) _ExcelWriteCell($oExcel, "quantity", 1, 3) Sleep(10) _ExcelWriteCell($oExcel, "ship-date", 1, 4) Sleep(10) _ExcelWriteCell($oExcel, "carrier-code", 1, 5) Sleep(10) _ExcelWriteCell($oExcel, "carrier-name", 1, 6) Sleep(10) _ExcelWriteCell($oExcel, "tracking-number", 1, 7) Sleep(10) _ExcelWriteCell($oExcel, "ship-method", 1, 8) Sleep(10) _ExcelBookClose($oExcel)
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