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Found 2 results

  1. Hi folks, I'm using the udf #include <FTPEx.au3> to "download" some files from our zOS (MVS) system via autoit FTP with _FTP_FileGet. The FileGet works, but the codepage is wrong. Special German chars like öäüß are not transfered correctly. Any idea how to set the codepage? Swichting between binary or ascii doesn't solve the problem. Using the ftp command in a cmd.exe window it works like this : quote site sbd=(IBM-273,iso8859-1) Thanks Mega
  2. Non-important short long story: I was facing several troubles when working with a webservice made in PHP and an AutoIt client. The AutoIt client had to send some data to the PHP webservice, then it would get back part of the data (with additional data) back to AutoIt, then send through Json to another webservice and end up in a TV system (huff). As I was using mostly Inet* functions, working with charsets became complicated, as it had to encode, decode, encode... and the mess is done. On the other end I was receiving a completely buggy string with several problems in accentuated characters (note that I live in Brazil, we speak portuguese that contains a lot of accented chars - Ááãç...). I tried and tried mixing utf_encodes and decodes everywhere, in PHP and Javascript. Wouldn't it be easier if I could just force the string to be UTF-8 and screw everything else? So I found toUTF8() PHP function. I've ported toUTF8() function (truly, the whole Encoding class) by Sebastián Grignoli to AutoIt. It offers useful functions to force a string to be in a specified charset in a really easy way. From the readme file: Usage $utf8_string = toUTF8($utf8_or_latin1_or_mixed_string) $latin1_string = toLatin1($utf8_or_latin1_or_mixed_string) Also: $utf8_string = fixUTF8($garbled_utf8_string) fixUTF8() converts the string to UTF-8 repeatedly until make sure it has only UTF-8 valid chars (it's really UTF-8). Example: #include 'forceutf8.au3' MsgBox(0, '', fixUTF8( 'ãé' ) ) Will output: ãé Note that it's just a port. If you look at both the source codes together (PHP and AutoIt), you'll see that they're exactly the same thing, but in different approaches (PHP arrays converted to Scripting.Dictionary objects, function renames, syntax porting, a few functions completely rewritten due to differences between PHP and AutoIt). Therefore, all credits goes to Sebastián Grignol. It seems that it works only with latin/roman alphabet (used by English). Downloads Download ZIP from Github Wanna help? Fork me on Github
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