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Found 2 results

  1. I'm having a hard time trying to set a value in a specific JavaScript textarea... And I think, this is the right time.. Is it possible to set a value in the "Join the discussion…" textarea and simulate the mouse click of the "Post as {USERNAME}" button of the web page that have added a Disqus forum? If they are possible then: How can I set a value in the "Join the discussion…" textarea? And how to simulate the mouse click of the "Post as {USERNAME}" button? Note: Before you can see the "Post as {USERNAME}" button, you must be sign in with Disqus first! This is the (NULL) previous test work that I've done: #include <IE.au3> $oIE = _IECreate("http://professionalserver.tk/php/wp/hello-world/", 0, 1, 1, 0) Sleep(10000) $disqus_thread = $oIE.document.getElementById("disqus_thread") $textarea = $disqus_thread.getElementsByClassName("textarea").innerHTML = "Example Message" _IELinkClickByText($oIE, "Post as") Here is my test blog that have a Disqus thread: http://professionalserver.tk/php/wp/hello-world/ Here is the other web page that have it: http://www.voicesofyouth.org/es/posts/oneminutesjr---syria-my-love- Here is the other one: http://comercioexterior.gob.ec/min-rivadeneira-participo-en-evento-experience-ecuador-love-life-en-dubai/ And also make sure that the script will also work in any page that have a Disqus thread..
  2. Function Reference _GUICtrlInputCueBanner.au3 Creates a cuebanner/placehold (background comment) in the control using Call Back! Sintax: _GuiCtrlInput_SetCueBanner( iCtrlID, "sText", iFrontColor, iBackColor ) _GuiCtrlInput_UnSetCueBanner( iCtrlID ) Supports: ; GUICtrlCreateInput() function! Downloads: Version: 0.9b _GUICtrlInputCueBanner_(RedirectLink).html (Previous downloads: 31) Note: Functions renamed, see fixes below! Works on Windows XP! Usage example is included! Sample: Fixes: Regards, João Carlos.
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