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Found 10 results

  1. Hello, I am trying to convert code from C# to AutoIt. This is the code: byte[] lv_aKey = { 23, 82, 107, 6, 35, 78, 88, 7 }; byte[] lv_aPwd = ToByteArray(password); //--> here I don't know which AutoIt function to use DES des = new DESCryptoServiceProvider(); des.Padding = PaddingMode.None; des.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; ICryptoTransform dec = des.CreateDecryptor(lv_aKey, null); dec.TransformBlock(lv_aPwd, 0, lv_aPwd.Length, response, 0); //<-- here I don't know which AutoIt function to use return System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(response); I am having problems with the crypt functions - can someone point me in the right direction?
  2. Hello again to all, I've searched many times in forum and help file to find AES-256-GCM Algorithm for Crypt\Decrypt strings and files but i did not find anything about GCM Algorithm. Do you have any idea for solving this issue?
  3. Hello. I'm french, sorry for my english. I release my project, a password manager : Password Keeper First I would like to thanks Guinness and Melba23 for their help, and I'm very sorry for those I forget, please remind me to add you. Well my program manage and crypt passwords, first I understand if you don't trust me for this kind of sensible software, but I remember you that all the the source files are at your disposal, fell free to explore them. The login is : admin and you can change it later How it work ? see Methode de cryptage en BDD.pdf in french login The main interface You can obviously add,modify and delete your entry, also you can search with keywords A password generator is included I won't update it anymore. It's a BSD license. Autoit version : Have a good day. Methode de cryptage en BDD.pdf Passwordkeeper.7z
  4. Here is an other UDF for string handling : Date handling _StringDateConvert: convert a date from one format ("YMD", "MDY" or "DMY") to another. _StringIsDate: checks if a date with a given format is valid String management _StringCount: count of occurrences that appear in a string _StringFormatBytesSize: formatting a dimension expressed in bytes (bytes) in MB, TB, ...) _StringIsEndingWith: check if a string end with some characters _StringIsStartingWith: check if a string start with some characters _StringJoinArray: concatenate elements of an array to rebuild a string _StringPadLeft: filling a string with characters on the left _StringPadRight: fill a string with characters on the right _StringRemoveFrenchAccent: remove french accent _StringRemoveChars: deleting characters from a string _StringStrip: eliminate characters at the begin and/or at the end of a string _StringTitleCaseFrench: capitalize the first letter of each word with elimination of french accents _StringWSClean: simple replacement of "White Spaces", remove beginning and trailing spaces and multiple spaces removal Any comments, suggestions for improvement or constructive criticism are welcome. Below you will find the UDF and a demo program. JPD_String.zip
  5. Hello, I'm having trouble whit a scipt what I'm building where this is a snippit from, and hope somebody can help me whit. The problem lies in when i push the "add" button i want to check if the "user" already exists. But the search code i build founds 2 hits when i know there is only 1 hit. does somebody knows what I'm doing wrong? thanks in advance. Ps. if somebody knows " if i found the right user how can i rewrite the password for him/her? " an answer to that will be most appriciated #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <AutoItConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIFiles.au3> #include <File.au3> #Include <Timers.au3> #include <Crypt.au3> #include <GuiEdit.au3> $Form1 = GUICreate("Pie", 170, 235, 190, 200) local $usernames[0] local $passwords[0] global $selectuser = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 21, 95, 130, 20) $addusername = GUICtrlCreateButton("Add", 21, 170, 130, 30) $usernamefield = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 21, 120, 130, 20) $passwordfield = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 21, 145, 130, 20, 0x0020) func encrypt() Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen("data.srmt", $FO_APPEND) if guictrlread($usernamefield) <> "" then ;~ local $encryptedusername = string(guictrlread($usernamefield)) ;~ local $encryptedpassword = string(guictrlread($passwordfield)) local $encryptedusername = string(_Crypt_EncryptData(guictrlread($usernamefield), "P14h735536jk3fvvbg", $CALG_AES_128)) local $encryptedpassword = string(_Crypt_EncryptData(guictrlread($passwordfield ), "P14h735536jk3fvvbg", $CALG_AES_128)) Local $iCheck_hit = False ConsoleWrite (@CRLF & "##############################################"& @CRLF) if ubound($usernames)> 0 then for $i = 0 to ubound($usernames)-1 If guictrlread($usernamefield) = $usernames[$i] Then $iCheck_hit = True ConsoleWrite ( "Found! "& @CRLF & $usernames[$i] & " = " & guictrlread($usernamefield) & @CRLF & "i = " & $i & @CRLF & @CRLF) ;~ Else ;~ ConsoleWrite ( "No! "& @CRLF & $usernames[$i] & " = " & guictrlread($usernamefield) & @CRLF & "i = " & $i & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndIf next EndIf ConsoleWrite ( "##############################################"& @CRLF) If $iCheck_hit = False Then FileWrite($hFileOpen, $encryptedusername & @CRLF) FileWrite($hFileOpen, $encryptedpassword & @CRLF) EndIf EndIf FileClose($hFileOpen) EndFunc func decrypt() Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen("data.srmt", $FO_READ) ;~ consolewrite(_FileCountLines("data.srmt") & " lines in the file" & @CRLF) for $i = 1 to _FileCountLines("data.srmt")/2 local $encryptedusername = FileReadLine($hFileOpen) local $encryptedpassword = FileReadLine($hFileOpen) ;~ consolewrite($encryptedusername & @CRLF) ;~ consolewrite($encryptedpassword & @CRLF) ;~ _ArrayAdd($usernames, FileReadLine($hFileOpen)) ;~ _ArrayAdd($passwords, FileReadLine($hFileOpen)) _ArrayAdd($usernames, binarytostring(_Crypt_DecryptData(binary($encryptedusername), "P14h735536jk3fvvbg", $CALG_AES_128))) _ArrayAdd($passwords, binarytostring(_Crypt_DecryptData(binary($encryptedpassword), "P14h735536jk3fvvbg", $CALG_AES_128))) Next FileClose($hFileOpen) ;~ consolewrite(ubound($usernames) & " entries in array") ;~ _arraydisplay($usernames) if ubound($userNames)> 0 then for $i = 0 to ubound($usernames)-1 GUICtrlSetData($selectuser, $usernames[$i]) next EndIf endfunc func updatecomboandinfo() if not GUICtrlRead($usernamefield) = "" Then _ArrayAdd($usernames, GUICtrlRead($usernamefield)) _ArrayAdd($passwords, GUICtrlRead($passwordfield)) GUICtrlSetData($selectuser, $usernames[UBound($usernames)-1]) EndIf EndFunc decrypt() GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While True $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $addusername updatecomboandinfo() encrypt() GUICtrlSetData($usernamefield, "") GUICtrlSetData($passwordfield, "") Case $selectuser if ubound($usernames)> 0 then for $i = 0 to ubound($usernames)-1 ;~ msg( "error",$array_decrypted_usernames[$i]) If $usernames[$i] = GUICtrlRead($selectuser) Then GUICtrlSetData($usernamefield, $usernames[$i]) GUICtrlSetData($passwordfield, $passwords[$i]) consolewrite("YES " & $i & " = " & $usernames[$i] & " | ctr = " & GUICtrlRead($selectuser) & @CRLF) Else ;~ msg( "error",$array_decrypted_usernames[$i]) consolewrite("NO " & $i & " = " & $usernames[$i] & " | ctr = " & GUICtrlRead($selectuser) & @CRLF) EndIf next EndIf EndSwitch WEnd
  6. Good morning, I currently have a little application that I have used the Crypt.au3 include to provide a basic form of encryption. I have a little GUI which prompts the user to enter their passwords, this is then encrypted and written to a text file in its encrypted form. When this user/password is required the code decrypts it and uses it on the fly. The way I am currently doing this is by using a passkey or master key withing the script itself to decrypt/encrypt. This is the bit that concerns me as of course this isn't very secure. Initially this didn't matter to me as what I'd created was much better than previous plain sight passwords in batch files etc however now I'd like to find a way of improving the security. Would anyone be able to offer any insight or other techniques/3rd party app integration etc to assist with my problem?
  7. How secure is: _Crypt_EncryptFile _Crypt_DecryptFileI understand the strength of encryption is mainly down to the algorithm and password, but I’m not referring to either of these, I am looking to find out how strong the code behind crypt it. I have noticed when encrypting a file, it uses a “.tmp” file while encrypting. In my experience a “.tmp” file is temporary and is deleted after use. But does this file contain any data that is related to the file being encrypted, or worse the password itself. Even though the file is deleted, it could possibly be recovered with a tool like: https://www.piriform.com/recuva. I'm not quite sure if this is a potential security threat, and if anyone could say if it is or not then that would be much appreciated.
  8. You're going to need Beege's Base64 UDF and Ward's AES UDF. Beege's Base64 UDF - Base64.au3 Original Thread: https://goo.gl/H1QqEG Ward's AES UDF - AES.au3 Original Thread: https://goo.gl/zQdASR Ward's UDF is amazing, but I felt the need to make a few "Helper" functions to make things easier. _Encrypt() and _Decrypt(), accepting 1 parameter and using a randomly generated IV for encryption, making the end encryption string dynamic and never the same. It pulls the IV from the first 16 characters of an encrypted string for the _Decrypt() routine. EncryptionExample.au3 Now for the PHP goodies! First, we have a required include Encryption.php which was compiled by me. And, finally, an example of the PHP side of things. EncryptionExample.php /EncryptionExample.php?Action=Decrypt&Text=W4NAKRzuuTOfl9pAE8kSUgMYcuosvbUy58GR9w46U8w= Should output something like this:
  9. Is there a way to mantain "compatibility" between the old and the new (last versions of Autoit) encryption methods ? I have a client - server system in autoit and I want to encrypt a string with the new functions, and to decrypt with the old functions (in old exe's). I made some tests with various crypt algoritms of the new functions VS the old StringDecrypt but with no luck. Any help appreciated.
  10. Hi everybody! Here is my new super tool! It's an AutoItObject TCP Class! Very simple to use, with example and complet decumentation (Made with NaturalDocs) There are two classes: Client, and Server. - The data are encrypted! - The server can handle multiple clients - Data buffering, if you send a big amount of data, it will received as it was sent, not as many little parts of it - OOP programing! (very simple!) PS: You don't need to download AutoItObject, everything you need is in the zip. Update: 03/11/2011 +: Added, -: Deleted/Deprecated, *: Modified, !: Bug corrected === 1.1c === (30/10/2011) Server: +: ClientGetBufferLen method +: Completed doc of ClientPropertyGet and ClientPropertySet methods (Return values) *: Now, when calling .Shutdown, the Callback_LostClient is called for each client. !: Corrected bug: Script error when calling .DisconnectAll befor calling at least one time .Startup (Main socket array was not dimensioned)UDF_TCPClass.rar
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