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  1. Hello everyone, I have several signals on the screen that need to be monitored while a program is running. These signals are scattered around an image which is maximized on 4 equal resolution screens - the AutoIT Window Info does not recognize any objects on the program meaning that I'm left with the PixelSearch() and PixelCheckSum() functions to monitor the signals: The signals are as small as a 5x5 pixel area and their coordinates are known. I've been digging around for a while now in this forum about the PixelSearch() and PixelCheckSum() and found some interesting and useful ideas for the use of them. I also came across some other UDF functions like MultiMon(), FastFind(), TtColXY() and the ImageSearch2015 scripts that might be useful for the final output. I don't know if hovering the mouse by using TtColXY() and output its ToolTip() information onto the log file will be faster than using PixelSearch() and/or PixelCheckSum() in a loop for all signals' coordinates. The colours of the signals are below: red - 0x00FF00 (opaque red) green - 0x00FF00 (opaque green) yellow - 0xFFFF00 (opaque yellow) black - 0x000000 (opaque black, default colour) EDIT: The desired output is to monitor and record/log the changes and status of each inside a .txt file or a .csv with the below format: Local Machine Time Signal, Change, delta-t 14:32:07 Signal1 Green - Yellow DELTA-t1 14:34:02 Signal1 Yellow - Red DELTA-t1 14:35:14 Signal2 Yellow - Red DELTA-t2 ... Below is the code I came up with. #include <AutoItConstants.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <misc.au3> #include <Date.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <ScreenCapture.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <WinAPIHObj.au3> Global $program_name, $program_open, $Wname, $tCurrent Global $button_xy[2] = [150, 175] Global $iniColour, $ColourCheck, $NewCheck Global $Red, $Green, $Blue, $Nil Global $sFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\Signals_status.txt" Global $SignalID[10] = ["Signal_1", "Signal_2", "Signal_3", "Signal_4", "Signal_5", "Signal_6", "Signal_7", "Signal_8", "Signal_9", "Signal_10"] $program_name = "Signals.exe" $Wname = "Training Task 3" $program_open = ShellExecute($program_name, @ScriptDir) WinWait($Wname) $iniColour = "0x" & Hex(PixelGetColor($button_xy[0], $button_xy[1]), 6) ;~ $iniChecksum = "0x" & Hex(PixelChecksum($button_xy[0], $button_xy[0] - 5, $button_xy[1], $button_xy[1] + 5), 6) $ColourCheck = "0x" & Hex(PixelChecksum($button_xy[0], $button_xy[0] - 5, $button_xy[1], $button_xy[1] + 5, 1, $Wname), 6) ConsoleWrite(_ColourID($iniColour) & " // " & _ColourID($ColourCheck) & @CRLF) ;~ $ColourCheck = "0x " & Hex(PixelGetColor($button_xy[0], $button_xy[1]), 6) $iniColour = $ColourCheck ;$iniChecksum = $currentCheck Do ;~ While 1 _WindowOnTop() _Close_Notepad() $NewCheck = "0x" & Hex(PixelChecksum($button_xy[0], $button_xy[0] - 5, $button_xy[1], $button_xy[1] + 5, 1, $Wname), 6) $tCurrent = _NowCalc() $LogFile = FileOpen($sFilePath, 2) FileWriteLine($LogFile, "Local Machine Time " & "Signal, " & "Change, " & "delta-t") ;~ $ColourCheck = "0x" & Hex(PixelChecksum($button_xy[0], $button_xy[0] - 5, $button_xy[1], $button_xy[1] + 5, 1, $Wname), 6) If $ColourCheck <> $NewCheck Then ;If there's a colour change from the current colour $ColourCheck = $NewCheck Local $tChange, $NewCheckID, $ColourCheckID, $sLogMsg $tChange = _NowCalc() ConsoleWrite("Colour changed!" & @CRLF) $ColourCheckID = _ColourID($ColourCheck) $NewCheckID = _ColourID($NewCheck) $iTimeDiffh = _DateDiff('h', $tChange, $tCurrent) ; time difference in hours $iTimeDiffm = _DateDiff('n', $tChange, $tCurrent) ; time difference in minutes $iTimeDiffs = _DateDiff('s', $tChange, $tCurrent) ; time difference in seconds $durationCheckSum = $iTimeDiffh & ":" & $iTimeDiffm & ":" & $iTimeDiffs ; Timestamp of the signal until PixelCheckSum $sLogMsg = " " & $SignalID[0] & " " & $ColourCheckID & " - " & $NewCheckID & " " & $durationCheckSum _FileWriteLog($LogFile, $sLogMsg) ElseIf $ColourCheck = $NewCheck Then Local $Colour_check = _ColourID("0x" & Hex(PixelChecksum($button_xy[0], $button_xy[0] - 5, $button_xy[1], $button_xy[1] + 5, 1, $Wname), 6)) ConsoleWrite($tCurrent & " " & $Colour_check & @CRLF) EndIf FileClose($sFilePath) Until Not ProcessExists($program_name) And Not WinExists($Wname) _IsProgramOpen() Func _Close_Notepad() $notepad_open = ProcessExists("notepad.exe") ? ProcessClose("notepad.exe") : ProcessClose("notepad.exe") $notepad_open = WinActive("[CLASS:Notepad]") ? WinClose("[CLASS:Notepad]") : ProcessClose("notepad.exe") EndFunc ;==>_Close_Notepad Func _ColourID($sColour) $Red = Int("0x" & StringRegExpReplace($sColour, "(..)(..)(..)(..)", "\2")) $Green = Int("0x" & StringRegExpReplace($sColour, "(..)(..)(..)(..)", "\3")) $Blue = Int("0x" & StringRegExpReplace($sColour, "(..)(..)(..)(..)", "\4")) If $Green > $Blue And $Red > $Blue And $Green >= 0xB0 And $Red >= 0xB0 Then $sCol = "Yellow" ElseIf $Blue > 0xE0 And $Green > 0xE0 And $Red > 0xE0 Then $sCol = "White" ElseIf $Blue > 0x50 And $Blue = $Green And $Blue = $Red Then $sCol = "Grey" ElseIf $Red > $Green And $Red > $Blue And $Red > 0x70 Then $sCol = "Red" ElseIf $Green > $Red And $Green >= $Blue And $Green > 0x70 Then $sCol = "Green" ElseIf $Blue > $Red And $Blue > $Green And $Blue > 0x70 Then $sCol = "Blue" Else $sCol = "Nil" EndIf Return $sCol EndFunc ;==>_ColourID Func _WindowOnTop() WinActivate($Wname) WinSetOnTop($Wname, "", $WINDOWS_ONTOP) Opt("MouseCoordMode", 0) EndFunc ;==>_WindowOnTop Func _IsProgramOpen() If Not ProcessExists($program_name) And Not WinExists($Wname) Then Break(1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_IsProgramOpen When the program is running, the window opens in the centre of the screen however, the PixelChecksum function is not looking at the correct area. In addition: 1 - I'm not sure about how to put the message into the log file. 2 - I tested this script but it is not recording the message into the log file. 3 - Is there other way to calculate the duration in these lines? $iTimeDiffh = _DateDiff('h', $tChange, $tCurrent) ; time difference in hours $iTimeDiffm = _DateDiff('n', $tChange, $tCurrent) ; time difference in minutes $iTimeDiffs = _DateDiff('s', $tChange, $tCurrent) ; time difference in seconds $durationCheckSum = $iTimeDiffh & ":" & $iTimeDiffm & ":" & $iTimeDiffs ; Timestamp of the signal until PixelCheckSum $sLogMsg = " " & $SignalID[0] & " " & $ColourCheckID & " - " & $NewCheckID & " " & $durationCheckSum _FileWriteLog($LogFile, $sLogMsg) Thanks in advance!
  2. Hey. Is there anything that does the same thing as this? Namely I'm talking about detecting when something has changed on screen. The FastFind library is crashing without any errors after running: FFSnapShot($left, $top, $right, $bottom, 0) FFSnapShot($left, $top, $right, $bottom, 1) $diff = FFLocalizeChanges(0, 1) And then trying to overwritite the old snapshot (0 or 1). If I use always different snapshot numbers its using too much memory and will eventually crash my pc. I tried downloading older versions but they're not working and the author is inactive. It takes 2 snapshots and compares them returning the area that has changed very quickly (left, top, right ,bottom). Can anyone help me do this? Looping PixelGetColor would require a bunch of extra code to my purpose and its not as efficient... Thanks
  3. I have loaded FastFind into my code and it takes a snapshot and creates a BMP file from it. My issue is now I want to imagesearch from that BMP file (or snapshot memory) and look for a specific image from that image and get the coordinates from that. I have looked at all the documentation but I cannot find anything to assist me. Does anyone have any idea?
  4. Hello, I am using the addon-library of FastFind.au3 found here : The script I've put together is rather simple but it's returning a value that I don't understand. #include "FastFind.au3" #Include <WinAPI.au3> #RequireAdmin WinActivate ("ABC Window") Local $xyzWindow = WinGetHandle ("ABC Window") Local $triangleSpot = FFSnapShot (212, 216, 214, 218, 1, $xyzWindow) ConsoleWrite ($triangleSpot&@CR) Local $triangleData = FFGetRawData (1) Local $splitTriangleData = StringSplit ($triangleData, "00") Local $iMax If isArray ($splitTriangleData) Then $iMax = Ubound ($splitTriangleData) ConsoleWrite ($iMax) EndIf So here's the question... If the area I have selected is a total of 4 pixels , why is the UBound return value 26? I thought that maybe it was getting values for the 4 along with the surrounding pixels bordering the selected area, even still , it should provide only 16 values(or so I thought). I feel that there is a bit of pixel data or something that I am not fully understanding. If anyone could please provide materials on what is happening I'd really appreciate it. Thank you for your time! -Reiz PS : I used terms like "triangleSpot" and such because in the actual window there is a small triangle icon that I am trying to gain the pixel data of to then search for others like it on the page. I understand the area that I am selecting is a square/rectangle and not a triangle.
  5. So i was in need of this custom udf Fastfind Melba23 showed me this great article on AutoIt wiki..http://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/Adding_UDFs_to_AutoIt_and_SciTE and i think i did like it said.. mostly anyway.. I downloaded and unzipped FastFind and placed all files in a new Folder i created in the AutoIt3 Folder The files i placed in the new Folder: <-- Named it FastFind Benchmark.au3 FastFind.au3 FastFind.dll FastFind_Demo.au3 FastFind.dll I think the Benchmark and FastFind_Demo are just examples.. But i don't think they will Hurt by being in there ? They don't have any Dll to them.. and Even though i am not shure about it.. i think you need the dll to include and call the Custom Files from that folder. Correct me if i am wrong So after placing the files in the new Folder, i started SciTE --> SciTE Config --> User Include Dir: C:Program Files (x86)AutoIt3FastFind Save+Apply So can i now #include <fastfind.au3> ? and you the build in functions? I have not tried this yet because i dont know how to use the custom UDF "syntax?"
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