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Found 6 results

  1. I am going through the AutoIt Wiki and soaking up a lot of great information. On the “Best Coding Practices” page at https://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/Best_coding_practices#Scopes_of_Variables there seems to be a minor detail missing. In the “Variable Initialization” section at https://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/Best_coding_practices#Variable_Initialization , there are references to a data type $o, but in the table listing prefixes and their data types, there does not appear to be a prefix “o”. I assume that this is for Object?
  2. If you are asking your self: How can I debug my script ? Then visit: https://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/FAQ#How_can_I_debug_my_script.3F If you already were there, so visit again as was edited today. Regards, mLipok
  3. I was trying to play around with ADO this AM. I was using the Wiki example but for some reason I can't get it to work. The symptom is that the while loop just keeps going and does not produce any data from the queries, just the consolewrite lines. I searched the forum and saw some chatter from last year about ADO breaking changes but @water had commented that the Wiki example was not impacted. I am figuring it must be operator error on my side but I wanted to ask all the same just to be sure. Any guidance would be appreciated.
  4. Hi everyone, Perhaps, if you have a spare moment, you might like to take a look at >Wiki Examples Challenge Part 2 in the Developer Chat section, and do AutoIt and the contestants a favor, by examining the six Examples and casting a vote for one of them. That would be really appreciated. P.S. Jos, ETC, Melba23 - I hope you don't mind me posting this here and in General Help as well?
  5. Where to post issues about wiki content ? Is there (on the forum) any special thread for such posts ? I'am refering to: #2728 and another my own found: Here is a link: Why isn't my thread getting any replies? to content that is not publicly available. EDIT: sorry I want to post in GHaS Forum
  6. So i was in need of this custom udf Fastfind Melba23 showed me this great article on AutoIt wiki..http://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/Adding_UDFs_to_AutoIt_and_SciTE and i think i did like it said.. mostly anyway.. I downloaded and unzipped FastFind and placed all files in a new Folder i created in the AutoIt3 Folder The files i placed in the new Folder: <-- Named it FastFind Benchmark.au3 FastFind.au3 FastFind.dll FastFind_Demo.au3 FastFind.dll I think the Benchmark and FastFind_Demo are just examples.. But i don't think they will Hurt by being in there ? They don't have any Dll to them.. and Even though i am not shure about it.. i think you need the dll to include and call the Custom Files from that folder. Correct me if i am wrong So after placing the files in the new Folder, i started SciTE --> SciTE Config --> User Include Dir: C:Program Files (x86)AutoIt3FastFind Save+Apply So can i now #include <fastfind.au3> ? and you the build in functions? I have not tried this yet because i dont know how to use the custom UDF "syntax?"
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