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  1. Version 2021.8.30.2


    Use MouseClick() need: #RequireAdmin Dll is already integrated in UDF ! ; #INDEX# =============================================================== ; Title .........: ImageSearch ; AutoIt Version : 3.x ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Check image Appears or Not and Return the position of an image on the desktop ; Author(s) .....: Dao Van Trong - TRONG.LIVE ; ======================================================================= ; #CURRENT# ============================================================= ; _ImageSearch ; _ImageSearch_Area ; _ImageSearch_Wait ; _ImageSearch_WaitArea ; ======================================================================== ;========================================================================= ; ; Author:...........: AutoIT VietNam : Dao Van Trong - TRONG.LIVE ; Description:......: Check image Appears or Not ; Find and return the position of an image on the desktop ; Syntax:........... _ImageSearch_Area, _ImageSearch ; Parameter(s):..... $_ImagePath: The image to locate on the desktop ; May be a list of image by delimited by "|" ; i.e: $_ImagePath = "image1.bmp|image2.bmp|image3.bmp" ; $P_x1 $P_y1: Position of 1st point ; $P_x2 $P_y2: Position of 2nd point - Default is last botton right of desktop ; $_Tolerance: 0 for no tolerance (0-255). Needed when colors of image differ from desktop. e.g GIF ; $_CenterPos: boolen. True will return $array[1] x $array[2] is center of image found. ; False will return top-left position ; Return Value(s):.. Return an array has 3 item ; On Success: $array[0] 1 ; On Failure: $array[0] 0 ; DLL not found or other error: $array[0] -1 ; $array[1] x $array[2]: position of image what found on desktop ; ; Note:............. Use _ImageSearch to search the entire desktop ; _ImageSearch_Area to specify a desktop region to search ; $_ImagePath with more item need more time appear on screen before function can detect. ; Decrease sleep time in the loop to detect faster. But less performance. I.e CPULoad increased ; ;======================================================================== EG 1: ;~ Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ;~ #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y ;~ #AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI=y #RequireAdmin #include "_ImageSearch_UDF.au3" HotKeySet("{Esc}", "_Exit") ; Press ESC for exit Func _Exit() Exit 0 EndFunc ;==>_Exit Global Const $Ask_On_Found = 0 Global Const $Mouse_Move_On_Found = 1 Global Const $Mouse_Click_On_Found = 0 Global Const $iSleep_Time=500 Global $sCount = 0, $_Image_1 = @ScriptDir & "\example.bmp" ; First, use this function to create a file bmp, maybe a desktop icon for example') MsgBox(64 + 262144, 'ImageSearch', 'At first, create a file bmp,' & @CRLF & 'photos that will search on the screen!') _ImageSearch_Create_BMP($_Image_1) ConsoleWrite("! Search for images: " & $_Image_1 & @CRLF & '! Searching on the screen ...' & @CRLF) While 1 ToolTip('(Press ESC for EXIT) Searching ...', 1, 1) Sleep($iSleep_Time) $sCount += 1 Local $return = _ImageSearch($_Image_1) If $return[0] = 1 Then ConsoleWrite('- [' & $sCount & '] Image found:' & " X=" & $return[1] & " Y=" & $return[2] & @CRLF) If $Mouse_Move_On_Found Then MouseMove($return[1], $return[2]) Sleep($iSleep_Time) EndIf If $Mouse_Click_On_Found Then MouseClick("left", $return[1], $return[2]) ToolTip('(Press ESC for EXIT) - [' & $sCount & "] Image found:" & " X=" & $return[1] & " Y=" & $return[2], 1, 1) If $Ask_On_Found Then Local $ask = MsgBox(6 + 262144, 'Success [' & $sCount & ']', 'Image found:' & " X=" & $return[1] & " Y=" & $return[2]) If $ask = 2 Or $ask = 3 Or $ask = 5 Or $ask = 7 Then Exit ;No, Abort, Cancel, and Ignore If $ask = 10 Then _ImageSearch_Create_BMP($_Image_1) ; Continue ;Try Again EndIf EndIf Sleep(200) WEnd Video demo: [+] When any problem or error occurs, please make sure that:- Downloaded and used the latest version.- Set screen Screen Scale and layout = 100%- Installed display driver.- Tried turning off the antivirus- Full installation: Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2005->2022 [+] You can download the AIO version of the Visual C++ Redistributable here: -> https://www.mediafire.com/file/0ak8dcj9mdn7nyq/VisualCppRedist_AIO_2005-2022_x86_x64_%5Btrong.live%5D.zip/file -> FOR Windows XP: https://www.mediafire.com/file/5m5lnr1kfg73tc9/VisualCppRedist_AIO_2005-2019_x86_XP_%5Btrong.live%5D.zip/file <!> Password for Extract: trong.live [+] The last full version of SCITE4AutoIT supports windows XP: https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite/download/archive/v19.1127.1402.0-SciTE4AutoIt3.exe
  2. Hello there, I am currently using ImageSearch UDF Version 2021.8.30.1, AutoIt on a Windows 11 machine. With the code shown below, I am able to move my mouse to the picture I search "picture.bmp" without a problem. If I start the script again with no changes in the script, it will not find the same picture again until, I restart the PC or re open the window with the picture in it. I want to search the picture x times and sometimes twice in a row. I thought about a cache problem, but didn't found any topics about that. Any ideas? I am using AutoIt not for the first time but I am still a beginner, go easy on me 🙌 Local $_Image_1 = @ScriptDir & "\images\picture.bmp" Local $return = _ImageSearch($_Image_1) If $return[0] = 1 Then         $return[0] = 0         MouseMove($return[1], $return[2])     EndIf
  3. All my scripts were working fine and now I am getting this error. How do I resolve it? Which folder(s) do the DLLs need to be in? ! Dll not found or Call Dll error !
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