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  1. Test instructions are easy. 1. Run the following code in post #46 2. Click the advanced tab 3. Select a start date and an end date 4. Put a tick in the checkbox where it says 'Include Days Of The Week' 5. Click the Okay button You should get an array with a column of dates in your local format and a second column with day names in your language. It has a current range limit of just under 89 years but this range can appear anywhere between the years 1601 and 9999. The code is untidy and unfinished, but I would still like to know if it works outside the UK. No extra includes are needed. If it works in China, that would make me happy. Latest version in post #46 https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/184849-please-test-this-in-your-language-region/?do=findComment&comment=1327947 #include <Array.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GuiEdit.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <GuiTab.au3> #include <Date.au3> #include <APILocaleConstants.au3> #include <WinAPILocale.au3> ;#include <ArrayWorkshop.au3> ; required functions are already included in this demo NewTable() Func NewTable(); ($hParent, $idListView, $hListView) ; [missing parent window] Local $sTitle = "New Table", _ $iStyle = BitOR($WS_CAPTION, $WS_POPUP, $WS_SYSMENU), _ $iExStyle = BitOR($WS_EX_MDICHILD, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_TOPMOST), _ $iWidth = 250, _ $iHeight = 292 Local $hChild = GUICreate($sTitle, $iWidth, $iHeight, Default + 100, Default + 100); , $iStyle, $iExStyle, $hParent) Local $idTab = GUICtrlCreateTab(2, 2, $iWidth -2, $iHeight -32) GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Standard") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Table Dimensions", 14, 35, 120, 20) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x008000) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Number Of Columns", 14, 60, 94, 18) Local $hStandardCols = GUICtrlCreateInput("0", 104 +14, 55, 50, 20, BitOR($WS_TABSTOP, $ES_CENTER, $ES_NUMBER)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Number Of Rows", 14, 83, 90, 18) Local $hStandardRows = GUICtrlCreateInput("0", 104 +14, 81, 50, 20, BitOR($WS_TABSTOP, $ES_CENTER, $ES_NUMBER)) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Table Indices", 14, 114, 120, 20) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x008000) Local $hIndices = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(" Enumerate First Column", 14, 137, 160, 20) ; REMEMBER YES, SETTINGS NO Local $hPadding = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(" Include Leading Zeros", 14, 161, 124, 20) ; REMEMBER YES, SETTINGS NO GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Advanced") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Column 1 = Date Range", 14, 35, 120, 20) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x008000) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Start Date", 14, 35 +20, 100, 20) Local $idDate1 = GUICtrlCreateDate("", 14, 56 +20, 105, 20, $WS_TABSTOP) GUICtrlCreateLabel("End Date", $iWidth - 118, 35 +20, 100, 20) Local $idDate2 = GUICtrlCreateDate("", $iWidth - 118, 56 +20, 105, 20, BitOR($WS_TABSTOP, $DTS_RIGHTALIGN)) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Column 2 = Days Of The Week (Optional)", 14, 108, 220, 20) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x008000) Local $hCheckBox = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(" Include Days Of The Week ", 14, 128, 190, 20) ; REMEMBER YES, SETTINGS NO Local $hRadio1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio(" Use Short Name", 14, 151) Local $hRadio2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio(" Use Long Name", $iWidth - 118, 151) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($hRadio1, $GUI_DISABLE) ; check settings later GUICtrlSetState($hRadio2, $GUI_DISABLE) ; check settings later GUICtrlCreateLabel("Add More Columns", 14, 181, 222, 20) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x008000) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Total Number Of Columns", 14, 182 +23, 129, 18) Local $hColNum = GUICtrlCreateInput("1", 130 +14, 182 +21, 50, 20, BitOR($WS_TABSTOP, $ES_CENTER, $ES_NUMBER)) ; REMEMBER YES, SETTINGS NO GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10) GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") ; end tabitem definition Local $hCancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", $iWidth -143, $iHeight -25, 66, 20) Local $hOkay = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", $iWidth -69, $iHeight -25, 66, 20) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) Local $msg2, $bDisable = True, $iMaxFields = 65000, $bStandardError = False, $iRows = 0, $iCols = 0, _ $sMonitorAdv = GUICtrlRead($idDate1) & GUICtrlRead($idDate2) & GUICtrlRead($hColNum), $sDate1, $sDate2, $sColsAdv, $iDiff, $bErrorAdv = False While 1 $msg2 = GUIGetMsg() If $msg2 = $hCancel Or $msg2 = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($hCheckBox), $GUI_CHECKED) == $GUI_CHECKED Then If $bDisable Then GUICtrlSetState($hRadio1, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($hRadio2, $GUI_ENABLE) $bDisable = False EndIf ElseIf Not $bDisable Then GUICtrlSetState($hRadio1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($hRadio2, $GUI_DISABLE) $bDisable = True EndIf $sDate1 = GUICtrlRead($idDate1) $sDate2 = GUICtrlRead($idDate2) $sColsAdv = GUICtrlRead($hColNum) If $sDate1 & $sDate2 & $sColsAdv <> $sMonitorAdv Then $iDiff = DateRange(LocaleDateToYMD($sDate1), LocaleDateToYMD($sDate2)) ; _DateDiff() is too limited If $iDiff * $sColsAdv > $iMaxFields Then If Not $bErrorAdv Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($hColNum, 0xFFA090) $bErrorAdv = True EndIf ElseIf $bErrorAdv Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($hColNum, 0xFFFFFF) $bErrorAdv = False EndIf $sMonitorAdv = $sDate1 & $sDate2 & $sColsAdv EndIf $iCols = GUICtrlRead($hStandardCols) $iRows = GUICtrlRead($hStandardRows) If Not $iRows Then GUICtrlSetData($hStandardRows, 0) If Not $iCols Then GUICtrlSetData($hStandardCols, 0) If ControlGetFocus($hChild) <> "Edit2" And StringRegExp($iRows, '\A0+[1-9]') Then GUICtrlSetData($hStandardRows, StringRegExpReplace($iRows, '(\A0+)([1-9])(\d+)*', '$2$3')) If ControlGetFocus($hChild) <> "Edit1" And StringRegExp($iCols, '\A0+[1-9]') Then GUICtrlSetData($hStandardCols, StringRegExpReplace($iCols, '(\A0+)([1-9])(\d+)*', '$2$3')) If $iRows > $iMaxFields Or $iCols > $iMaxFields Or GUICtrlRead($hStandardRows) * GUICtrlRead($hStandardCols) > $iMaxFields Then If Not $bStandardError Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($hStandardRows, 0xFFA090) GUICtrlSetBkColor($hStandardCols, 0xFFA090) $bStandardError = True EndIf ElseIf $bStandardError Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($hStandardRows, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor($hStandardCols, 0xFFFFFF) $bStandardError = False EndIf $iCols = GUICtrlRead($hColNum) If ControlGetFocus($hChild) <> "Edit3" And StringRegExp($iCols, '\A0+[1-9]') Then GUICtrlSetData($hColNum, StringRegExpReplace($iCols, '(\A0+)([1-9])(\d+)*', '$2$3')) $iCols = GUICtrlRead($hColNum) If $iCols < 1 Then If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($hCheckBox), $GUI_CHECKED) == $GUI_CHECKED And ControlGetFocus($hChild) <> "Edit3" Then GUICtrlSetData($hColNum, 2) Else GUICtrlSetData($hColNum, 1) EndIf If ControlGetFocus($hChild) = "Edit3" Then _GUICtrlEdit_SetSel($hColNum, 0, -1) EndIf If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($hCheckBox), $GUI_CHECKED) == $GUI_CHECKED Then If $iCols < 2 And ControlGetFocus($hChild) <> "Edit3" Then If ControlGetFocus($hChild) = "Button3" Then While _IsPressed('01') Sleep(20) WEnd EndIf If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($hCheckBox), $GUI_CHECKED) == $GUI_CHECKED Then GUICtrlSetData($hColNum, 2) Else GUICtrlSetData($hColNum, 1) EndIf EndIf Else If $iCols < 1 Then GUICtrlSetData($hColNum, 1) If ControlGetFocus($hChild) = "Edit3" Then _GUICtrlEdit_SetSel($hColNum, 0, -1) EndIf EndIf If $msg2 = $hOkay Then If $bErrorAdv Then MsgBox(262160, "uh-uh!", "Out of Range") ContinueLoop EndIf Local $sDelim = '-' ; read from settings ??? [maybe] If _GUICtrlTab_GetCurFocus($idTab) = 1 Then Local $iName, $sFormat = Default ; read from settings [ini] If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($hCheckBox), $GUI_CHECKED) == $GUI_CHECKED Then $iName = (BitAND(GUICtrlRead($hRadio1), $GUI_CHECKED) == $GUI_CHECKED) ? 3 : 2 Else $iName = -1 EndIf ; $sStartDate, $sStopDate, $sDelim = Default, $sFormat = Default, $iDayName = -1) GetDateArray(GUICtrlRead($idDate1), GUICtrlRead($idDate2), $sDelim, $sFormat, $iName) ; US [, '$3-$5-$1']) EndIf EndIf WEnd GUIDelete($hChild) EndFunc ;==> NewTable Func LocaleDateToYMD($sDate, $sDelim = '/') Local $iID = _WinAPI_GetUserDefaultLCID(), _ $aDateSplit = StringRegExp(_WinAPI_GetLocaleInfo($iID, $LOCALE_SSHORTDATE), '\w+', 3), _ $vTest = True ; [floating variable] If IsArray($aDateSplit) And UBound($aDateSplit) = 3 Then For $i = 0 To 2 ; determine the locale ymd order If StringInStr($aDateSplit[$i], 'y') Then $aDateSplit[$i] = 1 ; year ElseIf StringInStr($aDateSplit[$i], 'm') Then $aDateSplit[$i] = 2 ; month ElseIf StringInStr($aDateSplit[$i], 'd') Then $aDateSplit[$i] = 3 ; day EndIf Next $vTest = $aDateSplit[0] & $aDateSplit[1] & $aDateSplit[2] If StringInStr($vTest, '1') And StringInStr($vTest, '2') And StringInStr($vTest, '3') Then $vTest = False ; success EndIf If $vTest Then ; failure with the previous method [both methods work on Win7 in the UK] Local $sLongDate = _WinAPI_GetDateFormat(0, 0, $DATE_LONGDATE) $aDateSplit = StringRegExp($sLongDate, '(*UCP)\w+', 3) If Not IsArray($aDateSplit) And UBound($aDateSplit) <> 3 Then Return SetError(1) ; undetermined error? For $i = 0 To 2 ; determine the locale ymd order If $aDateSplit[$i] = @YEAR Then ; hopefully this method will work for all international regions $aDateSplit[$i] = 1 ; year ElseIf $aDateSplit[$i] = _DateToMonth(@MON, $DMW_LOCALE_LONGNAME) Then $aDateSplit[$i] = 2 ; month Else $aDateSplit[$i] = 3 ; day EndIf Next $vTest = $aDateSplit[0] & $aDateSplit[1] & $aDateSplit[2] If Not (StringInStr($vTest, '1') And StringInStr($vTest, '2') And StringInStr($vTest, '3')) Then Return SetError(2) ; undetermined error? EndIf Local $iCount = 1, $sYMD = '' Do For $i = 0 To 2 If $aDateSplit[$i] = $iCount Then $sYMD &= '$'& ($i*2 +1) & ($iCount <> 3 ? $sDelim : '') $iCount += 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next Until $iCount = 4 Return StringRegExpReplace($sDate, '(\d+)(\D)(\d+)(\D)(\d+)', $sYMD) EndFunc Func GetDateArray($sStartDate, $sStopDate, $sDelim = Default, $sFormat = Default, $iDayName = -1) Local $iID = _WinAPI_GetUserDefaultLCID(), _ $aDateSplit = StringRegExp(_WinAPI_GetLocaleInfo($iID, $LOCALE_SSHORTDATE), '\w+', 3) If IsArray($aDateSplit) And UBound($aDateSplit) = 3 Then For $i = 0 To 2 ; determine the locale ymd order If StringInStr($aDateSplit[$i], 'y') Then $aDateSplit[$i] = 1 ; year ElseIf StringInStr($aDateSplit[$i], 'm') Then $aDateSplit[$i] = 2 ; month ElseIf StringInStr($aDateSplit[$i], 'd') Then $aDateSplit[$i] = 3 ; day EndIf Next Else ; let's try an alternative method [both methods work on Win7 in the UK] Local $sLongDate = _WinAPI_GetDateFormat(0, 0, $DATE_LONGDATE) $aDateSplit = StringRegExp($sLongDate, '(*UCP)\w+', 3) If Not IsArray($aDateSplit) And UBound($aDateSplit) <> 3 Then Return SetError(1) ; undetermined error? For $i = 0 To 2 ; determine the locale ymd order If $aDateSplit[$i] = @YEAR Then ; hopefully this method will work for all international regions $aDateSplit[$i] = 1 ; year ElseIf $aDateSplit[$i] = _DateToMonth(@MON, $DMW_LOCALE_LONGNAME) Then $aDateSplit[$i] = 2 ; month Else $aDateSplit[$i] = 3 ; day EndIf Next EndIf ; check the array contains numbers 1 to 3 Local $sTest = $aDateSplit[0] & $aDateSplit[1] & $aDateSplit[2] If Not (StringInStr($sTest, '1') And StringInStr($sTest, '2') And StringInStr($sTest, '3')) Then Return SetError(2) ; undetermined error? If $sDelim = Default Then $sDelim = StringRegExp($sStartDate, '\D+', 3)[0] Local $iCount = 1, $sYMD = '' Do For $i = 0 To 2 If $aDateSplit[$i] = $iCount Then $sYMD &= '$'& ($i*2 +1) & ($iCount <> 3 ? $sDelim : '') $iCount += 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next Until $iCount = 4 $sStartDate = StringRegExpReplace($sStartDate, '(\d+)(\D)(\d+)(\D)(\d+)', $sYMD) $sStopDate = StringRegExpReplace($sStopDate, '(\d+)(\D)(\d+)(\D)(\d+)', $sYMD) Local $vReverse = False If $sStartDate > $sStopDate Then $vReverse = $sStartDate $sStartDate = $sStopDate $sStopDate = $vReverse EndIf ; internal format = yyyy/mm/dd Local $iStartYear = Number(StringRegExp($sStartDate, '\d+', 3)[0]), $iStopYear = Number(StringRegExp($sStopDate, '\d+', 3)[0]) Local $aTimeLine[(($iStopYear - $iStartYear +1) *366)] $iCount = 0 For $iYear = $iStartYear To $iStopYear For $iMon = 1 To 12 Switch $iMon Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 For $iDay = 1 To 31 ; this section of code can be shortened $aTimeLine[$iCount] = $iYear & $sDelim & StringFormat('%02i', $iMon) & $sDelim & StringFormat('%02i', $iDay) If $aTimeLine[$iCount] = $sStopDate Then ExitLoop 3 $iCount += 1 Next Case 4, 6, 9, 11 For $iDay = 1 To 30 $aTimeLine[$iCount] = $iYear & $sDelim & StringFormat('%02i', $iMon) & $sDelim & StringFormat('%02i', $iDay) If $aTimeLine[$iCount] = $sStopDate Then ExitLoop 3 $iCount += 1 Next Case Else For $iDay = 1 To IsLeapYear($iYear) ? 29 : 28 $aTimeLine[$iCount] = $iYear & $sDelim & StringFormat('%02i', $iMon) & $sDelim & StringFormat('%02i', $iDay) If $aTimeLine[$iCount] = $sStopDate Then ExitLoop 3 $iCount += 1 Next EndSwitch Next Next ReDim $aTimeLine[$iCount +1] ; get rid of unused elements For $i = 0 To UBound($aTimeLine) -1 If $aTimeLine[$i] = $sStartDate Then _DeleteRegion($aTimeLine, 1, 0, $i) ExitLoop EndIf Next _Predim($aTimeLine, 2) ; add 2nd dimension ; adding a day name column only works for start dates up to christmas day 2999 [millennium bug], is it worth fixing? ==> [FIXED] If $iDayName <> -1 Then ; $iDayName set to -1 because _DateDayOfWeek() format values range from 0 to 3 ReDim $aTimeLine[UBound($aTimeLine)][2] Local $aNextDay, $iDayNum If $sStartDate <= ('2999' & $sDelim & '12' & $sDelim & '25') Then For $i = 0 To 6 If $i = UBound($aTimeLine) Then ExitLoop $aNextDay = StringRegExp($aTimeLine[$i][0], '\d+', 3) $iDayNum = _DateToDayOfWeek (Number($aNextDay[0]), Number($aNextDay[1]), Number($aNextDay[2])) $aTimeLine[$i][1] = _DateDayOfWeek($iDayNum, $iDayName) Next For $i = 7 To UBound($aTimeLine) -1 $aTimeLine[$i][1] = $aTimeLine[Mod($i, 7)][1] Next Else Local $aDayName[7] For $i = 25 To 31 $aNextDay = StringRegExp('2999/12/' & $i, '\d+', 3) $iDayNum = _DateToDayOfWeek (Number($aNextDay[0]), Number($aNextDay[1]), Number($aNextDay[2])) $aDayName[$i -25] = _DateDayOfWeek($iDayNum, $iDayName) Next Local $iDateDiff = DateRange('2999/12/25', StringReplace($aTimeLine[0][0], $sDelim, '/')) For $i = 0 to 6 If $i = UBound($aTimeLine) Then ExitLoop $aTimeLine[$i][1] = $aDayName[Mod($iDateDiff + $i -1, 7)] Next For $i = 7 To UBound($aTimeLine) -1 $aTimeLine[$i][1] = $aTimeLine[Mod($i, 7)][1] Next EndIf EndIf If $sFormat = Default Then ; [regexp pattern stored in ini or settings] $aDateSplit = StringRegExp($sYMD, '\d', 3) _Predim($aDateSplit, 2) ReDim $aDateSplit[3][2] $aDateSplit[0][1] = 1 $aDateSplit[1][1] = 3 $aDateSplit[2][1] = 5 _ArraySort($aDateSplit) $sFormat = '$' & $aDateSplit[0][1] & $sDelim & '$' & $aDateSplit[1][1] & $sDelim & '$' & $aDateSplit[2][1] EndIf For $i = 0 To UBound($aTimeLine) -1 $aTimeLine[$i][0] = StringRegExpReplace($aTimeLine[$i][0], '(\d+)(\D)(\d+)(\D)(\d+)', $sFormat) Next If $vReverse Then _ReverseArray($aTimeLine) _ArrayDisplay($aTimeLine) Return $aTimeLine EndFunc ;==> GetDateArray Func IsLeapYear($iYear) If Mod($iYear, 4) Then Return False ElseIf Mod($iYear, 100) Then Return True ElseIf Mod($iYear, 400) Then Return False Else Return True EndIf EndFunc ;==> IsLeapYear Func DateRange($sDate1, $sDate2) ; must be yyyy/mm/dd Local $vTemp If $sDate1 > $sDate2 Then $vTemp = $sDate1 $sDate1 = $sDate2 $sDate2 = $vTemp EndIf Local $aArray1 = StringRegExp($sDate1, '\d+', 3), $aArray2 = StringRegExp($sDate2, '\d+', 3) For $i = 0 To 2 $aArray1[$i] = Number($aArray1[$i]) $aArray2[$i] = Number($aArray2[$i]) Next Local $iCount = 0 For $i = $aArray1[0] +1 To $aArray2[0] -1 If Not IsLeapYear($i) Then $iCount += 365 Else $iCount += 366 EndIf Next Local $iFirstMonth = 0 Switch $aArray1[1] Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 $iFirstMonth = 32 - $aArray1[2] Case 4, 6, 9, 11 $iFirstMonth = 31 - $aArray1[2] Case Else $iFirstMonth = (IsLeapYear($aArray1[0]) ? 30 : 29) - $aArray1[2] EndSwitch If $aArray1[0] < $aArray2[0] Then $iCount += $iFirstMonth For $i = $aArray1[1] +1 to 12 Switch $i Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 $iCount += 31 Case 4, 6, 9, 11 $iCount += 30 Case Else $iCount += (IsLeapYear($aArray1[0]) ? 29 : 28) EndSwitch Next $iCount += $aArray2[2] ; add remaining days in final month If $aArray2[1] > 1 Then For $i = 1 To $aArray2[1] -1 Switch $i Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 $iCount += 31 Case 4, 6, 9, 11 $iCount += 30 Case Else $iCount += (IsLeapYear($aArray2[0]) ? 29 : 28) EndSwitch Next EndIf ElseIf $aArray1[1] < $aArray2[1] Then ; same year, different month $iCount += $iFirstMonth For $i = $aArray1[1] +1 to $aArray2[1] -1 Switch $i Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 $iCount += 31 Case 4, 6, 9, 11 $iCount += 30 Case Else $iCount += (IsLeapYear($aArray1[0]) ? 29 : 28) EndSwitch Next $iCount += $aArray2[2] Else ; same month and year $iCount = $aArray2[2] - $aArray1[2] +1 EndIf Return $iCount EndFunc ;==> DateRange ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Functions from ArrayWorkshop.au3 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #Au3Stripper_Off Func _ReverseArray(ByRef $aArray, $iDimension = 1, $iStart = 0, $iEnd = -1) If Not IsArray($aArray) Or UBound($aArray, 0) > 9 Then Return SetError(1) ; not a valid array Local $aBound = __GetBounds($aArray) If @error Then Return SetError(2) ; array contains zero elements $iDimension = ($iDimension = Default) ? 1 : Int($iDimension) If $iDimension < 1 Or $iDimension > $aBound[0] Then Return SetError(3) ; dimension does not exist $iStart = ($iStart = Default) ? 0 : Int($iStart) If $iStart < 0 Or $iStart > $aBound[$iDimension] - 2 Then Return SetError(4) ; meaningless $iStart value $iEnd = ($iEnd = -1 Or $iEnd = Default) ? $aBound[$iDimension] - 1 : Int($iEnd) If $iEnd <= $iStart Or $iEnd >= $aBound[$iDimension] Then Return SetError(5) ; meaningless $iEnd value If $aBound[0] = 1 Then ___Reverse1D($aArray, $iStart, $iEnd) Else $aBound[$iDimension] = 1 Local $aRegion = ___NewArray($aBound) ; to store extracted regions For $i = 1 To $aBound[0] $aBound[$i] -= 1 Next Local $sIndices = __HiddenIndices($aBound[0], $iDimension), $fnFloodFill = __FloodFunc()[$aBound[0]], _ $sTransfer = '$aSource' & $sIndices ; array syntax While $iEnd > $iStart $fnFloodFill($aRegion, $aBound, $iDimension, 0, $iStart, $aArray, $sTransfer) ; extract the current start region $sTransfer = '$aTarget' & $sIndices $fnFloodFill($aArray, $aBound, $iDimension, $iStart, $iEnd, '', $sTransfer) ; overwrite the current start region $sTransfer = '$aSource' & $sIndices $fnFloodFill($aArray, $aBound, $iDimension, $iEnd, 0, $aRegion, $sTransfer) ; overwrite the current end region $iStart += 1 $iEnd -= 1 WEnd EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ReverseArray Func _DeleteRegion(ByRef $aArray, $iDimension = 1, $iSubIndex = 0, $iRange = 1) If Not IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(1) Local $aBound = __GetBounds($aArray) ; get the bounds of each dimension If @error Then Return SetError(4) ; $aArray must contain at least one element If $aBound[0] > 9 Then Return SetError(2) ; nine dimension limit $iDimension = ($iDimension = Default) ? 1 : Int($iDimension) If $iDimension > $aBound[0] Or $iDimension < 1 Then Return SetError(3) ; out of bounds dimension $iSubIndex = ($iSubIndex = Default) ? 0 : Int($iSubIndex) If $iSubIndex < 0 Or $iSubIndex > $aBound[$iDimension] - 1 Then Return SetError(5) ; sub-index does not exist in the dimension $iRange = ($iRange = Default) ? 1 : Int($iRange) If $iRange < 1 Then Return SetError(6) ; range must be greater than zero $iRange = ($iSubIndex + $iRange < $aBound[$iDimension]) ? $iRange : $aBound[$iDimension] - $iSubIndex ; corrects for overflow If $iRange = $aBound[$iDimension] Then Return SetError(6) ; deleting the whole region is not currently supported [give reason] $aBound[$iDimension] -= $iRange ; the size of the dimension in the new array If $aBound[0] = 1 Then For $iNext = $iSubIndex To $aBound[$iDimension] - 1 $aArray[$iNext] = $aArray[$iNext + $iRange] Next ReDim $aArray[$aBound[$iDimension]] Return EndIf Local $iMaxIndex = $aBound[$iDimension] - 1 For $i = 1 To $aBound[0] $aBound[$i] -= 1 Next $aBound[$iDimension] = 0 ; set to loop once [one region at a time] Local $iFrom, $sTransfer = '$aTarget' & __HiddenIndices($aBound[0], $iDimension), $fnFloodFill = __FloodFunc()[$aBound[0]] For $iNext = $iSubIndex To $iMaxIndex $iFrom = $iNext + $iRange $fnFloodFill($aArray, $aBound, $iDimension, $iNext, $iFrom, '', $sTransfer) ; overwrite the final [untouched] region Next $aBound[$iDimension] = $iMaxIndex For $i = 1 To $aBound[0] $aBound[$i] += 1 Next __ResetBounds($aArray, $aBound) ; delete remaining indices EndFunc ;==>_DeleteRegion Func _PreDim(ByRef $aArray, $iDimensions, $bPush = False) If Not IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(1) $iDimensions = Int($iDimensions) If $iDimensions < 1 Or $iDimensions > 9 Then Return SetError(2) Local $iPreDims = UBound($aArray, 0) ; current number of dimensions If $iPreDims = $iDimensions Then Return ; no change If $iPreDims > 9 Then Return SetError(3) ; too many dimensions Local $aBound = __GetBounds($aArray) ; get the size of each original dimension If @error Then Return SetError(4) ; $aArray must contain at least one element $aBound[0] = $iDimensions ; overwrite this value with the new number of dimensions Local $sTransfer = '[$a[1]][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]][$a[6]][$a[7]][$a[8]][$a[9]]' ; array syntax to be sent to the remote loop region If $bPush Then ; prefix dimensions, or delete from the left Local $iOffset = Abs($iDimensions - $iPreDims) If $iPreDims > $iDimensions Then ; lower dimensions get deleted For $i = 1 To $iDimensions ; shift elements to lower indices $aBound[$i] = $aBound[$i + $iOffset] Next $sTransfer = '$aSource' & StringLeft('[0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0]', $iOffset * 3) & StringLeft($sTransfer, $iDimensions * 7) Else ; lower dimensions are created ReDim $aBound[$iDimensions + 1] ; make space for more dimensions For $i = $iDimensions To $iOffset + 1 Step -1 ; shift elements to higher indices $aBound[$i] = $aBound[$i - $iOffset] Next For $i = 1 To $iOffset ; assign the size of each additional dimension [1][1][1]... etc... $aBound[$i] = 1 Next $sTransfer = '$aSource' & StringMid($sTransfer, 1 + $iOffset * 7, $iPreDims * 7) EndIf Else ; Default behaviour = append dimensions, or delete from the right ReDim $aBound[$iDimensions + 1] ; modify the number of dimensions [according to the new array] For $i = $iPreDims + 1 To $iDimensions ; assign the size of each new dimension ...[1][1][1] etc... $aBound[$i] = 1 Next $sTransfer = '$aSource' & StringLeft($sTransfer, $iPreDims * 7) EndIf ; add or remove dimensions Local $aNewArray = ___NewArray($aBound) For $i = 1 To $iDimensions $aBound[$i] -= 1 ; convert elements to the maximum index value within each dimension Next ; access the remote loop region Local $iSubIndex = 0, $aFloodFill = __FloodFunc() $aFloodFill[$iDimensions]($aNewArray, $aBound, 0, $iSubIndex, '', $aArray, $sTransfer) $aArray = $aNewArray EndFunc ;==>_PreDim Func __GetBounds($aArray, $iHypothetical = 0) Local $iMaxDim = UBound($aArray, 0) Local $aBound[($iHypothetical ? $iHypothetical : $iMaxDim) + 1] ; [or ==> Local $aBound[9]] $aBound[0] = $iMaxDim For $i = 1 To $iMaxDim $aBound[$i] = UBound($aArray, $i) If $aBound[$i] = 0 Then Return SetError(1) Next If $iHypothetical Then For $i = $iMaxDim + 1 To $iHypothetical $aBound[$i] = 1 ; imaginary dimensions Next EndIf Return $aBound EndFunc ;==>__GetBounds Func __HiddenIndices($iBound, $iDimension) Local $sSyntax = '' ; to access elements at their original indices For $i = 1 To $iBound If $i <> $iDimension Then $sSyntax &= '[$a[' & $i & ']]' ; default ==> '$aSource[$iFrom][$a[2]][$a[3]][$a[4]][$a[5]] etc...' Else $sSyntax &= '[$iFrom]' EndIf Next Return $sSyntax EndFunc ;==>__HiddenIndices Func ___NewArray($aBound) Switch $aBound[0] Case 1 Local $aArray[$aBound[1]] Case 2 Local $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]] Case 3 Local $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]] Case 4 Local $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]] Case 5 Local $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]] Case 6 Local $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]][$aBound[6]] Case 7 Local $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]][$aBound[6]][$aBound[7]] Case 8 Local $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]][$aBound[6]][$aBound[7]][$aBound[8]] Case 9 Local $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]][$aBound[6]][$aBound[7]][$aBound[8]][$aBound[9]] EndSwitch Return $aArray EndFunc ;==>___NewArray Func ___Reverse1D(ByRef $aArray, $iStart, $iStop) Local $vTemp While $iStop > $iStart $vTemp = $aArray[$iStart] $aArray[$iStart] = $aArray[$iStop] $aArray[$iStop] = $vTemp $iStart += 1 $iStop -= 1 WEnd EndFunc ;==>___Reverse1D Func __ResetBounds(ByRef $aArray, $aBound) Switch $aBound[0] Case 1 ReDim $aArray[$aBound[1]] Case 2 ReDim $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]] Case 3 ReDim $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]] Case 4 ReDim $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]] Case 5 ReDim $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]] Case 6 ReDim $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]][$aBound[6]] Case 7 ReDim $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]][$aBound[6]][$aBound[7]] Case 8 ReDim $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]][$aBound[6]][$aBound[7]][$aBound[8]] Case 9 ReDim $aArray[$aBound[1]][$aBound[2]][$aBound[3]][$aBound[4]][$aBound[5]][$aBound[6]][$aBound[7]][$aBound[8]][$aBound[9]] EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>__ResetBounds Func __FloodFunc() ; [modified for this demo] Local $aFloodFunc = ['', ___Flood1D, ___Flood2D] ; , ___Flood3D, ___Flood4D, ___Flood5D, ___Flood6D, ___Flood7D, ___Flood8D, ___Flood9D] Return $aFloodFunc EndFunc ;==>__FloodFunc Func ___Flood1D(ByRef $aTarget, $aBound, $iDimension, $iSubIndex, $iFrom, $aSource, $sTransfer) ; [still experimental] #forceref $iDimension, $iFrom, $aSource ; $iDimension would normally not apply here (special case) Local $a[10] = ['', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ; loop iteration count [or indices of higher dimensions within the source array] For $a[1] = $iSubIndex To $aBound[1] ; from the start to the bounds of the 1st dimension (special case) ; only one operation is needed in this special case $aTarget[$a[1]] = Execute($sTransfer) ; hidden parameters may appear in the code being executed Next EndFunc ;==>___Flood1D Func ___Flood2D(ByRef $aTarget, $aBound, $iDimension, $iSubIndex, $iFrom, $aSource, $sTransfer) #forceref $iFrom, $aSource ; hidden parameters Local $a[10] = ['', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ; loop iteration count [or indices of higher dimensions within the source array] For $a[2] = 0 To $aBound[2] For $a[1] = 0 To $aBound[1] $a[$iDimension] = $iSubIndex ; override the iteration count (fast method) - $a[0] has no influence $aTarget[$a[1]][$a[2]] = Execute($sTransfer) ; hidden parameters may appear in the code being executed Next Next EndFunc ;==>___Flood2D #Au3Stripper_On
  2. Hi all, I'm currently writing a backup script to automate the process of storing and compressing data for any member leaving the firm I work at. Ideally I would like to pull the user's display name or full name, for instance, a WMI query selecting FullName WHERE Win32_NetworkLoginProfile Name equals "Domain\kefinnegan" would bring back "Kevin Finnegan" or whatever naming convention your company uses. Although this solution seems ideal as long as you log in as a user with privileged access, it won't work if the domain user you wish to backup has been purged from the Active Directory system entirely as the WMIService seems to query it in some shape or form (thousands of members in our firm, need to trim the fat every now and then). I was wondering if it's possible to query an API, service or possibly even scan registry entries stored on the leaver's machine while logged in as the local administrator (can run the script with privileged domain credentials if needs be) that could give me a domain user's full name, who logged onto this machine, without the use of Active Directory?
  3. Atom Table UDF Local and Global Atom Table Since I've had this collecting dust on my computer, I figured I'd release it to see if anyone can find some use for it. About Atom Tables - MSDN Example Global Atom Table Listing Basically, a bunch of strings can be stored locally (at program level) or globally (at O/S level) with unique numerical identifiers. This UDF lets you add, find, delete, and query these atoms. Description from the top of the AtomFunctions UDF: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Functions for accesing Local and Global Atom Tables, which contain strings up to 255 characters long The Atom tables are used for multiple types of Windows data including Window Classes (RegisterClass/Ex), Clipboard formats (RegisterClipboardFormat), Hotkeys (RegisterHotKey), and Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) which is a form of interprocess communication. (Some of the above may use a Local rather than the Global Atom table) Other uses can include storing program strings to lookup by a 16-bit value and interprocess communication "RegisterHotKey function" @ MSDN states this: "An application must specify an id value in the range 0x0000 through 0xBFFF. A shared DLL must specify a value in the range 0xC000 through 0xFFFF (the range returned by the GlobalAddAtom function). To avoid conflicts with hot-key identifiers defined by other shared DLLs, a DLL should use the GlobalAddAtom function to obtain the hot-key identifier." Kernel Note: The Atom Table is a separate entity from Kernel Objects like Events, Mutexes, Files, etc. However, the Atom Table is (separately) accessible from within the Kernel, so its like a Kernish object? Notes on Atom Tables: Stringlimit is 255 characters NOT including a null-terminator. This is unfortunately not enough for a MAX_PATH string, which is 259+null-term. However, stripping off root-drive prefix get you within 1 character of the length (259 - 3 ["C:"] = 256] which may be enough - but using IPC, one can store 4 - 6 (8-12 in x64) extra chars in wParam/lParam.. See <AtomExample_IPC.au3> for an implementation of this There is both a Local and Global Atom Table. The Local one is local to this Process, and the Global one is available/accessible to/from all Processes. Atoms numbered 0 - 49151 (0xBFFF) are not actually part of the Atom Table. Querying these values will return a string representation of the number as an unsigned integer Example: 1234 is translated to "#1234" Adding atom strings that start with a "#" will return an unsigned integer if the numbers following "#" are an integer less than 49152 (1 - 49151 [0xBFFF]). Examples: "#1" => 1, "#49151" => 49151 Atoms numbered from 49152 - 65535 (from 0xC000 - 0xFFFF) DO reference the Atom Table strings Maximum Atom string length is 255 characters (not including a null-terminator) Functions: ; Local: ; _AtomTableInit() ; Initializes Local Atom Table. Optional [37 hash buckets allocated by default] ; _AtomAddLocal() ; Adds a string to the Local Atom table, returns # identifier [increments reference if already exists] ; _AtomGetNameLocal() ; Gets the Local Atom string associated with a numerical identifier ; _AtomDeleteLocal() ; Decrements the reference count of Local Atom, deletes when reaches 0 ; _AtomFindLocal() ; Finds # identifier for a string in the Local Atom table ; _AtomGetAllLocal() ; Returns all found Local atoms in an array ; Global: ; _AtomAddGlobal() ; Adds a string to the Global Atom table, returns # identifier [increments reference if already exists] ; _AtomGetNameGlobal() ; Gets the Global Atom string associated with a numerical identifier ; _AtomDeleteGlobal() ; Decrements the reference count of Global Atom, deletes when reaches 0 ; _AtomFindGlobal() ; Finds # identifier for a string in the Global Atom table ; _AtomGetAllGlobal() ; Returns all found Global atoms in an array ; 'Undocumented': ; _AtomGetGlobalTableUD() ; Using 'undocumented' function calls, gets info on all Global Atoms ; _AtomGetInfoUD() ; Returns reference count, pinned status, as well as Atom Name ---------------------------------------------------------------- There are a few 'undocumented' functions used for getting information on the Atom Table included (I can't help myself). In addition to the core UDF, there's 2 example files: AtomTableExample.au3 - This demonstrates various use - adding, deleting, and querying information in the Local and Global atom tables. (Extended info comes from 'undocumented' functions) AtomExample_IPC.au3 - This demonstrates how the Atom Table could be used in InterProcess Communication. A rather rough sketch, but shows how you could squeeze MAX_PATH pathnames into IPC messages combined with Atom tables. It's all a bit light on the documentation, but I just wanted to prevent this thing from collecting more dust Might prove useful to someone! History:: AtomTablesUDF.zip ~prev Downloads: 29
  4. Hello FellowForumers I have some questions about this subject and Although I have researched about i have some problems let it sink in proper Although i have basic understanding of Global and Local I Still have questions to be absolute sure: #include <Array.au3> Global $TSAB[20] While 1 trading() If $TSAB[19] = True Then MsgBox(0,"","Thank you AutoIT Forum ^^ ") ;~ If $TSAB[19] = True then Exit WEnd func trading() $TSAB[19] = "" $TSAB[7] = "" while 1 _ArrayDisplay($TSAB) $TSAB[7] = "done" _ArrayDisplay($TSAB) If $TSAB[7] = "Done" Then $TSAB = ClientDoneCommand() _ArrayDisplay($TSAB) If $TSAB[19] = True then Return $TSAB WEnd EndFunc func ClientDoneCommand() $TSAB[19] = True Return $TSAB EndFunc My own example Above gives to me Decent understanding that Global can be called anywhere in the program and that the global variable is sent and called towards other functions and loops as it was just before it got sent or returned is there anything I have to keep in mind to Prevent any big mess? Am I something missing about this or has anyone some advice? I will use this global as the soul of my program and store information on where it has been and been and what functions it has visit and what it has been doing etc Here I move to Local $var So I got the same script and added some Local var: #include <Array.au3> Global $TSAB[20] local $hugs = "" While 1 ConsoleWrite($hugs & "0" & @LF) ;Added line $hugs = trading() If $TSAB[19] = True Then MsgBox(0,"","Thank you AutoIT Forum ^^ ") ;~ If $TSAB[19] = True then Exit ConsoleWrite($hugs & "1" & @LF) ;Added line WEnd func trading() $TSAB[19] = "" $TSAB[7] = "" local $hugs = "yes" while 1 ConsoleWrite($hugs & "2" & @LF) ;Added line _ArrayDisplay($TSAB) $TSAB[7] = "done" _ArrayDisplay($TSAB) If $TSAB[7] = "Done" Then $TSAB = ClientDoneCommand($hugs) _ArrayDisplay($TSAB) ConsoleWrite($hugs & "4" & @LF) ;Added line If $TSAB[19] = True then Return $TSAB WEnd EndFunc func ClientDoneCommand($hugs) $TSAB[19] = True ConsoleWrite($hugs & "3" & @LF) ;Added line $hugs = "Maybe" Return $TSAB EndFunc Here I added a few console writes and numbered them the consolewrite output is 0 yes2 yes3 yes4 1 repeat So the following things I see in my blurry mind as are as follow at the very start I need to declare Local $hugs = "" else ; ConsoleWrite($hugs & "0" & @LF) ;Added line will have variable used before declaration (meaning nothing has been stored ever which I understand) Now here comes an interesting part to me, about: $hugs = trading() If $TSAB[19] = True Then MsgBox(0,"","Thank you AutoIT Forum ^^ ") ;~ If $TSAB[19] = True then Exit ConsoleWrite($hugs & "1" & @LF) ;Added line here Happens nothing , not even a error (which I expected) I do not get a consolewrite: 0 it does not output anything I understand that the functions has not returned the variable of local $hugs = "yes" or $hugs = "Maybe" But I expected an error, why no error? What Happens with the at line 33 $hugs = "Maybe" does it get lost? deleted (from the memory ) at the end of the function? @ line 17? local $hugs = "yes" Would it be wise to write there local $hugs = "yes" or is $hugs = "yes" Good enough , does it really matter with managing anything? and as last I also understand if I would change that at line 26 that it is not needed the write return $TSAB but just return would be good enough? because $TSAB is in every function / If / while for next loop avaiable and it will carry over the information stored inside of it? if i would change it into Return $hugs then ConsoleWrite($hugs & "1" & @LF) will give me yes1 and even at the very start of the while loop ConsoleWrite($hugs & "0" & @LF) will give me yes0 and it was previous just 0 so it seems anything wrong here? so it seems the local does not get lost at the end of the while loop then my final questions about for / next For $z = 0 to 9 For $x = 0 to 9 For $y = 0 to 9 ConsoleWrite($z & $x & $y & @LF) next next next if $z = 9 Then MsgBox(0,"","1000 ^^ ") if $x = 9 Then MsgBox(0,"","x = 9 ^^ ") if $y = 9 Then MsgBox(0,"","y = 9 ^^ ") the Variable $z , $x and $y are they only used in the for next loop or can they be used outside of it? my msgboxs do not work here after the next so i guess they end right away in the for next loop any tips or suggestions are welcome if i am saying anything wrong or retarded here Cheers Butterfly
  5. Hi, I am having issues understanding something in the tutorial Melba23 gave me. At the bottom of page 22- What are Dim, Global. Local, and Scope? What do they do?
  6. What are the GUI functions that can be used to create such as a message log (3) and a local pane (4)? Kindly visit Navigating and window layout referring to the numbers above if you don't know what I mean..
  7. Using this script you can analyze the old scripts and search for keywords like: Local Global Dim Static Search only the above keywords used inside the Loop statements like: For ... Next While ... Wend Do ... Until For ... In ... Next This script parses a other script and reports on incorrect variable declarations within loops. Remark: Variable declaration is needed but it should be done outside the loop. Basic information of this script: Currently, the script provides two functions: _Check_Local_In_Loop__File() _Check_Local_In_Loop__Folder () Using functions: _Check_Local_In_Loop__File() You can specify a single file *. Au3 file will be checked for using the keyword "Local" inside the Loop Statements According to the used parameters the result will be send to SciTE console, Clipboard, eventualy displayed using _ArrayDisplay(). Using functions: _Check_Local_In_Loop__Folder () You can specify the folder containing the files *. Au3 All files in the given directory will be subject to analysis like above. The use of parameters, the internal functions: _Check_Local_In_Loop_Check_File ($ HFile, $ fArrayDisplay = True) additionally determines the manner of presenting the results of the work of this script. First Version 2013/12/03 02:00 AM EXAMPLE 1: Run that script in Current Beta: AutoIt select Au3 file for example: array.au3 (from include AutoIt results: Row |Col 0 0|While 1 1|Local $aiCurItems[1] = [0] 2|Local $aiCurItems[1] = [0] Explanation: Open this file in SciTE.exe and search text: Local $aiCurItems[1] = [0] You'll notice that this text is inside: While 1 EXAMPLE 2: Run that script in Current Beta: AutoIt select Au3 file for example: ie.au3 (from include AutoIt results: Row |Col 0 0|For $o_window In $o_ShellWindows 1|Local $f_found = False 2|Local $f_found = False Explanation: Open this file in SciTE.exe and search text: Local $f_found = False You'll notice that this text is inside: For $o_window In $o_ShellWindows EXAMPLE 3: Run that script in Current Beta: AutoIt select Au3 file for example: GuiListView.au3 (from include AutoIt results: Row |Col 0 0|For $i = 0 To $items - 1 1|Local $a_indices[2] 2|Local $a_indices[2] Explanation: Open this file in SciTE.exe and search text: Local $a_indices[2] You'll notice that this text is inside: For $i = 0 To $items - 1 EXAMPLE 4: Run that script in Current Beta: AutoIt select Au3 file for example: array.au3 (from include AutoIt results: Row |Col 0 0|While 1 1|Local $sClip = "" Local $aiCurItems[1] = [0] 2|Local $aiCurItems[1] = [0] Row |Col 0 0|For $x = 1 To 255 1|Local $sFind = _ArraySearch($avArray, Chr($x), 0, 0, 0, 1) 2|Local $sFind = _ArraySearch($avArray, Chr($x), 0, 0, 0, 1) Explanation: Open this file in SciTE.exe and search text: Local $sClip = "" Local $aiCurItems[1] = [0] You'll notice that this text is inside: While 1 search text: Local $sFind = _ArraySearch($avArray, Chr($x), 0, 0, 0, 1) You'll notice that this text is inside: For $x = 1 To 255 Version 2013/12/03 05:34 PM _Check_Local_In_Loop__Folder() ---> FileSelectFolder () parameter $fArrayDisplay = True parameter $fReturnAsString = False Version 2013/12/04 01:42 AM removed parameter $fReturnAsString added output to SciTE console removed not needed info from SciTE console Fixed problem with Loop statements on the begining of script added option (MsgBox) to choose "File or Folder" added option (MsgBox) to choose "Open file" see attached au3 file !!! NEW Version 2013/12/05 01:40 AM added checking for Global Dim and Static some other modyfication in REGEXP pattern see attached: BestCodingPractice_Analyzer__Version_20131205_0140_AM.zip BestCodingPractice_Analyzer.au3 BestCodingPractice_Analyzer__Version_20131205_0140_AM.zip
  8. When running the following code, line 3 causes $script_browser to no longer be an Internet Explorer object, which you can see in the error messages caused by lines 5 & 7. #include <IE.au3> $script_browser = _IECreate() _IENavigate($script_browser, @ScriptDir& "\step1.html") Sleep(2500) _IENavigate($script_browser, @ScriptDir& "\step2.html") Sleep(2500) _IENavigate($script_browser, @ScriptDir& "\step3.html") --> IE.au3 V2.4-0 Error from function _IENavigate, $_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType --> IE.au3 V2.4-0 Error from function _IENavigate, $_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType
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