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  1. I took a script written by Beege, optimized the code, and removed the global variables. Its one function, reliable, and very easy to use or modify to your needs. I decided to post it because I found it very hard to find a reliable way to get the cpu percentage of a given process. I know that there are a few different methods but I deem WMI unreliable and everything I tried before optimizing this function was to slow i.e. freezing when other CPU intensive processes were active. When monitoring a potentially CPU intensive process, I found it necessary to increase the script's priority otherwise the script/system would freeze which is exactly what I was attempting to prevent! See Beege's updated post: #NoTrayIcon #include <WinAPI.au3> HotKeySet('{ESC}', '_Exit') Func _Exit() Exit EndFunc ;==>_Exit _LimitProcessCPU("MediaServer.exe", 10, 1, 5) Func _LimitProcessCPU($vProcess, $nLimit, $nInterval = 1, $nScriptPriority = 2) Local $nProcessCpu = -1, $nOverLimit = 0 While ProcessExists($vProcess) $nProcessCpu = _ProcessCPU($vProcess, $nScriptPriority) If $nProcessCpu > 50 Then $nOverLimit += 1 Else $nOverLimit = 0 EndIf If $nOverLimit > $nLimit Then $nOverLimit = 0 ProcessClose($vProcess) ; < - Replace this with what you need. EndIf Sleep($nInterval*1000) WEnd EndFunc Func _ProcessCPU($nPID = @AutoItPID, $nScriptPriority = 2) ; Realtime priority = 5 ; Original Author: Beege -> http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/user/8949-beege/ $nPID = ProcessExists($nPID) If Not $nPID Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndIf Local Const $tagFILETIME = "struct;dword Lo;dword Hi;endstruct", $nStructs = 7 Local Static $aStruct[$nStructs], $aPointer[$nStructs], $aStat[4], $hProcess = _WinAPI_OpenProcess(0x1F0FFF, 0, $nPID, True), $bFirstRun = True Local Enum $nIDLETIME, $nKERNELTIME, $nUSERTIME, $nPCreationTime, $nPExitTime, $nPKernelTime, $nPUserTime, _ $nProcStartKern = 0, $nProcStartUser, $nStartKernel, $nStartUser If $bFirstRun Then For $i = 0 To $nStructs - 1 Step 1 $aStruct[$i] = DllStructCreate($tagFILETIME) $aPointer[$i] = DllStructGetPtr($aStruct[$i]) Next EndIf DllCall('Kernel32.dll', "int", "GetSystemTimes", "ptr", $aPointer[$nIDLETIME], "ptr", $aPointer[$nKERNELTIME], "ptr", $aPointer[$nUSERTIME]) DllCall('Kernel32.dll', "int", "GetProcessTimes", "hwnd", $hProcess, "ptr", $aPointer[$nPCreationTime], "ptr", $aPointer[$nPExitTime], "ptr", _ $aPointer[$nPKernelTime], "ptr", $aPointer[$nPUserTime]) Local $aTemp[4] = [DllStructGetData($aStruct[$nPKernelTime], 1), DllStructGetData($aStruct[$nPUserTime], 1), DllStructGetData($aStruct[$nKERNELTIME], 1), _ DllStructGetData($aStruct[$nUSERTIME], 1)], $tProcess, $tSystem If Not $bFirstRun Then $tProcess = ($aTemp[$nProcStartKern] - $aStat[$nProcStartKern]) + ($aTemp[$nProcStartUser] - $aStat[$nProcStartUser]) $tSystem = ($aTemp[$nStartKernel] - $aStat[$nStartKernel]) + ($aTemp[$nStartUser] - $aStat[$nStartUser]) Else ProcessSetPriority(@AutoItPID, $nScriptPriority) $bFirstRun = False EndIf $aStat = $aTemp Return Int(Round(($tProcess / $tSystem) * 100)) EndFunc ;==>_ProcessCPU Edit - To give credit for source. Anonymous
  2. CPU Multi-Processor Usage This is an example of getting and displaying processor usage for all processors in a system. It uses the 'undocumented' NtQuerySystemInformation function to gather processor usage information and then does calculations based on the delta of two readings. I wrote this as an alternative to using my >Performance Counters UDF - specifically, check out >Example # 4: System CPU Usage (by Processor). There is now a new interface, as well as two ways to track CPU usage. The first method tracks usage for all CPU's, and additionally produces an overall CPU usage result. The second method tracks Overall CPU usage - a combined value representing all cores as one unit. Note that this second method uses GetSystemTimes, which requires Windows XP SP1 or higher. The usage works like this for all CPU's: $aCPUsUsageTracker = _CPUsUsageTracker_Create() $iTotalCPUs = $aCPUsUsageTracker[0][0] ; Call the following repeatedly - $aCPUsUsageTracker will be updated automatically: $aPercents = _CPUsUsageTracker_GetUsage($aCPUsUsageTracker) For Overall CPU usage, either look at $aPercents[$iTotalCPUs] above, or use this interface (reliant on GetSystemTimes): $aCPUOverallTracker = _CPUOverallUsageTracker_Create() ; Call the following repeatedly - $aCPUOverallTracker will be updated automatically: $fUsage = _CPUOverallUsageTracker_GetUsage($aCPUOverallTracker) _ Need to see how CPU usage is affected? A simple tool I use to stress-test individual CPU cores is Stress Prime 2004, which can be run multiple times. P.S. All I ask is that you acknowledge me in some way if you use any of this code. updates: 2013-08-31: - Added a simple Overall and Idle CPU usage example 2013-06-18: - Changed interface for getting CPU usage. Now there's no need to juggle arrays around [obsolete version]: - fixed bound check in _CPUCalculateUsages() to look at 2nd dimension CPU_ProcessorUsage.au3 (prev downloads: ~15) ; ======================================================================================================== ; <CPU_ProcessorUsage.au3> ; ; Example of an alternative means to read individual CPU Usages for multiple CPUs, ; along with the combined overall CPU usage. (Alternative to Performance Counters) ; Readings are shown in a 'Splash' window ; ; Functions: ; _CPUGetTotalProcessorTimes() ; Gets Overall (combined CPUs) Processor Times ; _CPUGetIndividualProcessorTimes() ; Returns an array of CPU usage info for individual processors ; _CPUsUsageTracker_Create() ; Creates a CPU usage tracker for all CPUs ; _CPUsUsageTracker_GetUsage() ; Updates CPU usage tracker and returns a CPU usage array ; _CPUOverallUsageTracker_Create() ; Creates a CPU usage tracker for Overall CPU usage ; _CPUOverallUsageTracker_GetUsage(); Updates CPU usage tracker and returns CPU usage [Overall Usage] ; ; See also: ; Performance Counters UDF ; ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; ======================================================================================================== ; -------------------- HOTKEY FUNCTION & VARIABLE -------------------- Global $bHotKeyPressed=False Func _EscPressed() $bHotKeyPressed=True EndFunc ; ============================================================================================== ; Func _CPUGetTotalProcessorTimes() ; ; Gets the total (combined CPUs) system processor times (as FILETIME) ; Note that Kernel Mode time includes Idle Mode time, so a proper calculation of usage time is ; Kernel + User - Idle ; And percentage (based on two readings): ; (Kernel_b - Kernel_a) + (User_b - User_a) - (Idle_b - Idle_a) * 100 ; / (Kernel_b - Kernal_a) + (User_b - User_a) ; ; O/S Requirements: min. Windows XP SP1+ ; ; Returns: ; Success: Array of info for total (combined CPU's) processor times: ; [0] = Idle Mode Time ; [1] = Kernel Mode Time -> NOTE This INCLUDES Idle Time ; [2] = User Mode Time ; ; Failure: "" with @error set: ; @error = 2: DLLCall error, @extended = error returned from DLLCall ; @error = 3: API call returned False - call GetLastError for more info ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; ============================================================================================== Func _CPUGetTotalProcessorTimes() Local $aRet, $stSystemTimes $stSystemTimes = DllStructCreate("int64 IdleTime;int64 KernelTime;int64 UserTime;") $aRet = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "bool", "GetSystemTimes", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stSystemTimes, 1), _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stSystemTimes, 2), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stSystemTimes, 3) ) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") If Not $aRet[0] Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") Dim $aRet[3] = [ _ DllStructGetData($stSystemTimes, 1), _ DllStructGetData($stSystemTimes, 2), _ DllStructGetData($stSystemTimes, 3) ] Return $aRet EndFunc ; ============================================================================================== ; Func _CPUGetIndividualProcessorTimes() ; ; Gets an array of system processor times (as FILETIME) ; Note that Kernel Mode time includes Idle Mode time, so a proper calculation of usage time is ; Kernel + User - Idle ; And percentage (based on two readings): ; (Kernel_b - Kernel_a) + (User_b - User_a) - (Idle_b - Idle_a) * 100 ; / (Kernel_b - Kernal_a) + (User_b - User_a) ; ; Returns: ; Success: 2 Dimensional Array of info [@extended = #of CPU's]: ; [0][0] = # of CPUs (and array elements) ; [1..n][0] = Idle Mode Time for CPU # n ; [1..n][1] = Kernel Mode Time for CPU # n -> NOTE This INCLUDES Idle Time ; [1..n][2] = User Mode Time for CPU # n ; ; Failure: "" with @error set: ; @error = 2: DLLCall error, @extended = error returned from DLLCall ; @error = 3: NTSTATUS returned error code, @extended contains error code ; @error = 4: Invalid length returned, @extended is length ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; ============================================================================================== Func _CPUGetIndividualProcessorTimes() ; DPC = Deferred Procedure Calls Local $tagSYSTEM_PROCESSOR_TIMES = "int64 IdleTime;int64 KernelTime;int64 UserTime;int64 DpcTime;int64 InterruptTime;ulong InterruptCount;" Local $aRet, $stProcessorTimes, $stBuffer Local $i, $nTotalCPUStructs, $pStructPtr ; 256 [maximum CPU's] * 48 (structure size) = 12288 $stBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte Buffer[12288];") ; SystemProcessorTimes = 8 Local $aRet=DllCall("ntdll.dll", "long", "NtQuerySystemInformation", "int", 8, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stBuffer), "ulong", 12288, "ulong*", 0) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") ; NTSTATUS of something OTHER than success? If $aRet[0] Then Return SetError(3, $aRet[0], "") ; Length invalid? If $aRet[4] = 0 Or $aRet[0] > 12288 Or Mod($aRet[4], 48) <> 0 Then Return SetError(4, $aRet[4], "") $nTotalCPUStructs = $aRet[4] / 48 ;~ ConsoleWrite("Returned buffer length = " & $aRet[4] & ", len/48 (struct size) = "& $nTotalCPUStructs & @CRLF) ; We are interested in Idle, Kernel, and User Times (3) Dim $aRet[$nTotalCPUStructs + 1][3] $aRet[0][0] = $nTotalCPUStructs ; Traversal Pointer for individual CPU structs $pStructPtr = DllStructGetPtr($stBuffer) For $i = 1 To $nTotalCPUStructs $stProcessorTimes = DllStructCreate($tagSYSTEM_PROCESSOR_TIMES, $pStructPtr) $aRet[$i][0] = DllStructGetData($stProcessorTimes, "IdleTime") $aRet[$i][1] = DllStructGetData($stProcessorTimes, "KernelTime") $aRet[$i][2] = DllStructGetData($stProcessorTimes, "UserTime") ; Next CPU structure $pStructPtr += 48 Next Return SetExtended($nTotalCPUStructs, $aRet) EndFunc ; ============================================================================================== ; Func _CPUsUsageTracker_Create() ; ; Creates a CPU usage tracker array for all processors. This array should be passed ; to _CPUsUsageTracker_GetUsage() to get current usage information back. ; ; Returns: ; Success: An array used to track CPU usage [@extended = # of CPU's] ; Array 'internal' format: ; $arr[0][0] = # of CPU's ; $arr[1..n][0] = Total CPU Time (Kernel + User Mode) ; $arr[1..n][1] = Total Active CPU Time (Kernel + User - Idle) ; ; Failure: "" with @error set [reflects _CPUGetIndividualProcessorTimes codes]: ; @error = 2: DLLCall error, @extended = error returned from DLLCall ; @error = 3: NTSTATUS returned error code, @extended contains error code ; @error = 4: Invalid length returned, @extended is length ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; ============================================================================================== Func _CPUsUsageTracker_Create() Local $nTotalCPUs, $aCPUTimes, $aCPUsUsage $aCPUTimes = _CPUGetIndividualProcessorTimes() If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, "") $nTotalCPUs = @extended Dim $aCPUsUsage[$nTotalCPUs + 1][2] $aCPUsUsage[0][0] = $nTotalCPUs For $i = 1 To $nTotalCPUs ; Total $aCPUsUsage[$i][0] = $aCPUTimes[$i][1] + $aCPUTimes[$i][2] ; TotalActive (Kernel Time includes Idle time, so we need to subtract that) $aCPUsUsage[$i][1] = $aCPUTimes[$i][1] + $aCPUTimes[$i][2] - $aCPUTimes[$i][0] Next Return SetExtended($nTotalCPUs, $aCPUsUsage) EndFunc ; ============================================================================================== ; Func _CPUOverallUsageTracker_Create() ; ; Creates a CPU usage tracker array for Overall combined processors usage. ; This array should be passed to _CPUOverallUsageTracker_GetUsage() to get ; current usage information. ; ; Returns: ; Success: An array used to track Overall CPU usage ; Array 'internal' format: ; $arr[0] = Total Overall CPU Time (Kernel + User Mode) ; $arr[1] = Total Active Overall CPU Time (Kernel + User - Idle) ; ; Failure: "" with @error set [reflects _CPUGetTotalProcessorTimes codes]: ; @error = 2: DLLCall error, @extended = error returned from DLLCall ; @error = 3: API call returned False - call GetLastError for more info ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; ============================================================================================== Func _CPUOverallUsageTracker_Create() Local $aCPUTimes, $aCPUsUsage[2] $aCPUTimes = _CPUGetTotalProcessorTimes() If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, "") ; Total $aCPUsUsage[0] = $aCPUTimes[1] + $aCPUTimes[2] ; TotalActive (Kernel Time includes Idle time, so we need to subtract that) $aCPUsUsage[1] = $aCPUTimes[1] + $aCPUTimes[2] - $aCPUTimes[0] Return $aCPUsUsage EndFunc ; ============================================================================================== ; Func _CPUsUsageTracker_GetUsage(ByRef $aCPUsUsage) ; ; Updates a CPUsUsage array and returns an array of CPU Usage information for all processors. ; ; Returns: ; Success: Array of CPU Usage -> 1 for each processor + 1 for Overall [@extended = # of processors] ; [0..n] = CPU Usage (Percentage) ; [#CPUs] = CPUs Overall Usage (Percentage) ; Failure: "" with @error set to 1 for invalid parameters, or: ; @error = 2: DLLCall error, @extended = error returned from DLLCall ; @error = 3: NTSTATUS returned error code, @extended contains error code ; @error = 4: Invalid length returned, @extended is length ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; ============================================================================================== Func _CPUsUsageTracker_GetUsage(ByRef $aCPUsUsage) If Not IsArray($aCPUsUsage) Or UBound($aCPUsUsage, 2) < 2 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $nTotalCPUs, $aUsage, $aCPUsCurInfo Local $nTotalActive, $nTotal Local $nOverallActive, $nOverallTotal $aCPUsCurInfo = _CPUsUsageTracker_Create() If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, "") $nTotalCPUs = $aCPUsCurInfo[0][0] Dim $aUsage[$nTotalCPUs + 1] $nOverallActive = 0 $nOverallTotal = 0 For $i = 1 To $nTotalCPUs $nTotal = $aCPUsCurInfo[$i][0] - $aCPUsUsage[$i][0] $nTotalActive = $aCPUsCurInfo[$i][1] - $aCPUsUsage[$i][1] $aUsage[$i - 1] = Round($nTotalActive * 100 / $nTotal, 1) $nOverallActive += $nTotalActive $nOverallTotal += $nTotal Next $aUsage[$nTotalCPUs] = Round( ($nOverallActive / $nTotalCPUs) * 100 / ($nOverallTotal / $nTotalCPUs), 1) ; Replace current usage tracker info $aCPUsUsage = $aCPUsCurInfo Return SetExtended($nTotalCPUs, $aUsage) EndFunc ; ============================================================================================== ; Func _CPUOverallUsageTracker_GetUsage(ByRef $aCPUsUsage) ; ; Updates a CPUsUsage array and returns CPU Usage information [Overall processor usage] ; ; Returns: ; Success: CPU Usage (Percentage) ; Failure: 0 with @error set to 1 for invalid parameters, or: ; @error = 2: DLLCall error, @extended = error returned from DLLCall ; @error = 3: API call returned False - call GetLastError for more info ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; ============================================================================================== Func _CPUOverallUsageTracker_GetUsage(ByRef $aCPUsUsage) If Not IsArray($aCPUsUsage) Or UBound($aCPUsUsage) < 2 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $aCPUsCurInfo, $fUsage, $nTotalActive, $nTotal $aCPUsCurInfo = _CPUOverallUsageTracker_Create() If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) $nTotal = $aCPUsCurInfo[0] - $aCPUsUsage[0] $nTotalActive = $aCPUsCurInfo[1] - $aCPUsUsage[1] ; Replace current usage tracker info $aCPUsUsage = $aCPUsCurInfo Return Round($nTotalActive * 100 / $nTotal, 1) EndFunc ; -------------------- MAIN PROGRAM CODE -------------------- HotKeySet("{Esc}", "_EscPressed") Local $hSplash, $sSplashText ; CPU Usage for all CPU's Local $iTotalCPUs, $aCPUsUsageTracker, $aPercents ; Overall CPU Usage Tracker ; (GetSystemTimes) ;~ Local $aCPUOverallTracker ; CPUs Usage Tracker $aCPUsUsageTracker = _CPUsUsageTracker_Create() If @error Then Exit ConsoleWrite("Error calling _CPUsUsageTracker_Create():" & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended & @CRLF) ; Overall CPU Usage tracker ;~ $aCPUOverallTracker = _CPUOverallUsageTracker_Create() ;~ If @error Then Exit ConsoleWrite("Error calling _CPUOverallUsageTracker_Create():" & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended & @CRLF) $iTotalCPUs = $aCPUsUsageTracker[0][0] ConsoleWrite("Total # CPU's: " & $iTotalCPUs & @CRLF) Sleep(250) $hSplash=SplashTextOn("CPU Usage Information [" & $iTotalCPUs & " total CPU's]", "", _ 240, 20 + ($iTotalCPUs + 1) * 35, Default, Default, 16, Default, 12) ; Start loop Do $aPercents = _CPUsUsageTracker_GetUsage($aCPUsUsageTracker) $sSplashText="" For $i=0 To $iTotalCPUs - 1 $sSplashText &= "CPU #"& $i+1 & ": " & $aPercents[$i] & " %" & @CRLF Next $sSplashText &= @CRLF &"[Overall CPU Usage] :" & $aPercents[$iTotalCPUs] & " %" & @CRLF ; Alternative, if all we wanted was Overall CPU Usage: ;~ $sSplashText &= @CRLF &"[Overall CPU Usage] :" & _CPUOverallUsageTracker_GetUsage($aCPUOverallTracker) & " %" & @CRLF $sSplashText &= @CRLF & "[Esc] exits" ControlSetText($hSplash, "", "[CLASS:Static; INSTANCE:1]", $sSplashText) Sleep(500) Until $bHotKeyPressed _ Overall CPU Usage (and Idle calculation) example: ; ======================================================================================================== ; <CPU_ProcessorUsageOverall.au3> ; ; Example of reading combined overall CPU usage and deducing Idle CPU usage as well ; Readings are shown in a 'Splash' window ; ; Functions: ; _CPUGetTotalProcessorTimes() ; Gets Overall (combined CPUs) Processor Times ; _CPUOverallUsageTracker_Create() ; Creates a CPU usage tracker for Overall CPU usage ; _CPUOverallUsageTracker_GetUsage(); Updates CPU usage tracker and returns CPU usage [Overall Usage] ; ; External Functions: ; _CPUGetIndividualProcessorTimes() ; Returns an array of CPU usage info for individual processors ; _CPUsUsageTracker_Create() ; Creates a CPU usage tracker for all CPUs ; _CPUsUsageTracker_GetUsage() ; Updates CPU usage tracker and returns a CPU usage array ; ; See also: ; <CPU_ProcessorUsage.au3> ; Individual CPU processor usage example ; Performance Counters UDF ; ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; ======================================================================================================== ; --- UDF's --- ; ============================================================================================== ; Func _CPUGetTotalProcessorTimes() ; ; Gets the total (combined CPUs) system processor times (as FILETIME) ; Note that Kernel Mode time includes Idle Mode time, so a proper calculation of usage time is ; Kernel + User - Idle ; And percentage (based on two readings): ; (Kernel_b - Kernel_a) + (User_b - User_a) - (Idle_b - Idle_a) * 100 ; / (Kernel_b - Kernal_a) + (User_b - User_a) ; ; O/S Requirements: min. Windows XP SP1+ ; ; Returns: ; Success: Array of info for total (combined CPU's) processor times: ; [0] = Idle Mode Time ; [1] = Kernel Mode Time -> NOTE This INCLUDES Idle Time ; [2] = User Mode Time ; ; Failure: "" with @error set: ; @error = 2: DLLCall error, @extended = error returned from DLLCall ; @error = 3: API call returned False - call GetLastError for more info ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; ============================================================================================== Func _CPUGetTotalProcessorTimes() Local $aRet, $aTimes $aRet = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "bool", "GetSystemTimes", "uint64*", 0, "uint64*", 0, "uint64*", 0) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") If Not $aRet[0] Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") Dim $aTimes[3] = [ $aRet[1], $aRet[2], $aRet[3] ] Return $aTimes EndFunc ; ============================================================================================== ; Func _CPUOverallUsageTracker_Create() ; ; Creates a CPU usage tracker array for Overall combined processors usage. ; This array should be passed to _CPUOverallUsageTracker_GetUsage() to get ; current usage information. ; ; Returns: ; Success: An array used to track Overall CPU usage ; Array 'internal' format: ; $arr[0] = Total Overall CPU Time (Kernel + User Mode) ; $arr[1] = Total Active Overall CPU Time (Kernel + User - Idle) ; ; Failure: "" with @error set [reflects _CPUGetTotalProcessorTimes codes]: ; @error = 2: DLLCall error, @extended = error returned from DLLCall ; @error = 3: API call returned False - call GetLastError for more info ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; ============================================================================================== Func _CPUOverallUsageTracker_Create() Local $aCPUTimes, $aCPUsUsage[2] $aCPUTimes = _CPUGetTotalProcessorTimes() If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, "") ; Total $aCPUsUsage[0] = $aCPUTimes[1] + $aCPUTimes[2] ; TotalActive (Kernel Time includes Idle time, so we need to subtract that) $aCPUsUsage[1] = $aCPUTimes[1] + $aCPUTimes[2] - $aCPUTimes[0] Return $aCPUsUsage EndFunc ; ============================================================================================== ; Func _CPUOverallUsageTracker_GetUsage(ByRef $aCPUsUsage) ; ; Updates a CPUsUsage array and returns CPU Usage information [Overall processor usage] ; ; Returns: ; Success: CPU Usage (Percentage) ; Failure: 0 with @error set to 1 for invalid parameters, or: ; @error = 2: DLLCall error, @extended = error returned from DLLCall ; @error = 3: API call returned False - call GetLastError for more info ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; ============================================================================================== Func _CPUOverallUsageTracker_GetUsage(ByRef $aCPUsUsage) If Not IsArray($aCPUsUsage) Or UBound($aCPUsUsage) < 2 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $aCPUsCurInfo, $fUsage, $nTotalActive, $nTotal $aCPUsCurInfo = _CPUOverallUsageTracker_Create() If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) $nTotal = $aCPUsCurInfo[0] - $aCPUsUsage[0] $nTotalActive = $aCPUsCurInfo[1] - $aCPUsUsage[1] ; Replace current usage tracker info $aCPUsUsage = $aCPUsCurInfo Return Round($nTotalActive * 100 / $nTotal, 1) EndFunc ; -------------------- HOTKEY FUNCTION & VARIABLE -------------------- Global $bHotKeyPressed=False Func _EscPressed() $bHotKeyPressed=True EndFunc ; -------------------- MAIN PROGRAM CODE -------------------- HotKeySet("{Esc}", "_EscPressed") Local $hSplash, $sSplashText ; Overall CPU Usage Tracker ; (GetSystemTimes) Local $aCPUOverallTracker, $fPercent ; Overall CPU Usage tracker $aCPUOverallTracker = _CPUOverallUsageTracker_Create() If @error Then Exit ConsoleWrite("Error calling _CPUOverallUsageTracker_Create():" & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended & @CRLF) Sleep(250) $hSplash=SplashTextOn("CPU [Overall] Usage Information", "", _ 240, 100, Default, Default, 16, Default, 12) ; Start loop Do $fPercent = _CPUOverallUsageTracker_GetUsage($aCPUOverallTracker) $sSplashText="" $sSplashText &= "[Overall CPU Usage] :" & $fPercent & " %" & @CRLF $sSplashText &= "[Idle] : " & (100 - $fPercent) & " %" & @CRLF $sSplashText &= @CRLF & "[Esc] exits" ControlSetText($hSplash, "", "[CLASS:Static; INSTANCE:1]", $sSplashText) Sleep(500) Until $bHotKeyPressed CPU_ProcessorUsageOverall.au3
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