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Found 3 results

  1. My profile when I logged in to a machine, it is showing @TempDir to C:\Users\uday\AppData\Local\Temp\2 instead of C:\Users\uday\AppData\Local\Temp But I need to delete a file in C:\Users\uday\AppData\Local\Temp folder. So I kept the target as @LocalAppDataDir & "\temp" It is expanding the value correctly and I confirm from messagebox also. But the code is stopping at that line and I am not getting any error also, it is simply stopping the execution there. Even I kept #RequireAdmin , but still same issue. Any suggestions?
  2. Hi All, I've got a script setup to drop a program into a temp folder and then run it from there, but I have mixed results, the Run() command will work on some computers but not others. The file will be placed into the temp folder in all cases. Running AutoIT The computers are all either Win 7 or 8.1, x64 (exe is compiled to x64 too), UAC is off, all have local admin rights - if I've missed something ask and I'll update the details. If Not FileExists (@TempDir & "\HCTB") Then DirCreate(@TempDir & "\HCTB") FileInstall("G:\IT\Downloads\TB\12.0.45471\Host\TB_Setup-sif7r8pgcq.exe", @TempDir & "\HCTB\TB_Setup-sif7r8pgcq.exe", 1) Local $iPID = Run(@TempDir & "\HCTB\TB_Setup-sif7r8pgcq.exe", "") Any suggestions? Thanks!
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