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Found 15 results

  1. I am new to AutoIT & need to run application with different user credentials. I am using below script with RunAs() but the application is not invoking. #include <AutoItConstants.au3> $sUserName = $CMDLine[1] $sDomain = $CMDLine[2] $sPassword = $CMDLine[3] RunAs($sUserName, $sDomain, $sPassword, $RUN_LOGON_NOPROFILE,"ssms.exe") Kindly assist! Thank you
  2. I have a script that seems to launch perfectly fine with IECreate, however, I want to launch the Browser and a specific URL with the RunAs command. I fairly new to AutoIT and wanted to know if someone can point me in the right direction. Local $surl = "http://somewebsite.com/DODA/admin/job.aspx" Local $oIE = _IECreate($sURL) The above launches the website correctly with the correct URL, however, I have tried the below and this fails to load and browser? #include <AutoItConstants.au3> ;======================== $oSleep = "200" Local $surl = "http://somewebsite.com/DODA/admin/job.aspx" Local $oIE = RunAs($args("username"), $args("domain"), $args("logonpassword"), "", "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe http://somewebsite.com/DODA/admin/job.aspx") _IELoadWait($oIE) I get the following error back? --> IE.au3 T3.0-2 Error from function _IELoadWait, $_IESTATUS_InvalidDataType --> IE.au3 T3.0-2 Error from function _IEGetObjById, $_IESTATUS_InvalidDataType --> IE.au3 T3.0-2 Error from function _IEGetObjById, $_IESTATUS_InvalidDataType
  3. Greetings, I've found and used @TheDcoder's ProcessEX UDF, and have found it and invaluable tool in my scripting arsenal. Recently, I found myself needing to create a script which then attempts to run another program as a different user. I was able to heavily borrow from the _Process_RunCommand function to create _Process_RunAsCommand: ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Process_RunAsCommand ; Description ...: Runs a command or an executable under a different user security privilege. ; Syntax ........: _Process_RunAsCommand($iMode, $sUserName, $sUserPass, $sUserDomain, $sExecutable [, $sWorkingDir = @TempDir [, $iRunOptFlag = $STDERR_MERGED]]) ; Parameters ....: $iMode - Mode in which this function should operate, See Remarks. ; $sUserName - User name under which you would like to run the command/executable. ; $sUserPass - Password for $sUserName. ; $sUserDomain - Domain name to which the $sUserName belongs. ; $sExecutable - The command to run/execute (along with any arguments). ; $sWorkingDir - [optional] The working directroy for the command. Default is @TempDir. $sUserName must have ; privileges to create/modify files on this directory. ; $iRunOptFlag - [optional] The Opt flag for the Run function. Default is $STDERR_MERGED. ; Return values .: Success: Mode $PROCESS_RUN : Will return the process handle & @extended will contain the PID of the command ; Mode $PROCESS_RUNWAIT : Will return the output & @extended will contain the exit code for the function ; Failure: Will return False & @error will contain: ; 1 - If the $iMode flag is invalid ; 2 - If the command is invalid ; Author ........: J. Sanchez, heavily borrowing from code by TheDcoder ; Modified ......: N/A ; Remarks .......: 1. The ONLY valid modes are: $PROCESS_RUN & $PROCESS_RUNWAIT ; $PROCESS_RUN : Will act similarly to Run function, See Return values ; $PROCESS_RUNWAIT : Will act similarly to RunWait function, See Return values ; If you use $PROCESS_RUN then use _Process_GetExitCode to get the exit code & use StdoutRead to get the output of the command ; 2. Use $PROCESS_COMMAND to run commands like this: $PROCESS_COMMAND & "ping" ; 3. Add $PROCESS_DEBUG to $iMode to automagically debug the command, $PROCESS_RUN is equivalent to $PROCESS_RUNWAIT in this case ; Related .......: RunAs, RunWait ; Link ..........: http://bit.ly/ProcessUdfForAutoIt ; Example .......: Yes, see example.au3 ; ===============================================================================================================================; Functions Func _Process_RunAsCommand($iMode, $sUserName, $sUserPass, $sUserDomain, $sExecutable, $sWorkingDir = @TempDir, $iRunOptFlag = $STDERR_MERGED) Local $iExitCode = 0 ; Declare the exit code variable before hand Local $sOutput = "" ; Declare the output variable before hand Local $bDebug = False ; Declare the debug variable before hand If BitAND($iMode, $PROCESS_DEBUG) Then $bDebug = True If BitAND($iMode, $PROCESS_RUN) Then $iMode = $PROCESS_RUN ElseIf BitAND($iMode, $PROCESS_RUNWAIT) Then $iMode = $PROCESS_RUNWAIT Else Return SetError(1, 0, False) EndIf ; If Not $iMode = $PROCESS_RUN Or Not $iMode = $PROCESS_RUNWAIT Then Return SetError(1, 0, False) ; If the mode is invalid... ;Local $iPID = Run($sExecutable, $sWorkingDir, @SW_HIDE, $iRunOptFlag) ; Run!!! :P Local $iPID = RunAs($sUserName,$sUserDomain,$sUserPass,BitAND(0,4),$PROCESS_COMMAND & " " & $sExecutable,$sWorkingDir,@SW_HIDE,$iRunOptFlag) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, False) ; If the command is invalid... Local $hProcessHandle = _Process_GetHandle($iPID) ; Get the handle of the process If $iMode = $PROCESS_RUN Then If Not $bDebug Then Return SetExtended($iPID, $hProcessHandle) ; If the function is in Run mode then return the PID & Process Handle $sOutput = _Process_DebugRunCommand($hProcessHandle, $iPID) ; Debug the process $iExitCode = _Process_GetExitCode($hProcessHandle) ; Note the exit code Return SetExtended($iExitCode, $sOutput) ; Return the output & exit code EndIf If Not $bDebug Then While ProcessExists($iPID) $sOutput &= StdoutRead($iPID) ; Capture the output Sleep(250) ; Don't kill the CPU WEnd $sOutput &= StdoutRead($iPID) ; Capture any remaining output $iExitCode = _Process_GetExitCode($hProcessHandle) ; Note the exit code Return SetExtended($iExitCode, $sOutput) ; Return the exit code & the output :D EndIf $sOutput = _Process_DebugRunCommand($hProcessHandle, $iPID) ; Debug the process $iExitCode = _Process_GetExitCode($hProcessHandle) ; Note the exit code Return SetExtended($iExitCode, $sOutput) ; Return the output & exit code EndFunc The issue that I currently have is that, regardless of what the errorlevel returned by the program being executed, the errorlevel returned by the _Process_RunAsCommand is 259, which, according to this page it means that there's no more data (I'm guessing from the STDIO and STDERR?) Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Hello, You guys helped me years ago to address logging in with a different account than the user. I have sense modified it over the years due to laptops syncing with AD which is why you will see 3 different passwords. So, this script snippet has worked for me in many things i have written but I am all the sudden having an issue getting it to work. I have verified that the password i am using for the local user account is $pass. Verified by doing a run as different user on Chrome and cut and pasted the password out of the script just to make sure i was not fat fingering something. I get a fail back from RunAs every time. Any chance you guys see something i am doing wrong? #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIFiles.au3> ;#RequireAdmin If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then If $CmdLine[1] = "/Install" Then RunUpdate() Exit EndIf ;;Will check users account to determine if admin, if not will Run with admin rights -------------------------------------------------------------- ;;Varables Start Local $user = ".\user" Local $pass = "password1" Local $pass2 = "password2" Local $pass3 = "password3" Local $filetorun = @ScriptFullPath & " /Install" ;;Varables End If IsAdmin () = 0 Then If RunAs ( $user, @CompterName, $pass, $RUN_LOGON_NOPROFILE,$filetorun) = 0 Then ;If RunAs ( $user, @ComputerName, $pass2, 0,$filetorun) = 0 Then ;If RunAs ( $user, @ComputerName, $pass3, 0,$filetorun) = 0 Then ;MsgBox (0,"Installation Error", "This installation was interrupted due to an incorrect Admin Password") ;Exit ;EndIf ;EndIf EndIf Exit Else Run ($filetorun) EndIf Func RunUpdate() MsgBox(0,"worked","worked") EndFunc
  5. Hello, I have a problem, I cant run script as administrator in Windows 10: main.exe: RegWrite('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\BITS', 'EnableBITSMaxBandwidth','REG_DWORD',Number('1')) RegWrite('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\BITS', 'MaxTransferRateOnSchedule','REG_DWORD',Number('100')) RegWrite('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\BITS', 'MaxBandwidthValidFrom','REG_DWORD',Number('7')) RegWrite('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\BITS', 'MaxBandwidthValidTo','REG_DWORD',Number('22')) RegWrite('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\BITS', 'UseSystemMaximum','REG_DWORD',Number('1')) RegWrite('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\BITS', 'MaxTransferRateOffSchedule','REG_DWORD',Number('400')) run.exe: Global $sUserName = "administrator" Global $sPassword = "pass" Global $sDomain = "domain" RunAsWait($sUserName, $sDomain, $sPassword, 2, "main.exe", "", @TempDir) If I run "run.exe" it dont work... If I change main.exe to this: msgbox(1,"",@username) and it runs and shows administrator in message box... but it cant elevate main.exe with RegWrite() command... I tried using #RequireAdmin in first line of main.exe, but it not worked... UAC is set to "do not notify" This method of elevation worked on Windows 7 and Windows XP... Please help!
  6. Hi AutoIters! Im trying to launch a .exe file that is nested within the program files (x86) folder structure. i have already used the standard RunAs Syntax and found that it fails to launch the application. I have switched to Run and that seems to work. My issue is I have to use RunAs as the applicaton would need to run under a completely different account. The Current logged in user is a Local User on the machine, however, the application must be run as a domain user. The Machine is domain connected. have tried the following: RunAs("username","logonpassword", $RUN_LOGON_PROFILE, "D:\Program Files (x86)\Vendor\Application Name\Exe Location\Executable.exe") The above fails to launch, there are no errors or syntax issues, it just does nothing when the variables are replaced for the correct values. I did the same using the Run command Run("D:\Program Files (x86)\Vendor\Application Name\Exe Location\Executable.exe") That seems to work fine, but runs in local user context. Any thoughts? Could it be a local Machine rights issue? Or have i missed something glaring in my script
  7. HI GUYS, I'm trying to run this script with an advanced domain user, but when compiling the cmd it returns access denied, as if it did not recognize the user of AD. RunAsWait("administrator", "CONTOSO", "Services.1", 2, "C:\Users\albert.frizz\Desktop\test.bat") can you help me please?
  8. Hello, I've been using this UDF to set ACL permissions to some network folders, everything works great (no issues). However, I want to apply these permissions using elevated domain credentials supplied by the user and not the user that's currently running the script. As a temporary solution, I've implemented a RunAs function, but that's not the solution I'm looking for. I'm not fluent with using Dlls, but I have been trying out different methods. My RunAs Function: Func _RunAs($sUser, $sPass) If @Compiled Then RunAs($sUser, @LogonDomain, $sPass, 4, FileGetShortName(@ScriptFullPath), "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) Else RunAs($sUser, @LogonDomain, $sPass, 4, FileGetShortName(@AutoItExe) & " " & FileGetShortName(@ScriptFullPath), "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_RunAs I tried LogonUser and I know that I can take that token to ImpersonateLoggedOnUser, but I'm not sure how to implement that or if that's even the right method. I also need to RevertToSelf once completed. Func _LogonUser($sUsername, $sPassword, $sServer = @LogonDomain) ; Returns True if user exists Local $stToken $stToken = DllStructCreate("int") Local $aRet = DllCall("advapi32.dll", "int", "LogonUser", _ "str", $sUsername, "str", $sServer, "str", $sPassword, "dword", 3, "dword", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stToken)) ;$hToken = DllStructGetData($stToken, 1) If Not @error And $aRet[0] <> 0 Then Return True EndIf Return False EndFunc ;==>_LogonUser Any assistance, suggestions or idea's would be helpful. Thanks!
  9. Hey guys, for some reason when I run this command with run as in autoit it returns access is denied. but when I run the same thing in an elevated command shell it works fine. Im not sure where I am messing up. global $rtech,$rcred, $IP $rtech = inputbox("","username") $rcred = InputBox("","password") $ip = inputbox("","enter IP") $pid = Runas ($rtech,"mhs", $rcred, 2 ,@ComSpec & ' /c reg query \\' & $ip & '"\hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\group policy\state\machine"|findstr /i "disting"', @SystemDir, @SW_hide, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) Local $line While 1 $line &= StdoutRead($pid) If @error Then ExitLoop WEnd While 1 $line &= StderrRead($pid) If @error Then ExitLoop WEnd MsgBox(0, "", $line)
  10. Hi All, I've got a script setup to drop a program into a temp folder and then run it from there, but I have mixed results, the Run() command will work on some computers but not others. The file will be placed into the temp folder in all cases. Running AutoIT The computers are all either Win 7 or 8.1, x64 (exe is compiled to x64 too), UAC is off, all have local admin rights - if I've missed something ask and I'll update the details. If Not FileExists (@TempDir & "\HCTB") Then DirCreate(@TempDir & "\HCTB") FileInstall("G:\IT\Downloads\TB\12.0.45471\Host\TB_Setup-sif7r8pgcq.exe", @TempDir & "\HCTB\TB_Setup-sif7r8pgcq.exe", 1) Local $iPID = Run(@TempDir & "\HCTB\TB_Setup-sif7r8pgcq.exe", "") Any suggestions? Thanks!
  11. Dears, i want add one recorder into HOSTS file file with following script in windows 7, but always failed, does anyone help me to correct it ? --script start-- Local $sUserName = "Administrator" Local $sPassword = "abcd1234" RunAs($sUserName,@computername,$sPassword,0,"attrib -s -h -r C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts") RunAs($sUserName,@computername,$sPassword,0,"echo xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx www.google.com" & @CRLF) RunAs($sUserName,@computername,$sPassword,0,"attrib +s +h +r C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts") --script end--
  12. I tried to run an app under LSA using impersonate user, Runas Func and much more but nothing helped finally i found how to go ahead Herez the script for anyone having the same problem As per the License Q: How many copies of Sysinternals utilities may I freely load or use on computers owned by my company? A: There is no limit to the number of times you may install and use the software on your devices or those you support. Installation and use will not cause any violation of the License #NoTrayIcon #include-once Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) _Runas_SYSTEM('notepad.exe', '-heya') ;$sRunProgramAsSystem : The Program which has to be run under LSA ;$sParams : The parameters which have to be passed to the specific program ;$sSession : if the program is GUI based then the Session should be the Current Session Usually 1 , if null Console Session is used ;$sPriority : -low, -belownormal, -abovenormal, -high, -background or -realtime Func _Runas_SYSTEM($sRunProgramAsSystem, $sParams = '', $sSession = 1, $sPriority = '-abovenormal'); Your Program Goes here. Local $sPath = @ScriptDir & '\PsExec.exe' If Not FileExists($sPath) Then MsgBox(16, 'Error', 'Please download the PsExec.exe from the upcoming site') ShellExecute('http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897553') Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf If $sParams Then $sParams = ' ' & $sParams Local $aResult = ShellExecuteWait($sPath, '-i ' & $sSession & ' ' & $sPriority & ' -d -s -h "' & $sRunProgramAsSystem & '"' & $sParams, @SystemDir, 'open', @SW_HIDE) If @error Then ConsoleWrite('! > Error Occured Error Code: ' & @error) Return $aResult EndFunc ;==>_Runas_SYSTEM Regards Phoenix XL
  13. Hi, i'm trying to add a printer with RunAs credentials in a domain environment. I'm loged on as a local user, and in the startupscript it says: runas("administrator","domain","******",1,runwait("rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /in /n" & "\\printserver\printername" & " /q")) It will not connect to the domain, and therefor will not install printer.
  14. Hi all, sorry for that Q, but I cant find my solution :-(( I try to call a console program using Run() or RunAs(), but I get a PID=0 and @error=1. Error codes are not explained in the help. Can someone help out? TIA -- Greetings from Germany! Uwe
  15. I am having problems getting a script to run with admin rights. I have 3 different passwords due to different computers not receiving network updates/pushes to have admin password updated to one consistant. Everytime I run the script it does nothing and exits, so i put in some msgbox's to find out what is going on, and the return with "0" on all three. I have Windows SP3 on the computer and have read in other post that people are thinking that it is causing problems, I am not even able to get one run much less the 32 that they get before it quits working. I have changed the user name and passwords for this forum due to security reasons, any help would be appreciated. If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then If $CmdLine[1] = "/UpdateOffice" Then UpdateOffice() Exit EndIf Local $user = "admin" Local $pass = "password" Local $pass2 = "password2" Local $pass3 = "password3" If IsAdmin () = 0 Then $run1 = RunAs ( $user, @ComputerName, $pass, 0,@ScriptFullPath & " /UpdateOffice") MsgBox (0,"",$run1) If $run1 = 0 Then $run2 = RunAs( $user, @ComputerName, $pass2, 0,@ScriptFullPath & " /UpdateOffice") MsgBox (0,"",$run2) If $run2 = 0 Then $run3 = RunAs ( $user, @ComputerName, $pass3, 0,@ScriptFullPath & " /UpdateOffice") MsgBox (0,"",$run3) If $run3 = 0 Then MsgBox (0,"",$run3) Exit EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf UpdateOffice() UpdateOffice is calling the function with a gui that I built. I can attach it if I need but I seen the above being the problem. thanks, Damon
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