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  1. Hi i try import protected pfx file to Windows XP by CertUtil i need add a pfx to this CertificateStoreName: "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" "Trusted Publishers" "Third-Party Root Certification Authorities" certutil import pfx to Windows 10 by this command Local $path_OSSys=@WindowsDir&"\System32" If @OSArch="X64" Or @OSArch="IA64" Then $path_OSSys=@WindowsDir&"\SysWOW64" $command="certutil.exe -f -p " & $password &' -importPFX TrustedPublisher "' & $pfx & '"' $iPID = Run($path_OSSys&"\CMD.exe" & " /C " & $command,"",@SW_HIDE) ProcessWaitClose($iPID) $command="certutil.exe -f -p " & $password &' -importPFX AuthRoot"' & $pfx & '"' $iPID = Run($path_OSSys&"\CMD.exe" & " /C " & $command,"",@SW_HIDE) ProcessWaitClose($iPID) work fine. in Windows XP : i add certutil.exe and certadm.dll (Windows Server 2003 -v5.2.3790) to System Folder ($path_OSSys) but it can't support CertificateStoreName and only add this command line Local $path_OSSys=@WindowsDir&"\System32" If @OSArch="X64" Or @OSArch="IA64" Then $path_OSSys=@WindowsDir&"\SysWOW64" $command="certutil.exe -f -p " & $password &' -importPFX "' & $pfx & '"' $iPID = Run($path_OSSys&"\CMD.exe" & " /C " & $command,"",@SW_HIDE) ProcessWaitClose($iPID) it add to pepole only. How to add pfx to "Trusted Root Certification Authorities", "Trusted Publishers" and "Third-Party Root Certification Authorities" (Windows XP only)? how to convert and use X509Store (C# codes here) X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.TrustedPublisher, StoreLocation.LocalMachine); store.Open(OpenFlags.ReadWrite); store.Add(new X509Certificate2(PFX, "myPass", X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet)); store.Close(); X509Store store2 = new X509Store(StoreName.AuthRoot, StoreLocation.LocalMachine); store2.Open(OpenFlags.ReadWrite); store2.Add(new X509Certificate2(PFX, "myPass", X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet)); store2.Close();
  2. It appears that the MSDN site has given up totally on supporting XP or assisting those that are still on it. If you do a search for any control reference information on MSDN you'll see that almost all mention of XP has been expunged, and Vista is usually listed as the minimum supported client now. I noticed this the other day when looking up the EM_SETCUEBANNER information, and I've seen it on every listview variable/macro I've looked up as well. So, don't be surprised if you see topics with remarks that say such-and-such setting or variable doesn't work on XP because MSDN says it's Vista+. Also, don't be surprised if in the future that some of the Windows APIs drop backwards compatibility for supposedly unsupported clients such as XP.
  3. i searched the forum, but didn't find anything. has anyone an idea or ever done it with autoit ? simple image transforming, like sharpness, brightness, blurring etc. ? maybe, does gdiplus.dll feature that ? here is a tutorial on how to do it the hard (mathematical) way. http://lodev.org/cgtutor/filtering.html before i try that, i wanted to know if there is already an existing project or an idea or anyone has experiences. thx
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