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Detecting next mouse click

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OK so I am trying to make an irregular shaped gui, in this case a circle that is divided into 9 pieces each "slice" is effectivly a button. Basically I am going to have this gui pop up whenever the user right clicks in a certain app and can select a function. However I have not found a way of making these slices actual buttons (that dont flicker) since they are not rectangular. I decided to cheat and since this is a right click menu is it possible to detect where the next mouse click is? That way I can define if the next click (following the right click that brought up the menu) is in a certain location it is on button x or is outside of the circle and should be sent to the app. I dont know of a way of monitoring mouse clicks.

Any suggestions either on how to monitor mouse clicks (specificallly the next click after a certain point) or does anyone have any code to map a very irregular shapped button?

Thanks ahead of time

Not that it matters too much with my question but heres a sample of the code I am using.

#include <GuiConstants.au3>
#include <windowsconstants.au3>
$mousepos = mousegetpos()
$width = IniRead("config.ini", "GUI", "Width", "DEFAULT")
$height = IniRead("config.ini", "GUI", "Height", "DEFAULT")

$gui = GUICreate("Menu",$width,$height,$mousepos[0]-$width/2,$mousepos[1]-$height/2,$WS_POPUP,$WS_EX_LAYERED)
GuiSetIcon("Menu.ico", 0)

;GuiCtrlCreateButton("Sample Button", 10, 330, 100, 30)

While GuiGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
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You could make a gui in place of each button. It might take a bit of math to get the window to the right shape, but then you could find the window that the mouse is over to see which "button" is clicked. I don't have the script to manipulate the window shape off hand, but it uses "SetWindowRgn" as a dllcall to change the shape. Search for that and you will find some examples about how to change the window shape.

This is the only way I can think of that will have no flickering. It isn't the easiest way and probably not the best way, but it will get the job done.

Edited by dantay9
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Crikey, I never even new you could make a circular gui

Now this is just a blind idea which may well be stupid, but I'll try nonetheless

Could you make these segments into groups ?

That would only work, if infact a group would detect a mouse click just as a label will.

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Actually, the making a label in place of a button would be a great idea. You can detect clicks on a label.

Edit: If all else fails, I guess you could just measure the position of the mouse in relation to the window to see which section of the window the mouse is in.

Edited by dantay9
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Great idea with the multiple guis. As far as the lables I didnt know you could make labels irregular shaped. If I set one of the lables color to transpararent wont it register the mouse click on the transparancy? I was under the impression the transparancy was just pixel level.


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