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You will not be able to use a "for loop" with different names

(unless they are in an array, but that is another story and more complicated)

And no one here thought to use ControlGetText and ControlSetText? that way you can keep whatever names you've got already.

$INI = "MyINI.ini"

$Form1 = GUICreate("Massive over-exaggeration FTW", 800, 600)

For $x= 8 To 600 Step 130
   For $y = 8 To 400 Step 24
      GUICtrlCreateInput("", $x, $y, 121, 21)

For $n = 1 To 85
   ControlSetText ($Form1, "", "Edit" & $n, IniRead ($INI, "Inputs", "Input" & $n , ""))

$Save = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save values", 8, 450, 100, 100)


While 1
   $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
   Switch $nMsg
      Case $save
         For $n = 1 To 85
            ToolTip ("saving value " & $n)
            IniWrite ($INI, "Inputs", "Input" & $n, ControlGetText ($Form1, "", "Edit" & $n))
      Case -3


Now has some nice functions that read and restore every single edit control from any window to a given ini file.

$Form1 = GUICreate("Massive over-exaggeration FTW", 800, 600)

For $x= 8 To 600 Step 130
   For $y = 8 To 400 Step 24
      GUICtrlCreateInput("", $x, $y, 121, 21)

$Save = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save values", 8, 450, 100, 100)
$Restore = GUICtrlCreateButton("Restore values", 112, 450, 100, 100)


While 1
   $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
   Switch $nMsg
      Case $save
         _SaveAll ($Form1)
      Case $Restore
         _RestoreAll ($Form1)
      Case -3

Func _RestoreAll ($hWnd, $sIni = "")
   If Not WinExists ($hWnd) Then Return SetError (1, 0, 0)
   If $sIni = "" Then $sIni = @ScriptDir & "\Inputs.ini"

   Local $sText, $i = 0
   While 1
      $i += 1
      ControlGetHandle ($hWnd, "", "Edit" & $i)
      If @Error Then ExitLoop

      ControlSetText ($hWnd, "", "Edit" & $i, IniRead ($sIni, "Inputs", "Input" & $i, ""))
   Return SetExtended ($i, 1)
Endfunc ; ==> _RestoreAll

Func _SaveAll ($hWnd, $sIni = "")
   If Not WinExists ($hWnd) Then Return SetError (1, 0, 0)
   If $sIni = "" Then $sIni = @ScriptDir & "\Inputs.ini"

   Local $sText, $i = 0
   While 1
      $i += 1
      ControlGetHandle ($hWnd, "", "Edit" & $i)
      If @Error Then ExitLoop

      IniWrite ($sIni, "Inputs", "Input" & $i, ControlGetText ($hWnd, "", "Edit" & $i))

   Return SetExtended ($i, 1)
EndFunc ; ==> _SaveAll
Edited by Mat
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