GreenBox Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 (edited) This post moved to #744390 Edited November 11, 2009 by GreenBox Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trancexx Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 wow! Very smart! I like the logic you use. Admirable ♡♡♡ . eMyvnE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ProgAndy Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 For me, the difference is not that high: Environment = under WIN_XP/Service Pack 3 X86 _StringRepeat >>> 230 ms _StringRepeatEx >>> 1 ms Is $vResultA = $vResultB? True AutoIt: (Os:WIN_XP/X86/Service Pack 3 Language:0407 Keyboard:00000407 Cpu:X64) _StringRepeat >>> 238 ms _StringRepeatEx >>> 2 ms Is $vResultA = $vResultB? True *GERMAN* [note: you are not allowed to remove author / modified info from my UDFs]My UDFs:[_SetImageBinaryToCtrl] [_TaskDialog] [AutoItObject] [Animated GIF (GDI+)] [ClipPut for Image] [FreeImage] [GDI32 UDFs] [GDIPlus Progressbar] [Hotkey-Selector] [Multiline Inputbox] [MySQL without ODBC] [RichEdit UDFs] [SpeechAPI Example] [WinHTTP]UDFs included in AutoIt: FTP_Ex (as FTPEx), _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenBox Posted November 8, 2009 Author Share Posted November 8, 2009 For me, the difference is not that high: Environment = under WIN_XP/Service Pack 3 X86 _StringRepeat >>> 230 ms _StringRepeatEx >>> 1 ms Is $vResultA = $vResultB? True AutoIt: (Os:WIN_XP/X86/Service Pack 3 Language:0407 Keyboard:00000407 Cpu:X64) _StringRepeat >>> 238 ms _StringRepeatEx >>> 2 ms Is $vResultA = $vResultB? True >"X:\App\Development\AutoIt\Program files\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "X:\Data\Projects\Useful\StringRepeatEx.au3" /autoit3dir "X:\App\Development\AutoIt\Program files" /UserParams +>19:24:55 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v. Environment(Language:0412 Keyboard:00000412 OS:WIN_2008/ CPU:X86 ANSI) >Running AU3Check ( from:X:\App\Development\AutoIt\Program files +>19:24:56 AU3Check ended.rc:0 >Running:(\App\Development\AutoIt\Program files\autoit3.exe "X:\Data\Projects\Useful\StringRepeatEx.au3" _StringRepeat >>> 5969 ms _StringRepeatEx >>> 5 ms Is $vResultA = $vResultB? True +>19:25:02 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0 +>19:25:04 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished >Exit code: 0 Time: 8.983 I have a TOO SLOW computer with win7, so i need this function. CPU : Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.40GHz RAM : 768 MB = 256 MB PC3200 DDR SDRAM (3.0-3-3-8 @ 200 MHz) (2.5-3-3-7 @ 166 MHz) and 512 MB PC3200 DDR SDRAM (3.0-3-3-8 @ 200 MHz) (2.5-3-3-7 @ 166 MHz) O S : Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate K Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mat Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 (edited) wow... thats a pretty big gain! The difference becomes less noticeable with larger strings though. This is your code in the standard UDF format, with error checking added. ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _StringRepeat ; Description ...: Repeats a string a specified number of times. ; Syntax.........: _StringRepeat($sString, $iRepeatCount) ; Parameters ....: $sString - String to repeat ; $iRepeatCount - Number of times to repeat the string ; Return values .: Success - Returns string with specified number of repeats ; Failure - Returns an empty string and sets @error = 1 ; |@Error - 0 = No error. ; |@Error - 1 = $iRepeatCount is not a number ; |@Error - 2 = $sString is too short - "" ; |@Error - 3 = $iRepeatCount is less than zero. ; Author ........: Greenbox ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _StringRepeat($sString, $iRepeatCount) If Not StringIsInt ($iRepeatCount) Then Return SetError (1, 0, "") If StringLen($sString) < 1 Then Return SetError (2, 0, "") If $iRepeatCount <= 0 Then Return SetError (3, 0, "") Local $nResultLen = StringLen($sString) * $iRepeatCount Do $sString &= $sString Until StringLen($sString) >= $nResultLen Return StringLeft($sString, $nResultLen) EndFunc ;==>_StringRepeat Mat Edited November 8, 2009 by Mat AutoIt Project Listing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Malkey Posted November 9, 2009 Share Posted November 9, 2009 I thought you might like to see your function put to good use. expandcollapse popup;Description: Draws a white bitmap divided into 9 equal areas with 5 areas a different colour Local $begin1 = TimerInit() $BMP = _BMPCreateMod(450, 300) ;Creates customize bitmap handle (suitable for BMP.au3 UDF only.) ConsoleWrite("_BMPCreate = " & TimerDiff($begin1) & @CRLF) Local $begin = TimerInit() Local $Header = StringLeft($BMP[3], 110); 110 = "0x" + 54bytes ;Local $sImageData = StringTrimLeft($BMP[3], 110) Local $ext = _StringRepeatEx("00", Mod($BMP[1], 4)) ;Bitmap width correction. ;white 1/3 of line Local $sWhiteLineSect = _StringRepeatEx('FFFFFF', Int($BMP[1] / 3)) ;Black white green line Local $Line = _StringRepeatEx('00FF00', Int($BMP[1] / 3)) & $sWhiteLineSect & _StringRepeatEx('000000', $BMP[1] - Int($BMP[1] / 3) * 2) & $ext $sImageDataMod = _StringRepeatEx($Line, Int($BMP[2] / 3)) ; 1/3 of total number of lines. ; white gray white line $Line = $sWhiteLineSect & _StringRepeatEx('999999', $BMP[1] - Int($BMP[1] / 3) * 2) & $sWhiteLineSect & $ext $sImageDataMod &= _StringRepeatEx($Line, Int($BMP[2] / 3)) ; Another 1/3 of lines added to $sImageDataMod. ; blue white red line $Line = _StringRepeatEx('FF0000', Int($BMP[1] / 3)) & $sWhiteLineSect & _StringRepeatEx('0000FF', $BMP[1] - Int($BMP[1] / 3) * 2) & $ext $sImageDataMod &= _StringRepeatEx($Line, $BMP[2] - (Int($BMP[2] / 3) * 2)) ; Remainder of lines (about 1/3) $BMP[3] = $Header & StringStripWS($sImageDataMod, 8) _BMPWrite($BMP, @ScriptDir & "\MyBMP.bmp");Closes the BMP to a file ConsoleWrite("BMP Write = " & TimerDiff($begin) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("TOTAL TIME = " & TimerDiff($begin1) & @CRLF) GUICreate("BMP Example", $BMP[1] + 20, $BMP[2] + 20) GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir & "\MyBMP.bmp", 10, 10, $BMP[1], $BMP[2]) GUISetState() Do $msg = GUIGetMsg() Until $msg = -3;$GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Func _BMPCreateMod($Width, $Height) Local $imageData ;***BMP header (54bytes total)*** Local $Header = "0x424D00000000000000003600000028000000" & _ _Reverse8(Hex($Width, 8)) & _ ;4bytes, bitmap width _Reverse8(Hex($Height, 8)) & _ ;4bytes, bitmap hieght "0100180000000000" & _ _Reverse8(Hex(($Height) * ($Width) * 3 + ($Height * Mod($Width, 4)), 8)) & _ ;4bytes, bitmap data size "00000000000000000000000000000000" ;Local $sRowData = _StringRepeatEx("FFFFFF", $Width) & _StringRepeatEx("00", Mod($Width, 4)) $imageData = "" ; _StringRepeatEx(_StringRepeatEx("FFFFFF", $Width) & _StringRepeatEx("00", Mod($Width, 4)), $Height) Local $BMPHandle[4] = [Mod($Width, 4), $Width, $Height, $Header & $imageData] Return $BMPHandle EndFunc ;==>_BMPCreateMod ;Copied from BMP.au3 file @ Func _Reverse8($inHex) Return StringMid($inHex, 7, 2) & StringMid($inHex, 5, 2) & StringMid($inHex, 3, 2) & StringMid($inHex, 1, 2) EndFunc ;==>_Reverse8 ;Copied from BMP.au3 file @ Func _BMPWrite(ByRef $BMPHandle, $Fpath, $Progress = 1) If IsArray($BMPHandle) = False Then Return 0 $out = FileOpen($Fpath, 18) If $out = -1 Then Return -1 FileWrite($out, $BMPHandle[3]) FileClose($out) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_BMPWrite ; Func _StringRepeatEx($sString, $iRepeatCount) Local $nResultLen = StringLen($sString) * $iRepeatCount If $nResultLen >= 2 ^ 27 Then $nResultLen = 2 ^ 27 - 1 ;Limit String Variant Do $sString &= $sString Until StringLen($sString) >= $nResultLen Return StringLeft($sString, $nResultLen) EndFunc ;==>_StringRepeatEx I tried to make _StringRepeatEx faster - without consistent success. On my system, 2^27 string length is the maximum allowed without bombing. expandcollapse popup#include <String.au3> ; Global $vResultA, $vResultB, $vResultC $vResultA = ChkTimer(TimerInit(), _StringRepeat("-", 2^20)) ConsoleWrite("_StringRepeat >>> " & @extended & " ms" & @CRLF) sleep(50) $vResultB = ChkTimer(TimerInit(), _StringRepeatEx("-", 2^20)) ConsoleWrite("_StringRepeatEx >>> " & @extended & " ms" & @CRLF) sleep(50) $vResultC = ChkTimer(TimerInit(), _StringRepeatMod("-", 2^20)) ConsoleWrite("_StringRepeatExMod >>> " & @extended & " ms" & @CRLF) sleep(50) $vResultD = ChkTimer(TimerInit(), _StringRepeatMod("-", 2^20)) ConsoleWrite("_StringRepeatMod >>> " & @extended & " ms" & @CRLF & @CRLF) sleep(50) ConsoleWrite("Is $vResultA = $vResultB? " & ($vResultA = $vResultB) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Is $vResultA = $vResultC? " & ($vResultA = $vResultC) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Is $vResultA = $vResultD? " & ($vResultA = $vResultD) & @CRLF) Func _StringRepeatEx($sString, $iRepeatCount) Local $nResultLen = StringLen($sString) * $iRepeatCount If $nResultLen >= 2^27 Then $nResultLen = 2^27 - 1 ;Limit String Variant Do $sString &= $sString Until StringLen($sString) >= $nResultLen Return StringLeft($sString, $nResultLen) EndFunc Func _StringRepeatExMod($sString, $iRepeatCount) Local $nResultLen = StringLen($sString) * $iRepeatCount If $nResultLen >= 2^27 Then $nResultLen = 2^27 - 1 ;Limit String Variant for $x= 1 to Ceiling(Log($iRepeatCount)/ Log(2)) $sString &= $sString next Return StringLeft($sString, $nResultLen) EndFunc ; Modified _StringRepeat from String.au3 include file. Func _StringRepeatMod($sString, $iRepeatCount) ;============================================== ; Local Constant/Variable Declaration Section ;============================================== Local $i = StringLen($sString) Local $iLoops = Ceiling(Log(StringLen($sString) * $iRepeatCount)/ Log(2)) Select Case Not StringIsInt($iRepeatCount) SetError(1) Return "" Case StringLen($sString) < 1 SetError(1) Return "" Case $iRepeatCount <= 0 SetError(1) Return "" case StringLen($sString) * $iRepeatCount >= 2^27 ;Limit String Variant $iLoops = Ceiling(Log(2^27 - 1)/ Log(2)) ContinueCase Case Else For $iCount = 1 To $iLoops $sString &= $sString Next Return StringLeft($sString, $i * $iRepeatCount) EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_StringRepeat Func ChkTimer($iTime, $vResult) Return SetExtended(TimerDiff($iTime), $vResult) EndFunc My results on first run:- _StringRepeat >>> 2079 ms _StringRepeatEx >>> 10 ms _StringRepeatExMod >>> 10 ms _StringRepeatMod >>> 10 ms Is $vResultA = $vResultB? True Is $vResultA = $vResultC? True Is $vResultA = $vResultD? True Thanks for sharing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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