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Display text file content in GUICtrlCreateEdit

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Im trying to display an entire TXT file inside a GUICtrlCreateEdit control without any sucess.

Im using the following code:

$file = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\test.txt", 0)

$control = GUICtrlCreateEdit($file, 180, 100, 480, 275, $ES_AUTOVSCROLL + $WS_VSCROLL + $ES_READONLY)

This only displays "1", meaning that it managed to open the text file.

Any help will be appreciated!


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I'd check up on the documentation for the File functions. FileOpen only makes the file available for access, you need to use FileRead to actually read in the contents of the file.

Thank you for supplying sample code, but please, please surround it with '[autoit][/autoit]' or '' tags, it makes life much, much easier for everyone.

#fgpkerw4kcmnq2mns1ax7ilndopen (Q, $0); while ($l = <Q>){if ($l =~ m/^#.*/){$l =~ tr/a-z1-9#/Huh, Junketeer's Alternate Pro Ace /; print $l;}}close (Q);[code] tag ninja!

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FileOpen only Opens a text file for reading or writing, giving you a "handle" for use with subsequent file functions.

You then need to use FileRead or FileReadLine to actually read it.

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Look into FileRead()

EDIT - that will teach me to refresh before posting

Edited by nitekram


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Thanks for your input!

Sorry for the lacking code tags.

FileReadLine only to shows a line at a time; i want to display the entire file!

I've read the documentation and searched this entire forum and haven't found anything that displays an entire file content to the GUI.

I believe i can use a while - wend loop to read a line at a time, adding text to the control but i hope that there is another way.

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You're on the right track, but it will 'flicker' less if you read the file into a variable first, then send it to the control.

EDIT: Ran into this little jem in the File UDF

Local $FileContents = FileRead($FileHandle, FileGetSize($FilePath))
Edited by Fulano

#fgpkerw4kcmnq2mns1ax7ilndopen (Q, $0); while ($l = <Q>){if ($l =~ m/^#.*/){$l =~ tr/a-z1-9#/Huh, Junketeer's Alternate Pro Ace /; print $l;}}close (Q);[code] tag ninja!

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