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How can check a logged user's name?


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In our company there are 2 kind of users: the company's own users has a simple username (example abcd, efgh, xyza, etc.), and the vendor users have "a-" before their username (example a-abcd, a-efgh, a-xyza, etc)

I would like to prevent my scripts against vendor users. I would have a check: Is the logged on user has an "a-" user, or a simple? If he/she has simple user, the script start normally, but if the username start with "a-" then get an error message. (for example: You are not authorized to run this program)

How can I do this?

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For sure there are better ways but some easy way would be to check the %userprofile% variable

It holds the username of the currently logged in user.

C:\Documents and Settings\username

ok, you are right, i know it, but how can i check this username start with "a-" or not? (maybe read it to a string, but is there a command to check string's first character?)

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