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Line Replacement and Russian Language

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Q 2 all.

Found problem with line replacement and russian simbols :) Can anyone help me?

Trying to excute such a code

Func FoxyProxyEnable()
$file = @AppDataDir & "\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\z8jk2nap.default\foxyproxy.xml"
$handle = FileOpen($file, 0)
$NewFile = @AppDataDir & "\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\z8jk2nap.default\foxyproxy.tmp"
$handle2 = FileOpen (@AppDataDir & "\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\z8jk2nap.default\foxyproxy.tmp", 2 )
    While 1
        $line = FileReadLine($handle)
        If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop
        $line = StringReplace($line, 'foxyproxy mode="disabled"', 'foxyproxy mode="3769029091"')
        FileWriteLine ($handle2, $Line)
FileDelete ($File)
FileMove($NewFile, $File, 1)
FileDelete ($NewFile)

When the source file is foxyproxy.xml

Result file is foxyproxy.xml.

Russian simbols become unknown hieroglyphs :) I think sth wrong with the codepage, in which the temp file is saving :/

Anyone know how to solve it?

Or maybe rewrite this code in other way because I'm not a 'true' coder. This func was the first idea to replace the characters in line

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Check the help file for FileWriteLine, it states "When writing text AutoIt will write using ANSI by default. To write in Unicode mode the file must be opened with FileOpen() and the relevant flags.". Those characters are Unicode, you need to open the file you're writing to with the proper parameters for Unicode. Check the help file for FileOpen and see which one matches the file you're reading from.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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There is a function wich should help you:

$hReadFile = FileOpen($sFile, 16384)
$iEncoding = FileGetEncoding($hReadFile)
$hWriteFile = FileOpen($sTargetFile, BitOr($iEncoding, 2))
$sContent = FileRead($hReadFile)
FileWrite($hWriteFile, $sContent)

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