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is it possible to have autoit not add this registry value?

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turns out all autoit exes add the following registry values (im not sure why or how) but here they are:

HKLM\​system\​CurrentControlSet\​control\​NetworkProvider\​HwOrder 0 Value Change 1

this according to anubis scan, and this is all that keeps my autoit programs on the redlist of antiviruses.

but ALL autoit exes apparently edit this key, so right, is it possible to keep autoit from editing these values?

even an exe with JUST sleep(100) in it anubis said it edited these.

anubis.iseclab.org - if one of the developers could solve that issue it'd mean we wouldnt have as much to deal with from antivirus companies

i mean at least not as much. i was just thinking should be an option for an autoit exe to not edit said values

thanks in advance

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turns out all autoit exes add the following registry values (im not sure why or how) but here they are:

HKLM\​system\​CurrentControlSet\​control\​NetworkProvider\​HwOrder 0 Value Change 1

This statement is certainly not true for me. I've just run several AutoIt exes on my PC and monitored all registry access with sysinternals' RegMon.exe. Nothing under HKLM\​system\​CurrentControlSet\​control\​NetworkProvider was changed or even accessed.

Edit: Put some words in the order I originally intended.

Edited by Bowmore

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I have been running compiled exes from many versions of AutoIt over several years and I do not have that key (or keys, you are imprecise in your post) set at all on my system. :)

All I have in HKLM\system\CurrentControlSet\control\NetworkProvider\HwOrder is the ProviderOrder key which reads: "LanmanWorkstation,RDPNP,webclient".

Are you sure that AutoIt is doing it? According to MS, the NetworkProvider subkey "provides a list of the available network providers that use the Microsoft network-independent APIs". It seems very likely to me that it is something else. :P


Edit: Formatting went all funny. :)

Edited by Melba23

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well, according to runtime antivirus scans autoit exes do change values. i have no idea why. scan any of your compiled autoit exes in an online sandbox such as http://anubis.iseclab.org/

no seriously just try it, and thats not the only runtime scan that says autoit exes do this, all runtime scans ive tried say it. i dont know, im no developer, i just know what i see

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well, according to runtime antivirus scans autoit exes do change values. i have no idea why. scan any of your compiled autoit exes in an online sandbox such as http://anubis.iseclab.org/

no seriously just try it, and thats not the only runtime scan that says autoit exes do this, all runtime scans ive tried say it. i dont know, im no developer, i just know what i see

Are you some sort of rep for this anubis, you keep piping up about them, I've got news for you, no-one cares about a lousey stinking online scan that hardly anyone has heard of, so you might as well give up with your aggressive "no really" "Just do it" "upload" suggestions.

Even it it did write this elusive regkey, so what?, I doubt there is going to be a new release of autoit3 because of you dont like a false posotive from a scrotum scan.

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its not just anubis though, most antiviruses have runtime scans. i was just using anubis as an example. in fact the scans that detect autoit exes arent based on the file before its run. also another online sandbox from sunbelt says autoit exes do something called "checks for debugger" - the point here is that runtime scans have pretty common guidelines in what they check for from an exe. google "online sandbox" i highly advise you guys give this a try.

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i try to get people to play a game i made in autoit and people complain its a virus. scan it on virustotal and its only detected by k7, none of my friends or no one i know uses k7, theyre detected not because of the file but because of RUNTIME

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I just reimaged a computer here at work and ran one of my software install scripts on it (compiled .exe) and then I just checked that registry value you mentioned. There is absolutely no difference between the before and after values in that key. I then checked it as the program is running and there is no change there as well. Looks like your AV scanner sucks and is reading things that just aren't there.

This isn't a false positive as I would categorize one, this is the AV scanner being used telling you things that aren't happening. The exe's do not modify, add or remove any entries in that key while running or after being run. Use a different AV program.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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with the site you linked urself... it does no such thing


- Monitored Registry Keys:

Key Name: HKLM\​system\​CurrentControlSet\​control\​NetworkProvider\​HwOrder

Watch subtree: 0

Notify Filter: Value Change

Count: 1

This means it checked the value once for a Value Change

it does not mean it changed the value.

tbh sites like that are a load of crap anyways.

there should be a monitor here somewhere thats reliable. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/sysinternals

Edited by Djarlo
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i try to get people to play a game i made in autoit and people complain its a virus. scan it on virustotal and its only detected by k7, none of my friends or no one i know uses k7, theyre detected not because of the file but because of RUNTIME

If your compiled files are flagged as a virus then compile them without the UPX packer, this is the most likely part that is being flagged.

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its not just anubis though, most antiviruses have runtime scans. i was just using anubis as an example. in fact the scans that detect autoit exes arent based on the file before its run. also another online sandbox from sunbelt says autoit exes do something called "checks for debugger" - the point here is that runtime scans have pretty common guidelines in what they check for from an exe. google "online sandbox" i highly advise you guys give this a try.

"checks for debugger"

Yes Autoit has implemented test against debugging EXE files. If it's reason for being flagged as "bad" then replace your scanner by better one.

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