z0mgItsJohn Posted March 16, 2011 Share Posted March 16, 2011 (edited) If you happen to watch live streams on Justin.tv and want a easy to way to keep track of the channels your following, this is the tool for you!Current version : 1.1Features :- Channels with a blue text color are live.- Click a channel once to view information (Title, Status, Category, Sub-category), or double click to view it.- Hide or Show the window : This feature can be accessed via the tray menu.- Notifier : Allows you to set specific channels to be notified about when they go live.Known Problems :- If you are following over 100 people, only 100 of them will show up, this is due to JTV's API only allowing up to 100 at a time, I'm pretty sure you could work around it, if you really wanted to.Screen Shots :Your JTV.au3 :expandcollapse popup; Includes. #Include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #Include <GUIListBox.au3> #Include <GUITreeView.au3> #Include <WindowsConstants.au3> #Include <Misc.au3> #Include <_XMLDomWrapper.au3> #Include <File.au3> #Include <Array.au3> #Include <INet.au3> #Include <Date.au3> ; Username check. If IniRead ('settings.ini','Settings','Username','') == '' Then $Input = InputBox ('JTV Username?','What is your JTV username?','','', 200, 125) If @Error Then Exit If $Input = '' Then Do $Input = InputBox ('JTV Username?','What is your JTV username?','','', 200, 125) If @Error Then Exit Until $Input <> '' ElseIf @Error Then Exit EndIf IniWrite ('settings.ini','Settings','Username', $Input) EndIf ; Options. Opt ('GUIOnEventMode', 1) Opt ('TrayMenuMode', 1) Opt ('TrayOnEventMode', 1) ; Tray menu. $Tray_Toggle = TrayCreateItem ('Hide') TrayItemSetOnEvent (-1, '_Toggle') TrayCreateItem ('') TrayCreateItem ('Exit') TrayItemSetOnEvent (-1, '_Exit') ; Live vars. Global $Live_Nodes, $Live_sTitles, $Live_Titles, $Live_URLs, $Live_Status, $Live_C, $Live_SC ; Last Live var. Global $Last_Live_URLs = 0 ; All vars. Global $All_Nodes, $All_sTitles, $All_Titles, $All_URLs, $All_Status, $All_C, $All_SC ; Other vars. Global $Toggle = 0, $Toggle_Hide = 1 ; Main GUI. $GUI = GUICreate ('Your JTV v1.1', 230, 310) GUISetOnEvent ($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, '_Exit') GUICtrlCreateTab (0, 0, 232, 313) GUICtrlCreateTabItem ('Channels') $Channel_Tree = GUICtrlCreateTreeView (5, 25, 220, 255) GUICtrlCreateButton ('Refresh', 5, 285, 55, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent (-1, '_Refresh') GUICtrlSetTip (-1, 'Refresh the list of channels.') GUICtrlCreateButton ('Open JTV', 64, 285, 65, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent (-1, '_Open_JTV') GUICtrlCreateButton ('Exit', 133, 285, 40, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent (-1, '_Exit') GUICtrlCreateTabItem ('Settings') GUICtrlCreateGroup ('', 5, 20, 220, 40) $Username = GUICtrlCreateInput (IniRead ('settings.ini','Settings','Username',''), 11, 32, 153, 20) GUICtrlSetTip (-1, 'Your JTV username.') GUICtrlCreateButton ('Update', 168, 31, 52, 21) GUICtrlSetOnEvent (-1, '_Update') GUICtrlSetTip (-1, 'Update your JTV username.') GUICtrlCreateGroup ('Notifier', 5, 61, 220, 245) $Notifier = GUICtrlCreateCombo ('', 11, 78, 65) GUICtrlSetOnEvent (-1, '_Save_Settings') GUICtrlSetData (-1, 'Enabled|Disabled', IniRead ('settings.ini','Settings','Notifier','Disabled')) GUICtrlSetTip (-1, 'The status of the notifier.') $Delay = GUICtrlCreateInput (IniRead ('settings.ini','Settings','Delay', 10), 81, 78, 43, 21, 1) GUICtrlSetOnEvent (-1, '_Save_Settings') GUICtrlSetTip (-1, 'The delay between how often the notifier checks for live channels. (In minutes.)') GUICtrlCreateUpdown (-1) $Add = GUICtrlCreateButton ('Add', 128, 78, 34, 21) GUICtrlSetOnEvent (-1, '_Toggle_Hide') GUICtrlSetTip (-1, 'Add a channel to the notifier list.') $Remove = GUICtrlCreateButton ('Remove', 165, 78, 55, 21) GUICtrlSetOnEvent (-1, '_Remove') GUICtrlSetTip (-1, 'Remove the selected channel from the notifier list.') $Notifier_List = GUICtrlCreateList ('', 11, 104, 208, 200) GUISetState (@SW_SHOW, $GUI) WinSetOnTop ($GUI, '', 1) ; Add GUI $Add_GUI = GUICreate ('Add', 220, 213, -1, -1, -1, 128) GUISetOnEvent ($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, '_Toggle_Hide') $Add_List = GUICtrlCreateList ('', 0, 0, 220, 200) GUICtrlCreateButton ('Add', 0, 191, 35, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent (-1, '_Add') GUICtrlSetTip (-1, 'Add the selected channel to the notifier list.') GUICtrlCreateButton ('Add All', 37, 191, 45, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent (-1, '_Add_All') GUICtrlSetTip (-1, 'Add all of your channels to the notifier list.') GUISetState (@SW_SHOW, $Add_GUI) WinSetState ($Add_GUI, '', @SW_HIDE) WinSetOnTop ($Add_GUI, '', 1) ; Notifier If GUICtrlRead ($Notifier) == 'Enabled' Then _Notifier_List () AdlibRegister ('_Refresh', (GUICtrlRead ($Delay) * (1000 * 60))) Else GUICtrlSetState ($Delay, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Add, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Remove, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Notifier_List, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf _Refresh () ; Main Loop While 1 Sleep (150) WEnd ; Custom Functions Func _Refresh () Local $rUsername = GUICtrlRead ($Username) If $rUsername == '' Then Return ; Disable TreeView. GUICtrlSetState ($Channel_Tree, $GUI_DISABLE) ; Reset TreeView. _GUICtrlTreeView_DeleteAll ($Channel_Tree) ; Local vars. Local $Live_URL = 'http://api.justin.tv/api/user/favorites/' & $rUsername & '.xml?limit=100&offset=0&live=true' Local $All_URL = 'http://api.justin.tv/api/user/favorites/' & $rUsername & '.xml?limit=100&offset=0' Local $Live_XML = @TempDir & '\live.xml' Local $All_XML = @TempDir & '\all.xml' Local $Nodes, $A, $Title, $Len ; Check for any old XML files. If FileExists ($Live_XML) Then FileDelete ($Live_XML) If FileExists ($All_XML) Then FileDelete ($All_XML) ; Load live channels. INetGet ($Live_URL, $Live_XML) _XMLFileOpen ($Live_XML) $Nodes = _XMLGetNodeCount ('/channels/channel') Global $Live_Nodes = $Nodes If $Nodes > 0 Then Global $Live_sTitles[$Nodes + 1], $Live_Titles[$Nodes + 1], $Live_URLs[$Nodes + 1], $Live_Status[$Nodes + 1], $Live_C[$Nodes + 1], $Live_SC[$Nodes + 1] For $A = 1 To $Nodes $Title = _XMLGetFirstValue ('/channels/channel[' & $A & ']/title') ; Make sure the title isn't too long. If StringLen ($Title) > 25 Then $Title = StringLeft ($Title, 25) & '...' $Live_sTitles[$A] = $Title $Live_Titles[$A] = _XMLGetFirstValue ('/channels/channel[' & $A & ']/title') $Live_URLs[$A] = _XMLGetFirstValue ('/channels/channel[' & $A & ']/channel_url') ; Notifier If GUICtrlRead ($Notifier) == 'Enabled' Then If $Last_Live_URLs == 0 And _Check ($Live_URLs[$A]) == 1 Or _ArraySearch ($Last_Live_URLs, $Live_URLs[$A]) < 0 And _Check ($Live_URLs[$A]) == 1 Then WinSetOnTop ($GUI, '', 0) $Msg = MsgBox (BitOr (4, 32), 'Live Channel Notice', $Title & ' is live, would you like to view this stream?') WinSetOnTop ($GUI, '', 1) GUICtrlSetState ($Channel_Tree, $GUI_DISABLE) If $Msg == 6 Then _URL ($Live_URLs[$A]) GUICtrlSetState ($Channel_Tree, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf EndIf $Live_Status[$A] = _XMLGetFirstValue ('/channels/channel[' & $A & ']/status') ; Make sure the status isn't too long. $Len = StringLen ($Live_Status[$A]) If $Len > 74 Then If $Len > 148 Then $Live_Status[$A] = StringLeft ($Live_Status[$A], 74) & @CRLF & StringMid ($Live_Status[$A], 75, 74) & @CRLF & StringRight ($Live_Status[$A], $Len - 148) ElseIf $Len = 148 Then $Live_Status[$A] = StringLeft ($Live_Status[$A], 74) & @CRLF & StringRight ($Live_Status[$A], 74) Else $Live_Status[$A] = StringLeft ($Live_Status[$A], 74) & @CRLF & StringRight ($Live_Status[$A], $Len - 74) EndIf EndIf If $Live_Status[$A] == '' Then $Live_Status[$A] = 'Status not set.' $Live_C[$A] = _XMLGetFirstValue ('/channels/channel[' & $A & ']/category_title') If $Live_C[$A] == '' Then $Live_C[$A] = 'Not Set' $Live_SC[$A] = _XMLGetFirstValue ('/channels/channel[' & $A & ']/subcategory_title') If $Live_SC[$A] == '' Then $Live_SC[$A] = 'Not Set' GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem ($Title, $Channel_Tree) GUICtrlSetOnEvent (-1, '_Process') GUICtrlSetColor (-1, 0x0000FF) Next ; Add the current URLs to the last live URLs. If GUICtrlRead ($Notifier) == 'Enabled' Then Global $Last_Live_URLs[$Nodes + 1] For $A = 1 To $Nodes $Last_Live_URLs[$A] = $Live_URLs[$A] Next EndIf EndIf FileDelete ($Live_XML) ; Load all channels. INetGet ($All_URL, $All_XML) _XMLFileOpen ($All_XML) $Nodes = _XMLGetNodeCount ('/channels/channel') Global $All_Nodes = $Nodes If $Nodes > 0 Then Global $All_sTitles[$Nodes + 1], $All_Titles[$Nodes + 1], $All_URLs[$Nodes + 1], $All_Status[$Nodes + 1], $All_C[$Nodes + 1], $All_SC[$Nodes + 1] For $A = 1 To $Nodes $Title = _XMLGetFirstValue ('/channels/channel[' & $A & ']/title') ; Make sure the title isn't too long. If StringLen ($Title) > 25 Then $Title = StringLeft ($Title, 25) & '...' $All_sTitles[$A] = $Title $All_Titles[$A] = _XMLGetFirstValue ('/channels/channel[' & $A & ']/title') $All_URLs[$A] = _XMLGetFirstValue ('/channels/channel[' & $A & ']/channel_url') $All_Status[$A] = _XMLGetFirstValue ('/channels/channel[' & $A & ']/status') ; Make sure the status isn't too long. $Len = StringLen ($All_Status[$A]) If $Len > 74 Then If $Len > 148 Then $All_Status[$A] = StringLeft ($All_Status[$A], 74) & @CRLF & StringMid ($All_Status[$A], 75, 74) & @CRLF & StringRight ($All_Status[$A], $Len - 148) ElseIf $Len = 148 Then $All_Status[$A] = StringLeft ($All_Status[$A], 74) & @CRLF & StringRight ($All_Status[$A], 74) Else $All_Status[$A] = StringLeft ($All_Status[$A], 74) & @CRLF & StringRight ($All_Status[$A], $Len - 74) EndIf EndIf If $All_Status[$A] == '' Then $All_Status[$A] = 'Status not set.' $All_C[$A] = _XMLGetFirstValue ('/channels/channel[' & $A & ']/category_title') If $All_C[$A] == '' Then $All_C[$A] = 'Not Set' $All_SC[$A] = _XMLGetFirstValue ('/channels/channel[' & $A & ']/subcategory_title') If $All_SC[$A] == '' Then $All_SC[$A] = 'Not Set' If _ArraySearch ($Live_Titles, $Title) == -1 Then GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem ($Title, $Channel_Tree) GUICtrlSetOnEvent (-1, '_Process') EndIf Next EndIf FileDelete ($All_XML) ; Enable TreeView. GUICtrlSetState ($Channel_Tree, $GUI_ENABLE) EndFunc Func _Process () If ControlGetFocus ($GUI) <> 'SysTreeView321' Or WinGetTitle ('[ACTIVE]') <> WinGetTitle ($GUI) Then Return ; Declare vars. Local $Live_Index, $All_Index, $Text = _GUICtrlTreeView_GetText ($Channel_Tree, GUICtrlRead ($Channel_Tree)), $Timer, $Rect ; Search for index. $Live_Index = _ArraySearch ($Live_sTitles, $Text) $All_Index = _ArraySearch ($All_sTitles, $Text) ; Check for double click. Do Sleep (15) Until _IsPressed (01) = False $Timer = TimerInit () Do Sleep (15) Until _IsPressed (01) Or TimerDiff ($Timer) >= 150 ; Process single click or double click. If TimerDiff ($Timer) >= 150 Then If $Live_Index <> -1 Then _ToolTip ($Live_Titles[$Live_Index], $Live_Status[$Live_Index], $Live_C[$Live_Index], $Live_SC[$Live_Index]) If $All_Index <> -1 Then _ToolTip ($All_Titles[$All_Index], $All_Status[$All_Index], $All_C[$All_Index], $All_SC[$All_Index]) Else If $Live_Index <> -1 Then _URL ($Live_URLs[$Live_Index]) If $All_Index <> -1 And $Live_Index = -1 Then _URL ($All_URLs[$All_Index]) EndIf EndFunc Func _URL ($aURL) TrayTip ('','Loading URL : ' & $aURL, 2000, 1) WinSetState ($GUI, '', @SW_MINIMIZE) WinSetState ($GUI, '', @SW_DISABLE) ShellExecuteWait ($aURL) WinSetState ($GUI, '', @SW_ENABLE) EndFunc Func _Update () Local $rUsername = GUICtrlRead ($Username) Local $URL = 'http://www.justin.tv/' & $rUsername If _INetGetSource ($URL) = '' Then GUICtrlSetData ($Username, 'Username does not exist.') Else IniWrite ('settings.ini','Settings','Username', GUICtrlRead ($Username)) _Refresh () EndIf EndFunc Func _Add () If GUICtrlRead ($Add_List) == '' Then Return Local $List = @ScriptDir & '\notifier_list.txt', $Index = _ArraySearch ($Last_Live_URLs, $All_URLs[_ArraySearch ($All_sTitles, GUICtrlRead ($Add_List))]) If $Index > 0 Then _ArrayDelete ($Last_Live_URLs, $Index) FileWriteLine ($List, $All_URLs[_ArraySearch ($All_sTitles, GUICtrlRead ($Add_List))]) _Notifier_List () _Toggle_Hide () EndFunc Func _Add_All () Local $List = @ScriptDir & '\notifier_list.txt', $A Global $Last_Live_URLs = 0 FileDelete ($List) For $A = 1 To $All_Nodes FileWriteLine ($List, $All_URLs[$A]) Next _Notifier_List () _Toggle_Hide () EndFunc Func _Toggle_Hide () Local $A If $Toggle_Hide == 0 Then WinSetState ($Add_GUI, '', @SW_HIDE) $Toggle_Hide = 1 Else GUICtrlSetData ($Add_List, '') For $A = 1 To $All_Nodes GUICtrlSetData ($Add_List, $All_sTitles[$A]) Next WinSetState ($Add_GUI, '', @SW_SHOW) $Toggle_Hide = 0 EndIf EndFunc Func _Check ($aURL) Local $List = @ScriptDir & '\notifier_list.txt', $A, $Count = _FileCountLines ($List) For $A = 1 To $Count If FileReadLine ($List, $A) = $aURL Then Return 1 Next Return 0 EndFunc Func _Remove () Local $List = @ScriptDir & '\notifier_list.txt', $A, $Count = _FileCountLines ($List), $Line, $Selected = GUICtrlRead ($Notifier_List), $Temp = @ScriptDir & '\Temp_List.txt' If FileExists ($List) == 0 Or GUICtrlRead ($Notifier_List) == 'Disabled' Or $Selected == '' Then Return If $Count == 1 And FileReadLine ($List, 1) == $Selected Then GUICtrlSetData ($Notifier_List, '') GUICtrlSetData ($Notifier_List, 'No channels currently added.') FileDelete ($List) Return EndIf For $A = 1 To $Count $Line = FileReadLine ($List, $A) If $Selected <> $Line Then FileWriteLine ($Temp, $Line) Next FileCopy ($Temp, $List, 1) FileDelete ($Temp) _Notifier_List () EndFunc Func _Notifier_List () Local $List = @ScriptDir & '\notifier_list.txt', $Count = _FileCountLines ($List) If $Count == 0 Then GUICtrlSetData ($Notifier_List, 'No channels currently added.') Return EndIf GUICtrlSetData ($Notifier_List, '') For $A = 1 To $Count GUICtrlSetData ($Notifier_List, FileReadLine ($List, $A)) Next EndFunc Func _Save_Settings () Local $Control = ControlGetFocus ($GUI), $Saved, $Current ; Determine which control was clicked. If $Control == 'Edit2' Then $Saved = IniRead ('settings.ini','Settings','Notifier','Disabled') $Current = GUICtrlRead ($Notifier) If $Saved <> $Current Then IniWrite ('settings.ini','Settings','Notifier', $Current) If $Saved <> 'Enabled' And $Current == 'Enabled' Then _Notifier_List () AdlibRegister ('_Refresh', (GUICtrlRead ($Delay) * (1000 * 60))) GUICtrlSetState ($Delay, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Add, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Remove, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Notifier_List, $GUI_ENABLE) ElseIf $Current == 'Disabled' Then AdlibUnRegister ('_Refresh') GUICtrlSetState ($Delay, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Add, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Remove, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($Notifier_List, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf ElseIf $Control == 'Edit3' Then If GUICtrlRead ($Notifier) <> 'Enabled' Then Return $Saved = IniRead ('settings.ini','Settings','Delay', 10) $Current = GUICtrlRead ($Delay) If $Saved <> $Current Then IniWrite ('settings.ini','Settings','Delay', $Current) AdlibUnRegister ('_Refresh') AdlibRegister ('_Refresh', (GUICtrlRead ($Delay) * (1000 * 60))) EndIf EndFunc Func _Toggle () If $Toggle = 0 Then WinSetState ($GUI, '', @SW_HIDE) TrayItemSetText ($Tray_Toggle, 'Show') $Toggle = 1 Else WiNSetState ($GUI, '', @SW_SHOW) TrayItemSetText ($Tray_Toggle, 'Hide') $Toggle = 0 EndIf EndFunc Func _Open_JTV () _URL ('http://www.justin.tv') EndFunc Func _XMLGetFirstValue ($Node) Local $rVal $rVal = _XMLGetValue ($Node) If IsArray ($rVal) Then Return ($rVal[1]) Else Return SetError (1, 3, 0) EndIf EndFunc Func _ToolTip ($Title, $Status, $C, $SC, $Delay = 3500) Local $Pos = MouseGetPos (), $Timer, $Pos2 ToolTip ($Status & @CRLF & $C & ' -> ' & $SC, $Pos[0] + 13, $Pos[1], $Title) $Timer = TimerInit () Do Sleep (10) $Pos2 = MouseGetPos () Until $Pos[0] <> $Pos2[0] Or $Pos[1] <> $Pos2[1] Or TimerDiff ($Timer) >= $Delay ToolTip ('') EndFunc Func _Exit () Exit EndFuncSettings.ini :[Settings] Username= Notifier=Disabled Delay=10Download link (Source code and complied versions 64 and 32 bit) : http://www.mediafire.com/?yb3ew2on1fa121zIf you have any problems or suggestions, feel free to post them below !Enjoy,- John Edited March 18, 2011 by z0mgItsJohn Latest Projects :- New & Improved TCP Chat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
z0mgItsJohn Posted March 16, 2011 Author Share Posted March 16, 2011 (edited) The code has been updated, and I finished the "Notifier" option. If you happen to download it, and try it out, please leave feedback. Edit : I just noticed a bug that opens a live channel twice, I fixed it, and updated the code / download link. Edited March 16, 2011 by z0mgItsJohn Latest Projects :- New & Improved TCP Chat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
z0mgItsJohn Posted March 18, 2011 Author Share Posted March 18, 2011 (edited) I fixed a few bugs, and added a tray tool tip to tell you when a URL is loading, the window will also minimize when you open a URL. Edited March 18, 2011 by z0mgItsJohn Latest Projects :- New & Improved TCP Chat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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