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controlclick no window title

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Hi guys, I have another question about control click. What do I do when my window doesn't have a title?

What's happening is, in the program I'm automating (autocad), the drop down menu's window doesn't have a title.

The button I'm trying to click on has this information:

>>>> Window <<<<


Class: MenuPane

Position: 95, 260

Size: 215, 206

Style: 0x96000000

ExStyle: 0x00000008

Handle: 0x00060C0C

>>>> Control <<<<

Class: MenuPane

Instance: 1

ClassnameNN: MenuPane1


Advanced (Class): [CLASS:MenuPane; INSTANCE:1]



Position: 3, 3

Size: 209, 200

ControlClick Coords: 99, 18

Style: 0x56000000

ExStyle: 0x00000008

Handle: 0x002A0BFC

So I found out you could click on something via handle but that doesn't appear to be working either.

My code:

;opens the menu pane

ControlClick($sAppTitle,"","[CLASS:Layout; INSTANCE:27]","left",1,13, 18)

;now clicks the button on the menu pane

$handle = WinGetHandle("classname=MenuPane")

ControlClick($handle,"","[CLASS:MenuPane; INSTANCE:1]","left",1,68, 7)

Thank you,


Edited by Athos
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Use the advanced as shown in the help file example for controlClick().

In your autocad example this would be.

ControlClick ( " [CLASS:MenuPane; INSTANCE:1]", "", Enter contolid here  )

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