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Installation parameters FreeMind

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Hey Together!

I want to install FreeMind:


via AutoIt.

How can I find parameters for this FreeMind.exe?

Untill now I just found "/VERYSILENT" for a silent installation.


ShellExecuteWait(@TempDir & "\InstallFreeMind\FreeMind-Windows-Installer-0.9.0-max.exe", " /VERYSILENT")

Currently I'm searching for an option to not install the desktop icon?



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/Verysilent is an Inno Setup switch, so the installer was created with Inno. Another switch is /Silent, which shows a progress bar while installing. Inno does not offer any switches to not install the icon. That is determined by the script that the developer wrote. You have some options, however. You can decompile the installer, modify the script, and recompile it. Or you can use Autoit to install it silently and afterwards, delete the icon. It would look something like:

FileDelete(@DesktopDir & "The Icon Name.exe.lnk")

Make sure you use the .lnk extension, which is used for shortcuts.

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From the FreeMind documentation, these are the only switches it supports.

/sp-,  /silent, /verysilent, /norestart

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you guys ;)


How can I decompile this executable? With the inno setup: http://www.jrsoftware.org/isdl.php ?

How can I find out at all, how exe-files are compiled, if I don't know which method was used for compiling?



Where did you find the documentation?


Here I just found the "freemind documentation", but no information about install switches?

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How can I decompile this executable? With the inno setup: http://www.jrsoftware.org/isdl.php ?

Discussion about decompiling autoit scripts is banned from this forum, but I'm sure it extends to other

software to.

But in the spirit of piss taking, I would just like to point out the the source code is available for download

on the very page you linked. muttley

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