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Hello altogether,

yes I already noticed the  StringRegExp AutoIt reference  and the very good german tutorial of SEuBo, but nevertheless I would be pleased to get a tip.

I have strings like this:

'repair car "do it your self" check' 


' repair car toyota'.

There could be none, one or more words in quotation marks. It could be also that no expression is set in quotation marks (-->" "). The words of the string vary. I would like to generate an array like [repair, car, do it your self, check] or [repair, car, toyota]. Expressions in quotation marks (" ") should not be splitted.

Probably I could use string split and similar methods to combine the words in quotation marks afterwards. But that's not the way I'd like to do it.

I already got this reg-exp to extract just the complete expressions in quotation marks (" ") to seperate these from the rest of the terms:

Local $aExtract4 = StringRegExp($sTest4, '.*?"(.*?)".*?',3)

Moreover I found this reg-exp to work similar to StringSplit with a " " as a delimiter. This would probably a solution if I didn't like to keep the terms in quotations marks together.... :

Local $aExtract8 = StringRegExp($sTest4, '(.+?(?:\s|\z))',3)

Nevertheless I failed to find a single reg-exp that is able to met both conditions. I am convincend that it is possible to design a single reg-exp that met both conditions! I already tried different scenarios with operators like or |, the conditional (?(?=   ) clause and the use of assertion (Lookahead / -behind) but without success.

I would appreciate a hint from an "reg-exp expert" if it's able to solve my problem with a single reg-exp and / or to give me some hints how to do that.

Many thanks in advance.


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