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TCPRecv Help

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I am trying networking with autoit and for one reason or the other, TCPRecv is not returning any responses. What am I doing wrong?

This script connects to google and retrieves the index page and echos it in a message box.

AutoItSetOption("TCPTimeout", 10000)

Global $ip, $conn, $recv
$ip = TCPNameToIP("google.com")
$port ="443"

If $ip == "" Then
    MsgBox(0, "TCPNameToIP", "Failed to get the ip address")

MsgBox(0, "IPAddress Of Google is ", $ip)

$conn = TCPConnect($ip, $port)
If @error Then
    MsgBox(0, "TCPConnect", "Connection To server failed. " & @CRLF & "Error : " & @error)

MsgBox(0, "TCPConnect", "Connected to " & $ip & " : "&$port)

TCPSend($conn, 'GET / HTTP/1.0' & @CRLF)
If @error Then
    MsgBox(0, "TCPSend", "Send To server failed. " & @CRLF & "Error : " & @error)

MsgBox(0, "TCPSend", "Data sent to " & $ip & " : "&$port)

$recv = TCPRecv($conn, 2000)

If @error Then
    MsgBox(0, "TCPSRecv", "Recv from server failed. " & @CRLF & "Error : " & @error)

MsgBox(0, "Data", $recv)


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The google website is not a tcp server. If you want to download webpages, look into native function InetGet, or trancexx's WinHTTP functions, for example. If on the other hand, you wish to explore TCP, you could run two separate scripts, one running as TCP server, the other as receiver. There's plenty of examples of that on the forums (e.g., here, here, and here) .

BTW, it's considered bad practice to bump your owh thread within 24hrs.

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