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Why does folder close

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I have an issue with disk space on a server so I wrote a simple little script to check specific directories and save the sizes to an Excel spreadsheet.  For this script, I am still using version  Everything works fine, I just have a question.

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    AutoIt Version:
#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$file = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\CMScriptDirList.txt", 0)
If @error Then Exit
;--folder view still OK
$oexcel = _ExcelBookOpen(@ScriptDir & "\CMScriptDirSizesCopy.xlsx")
If @error Then Exit
;--folder view now parent folder
$excelArray = _ExcelReadSheetToArray($oexcel)
$lastrow = $excelArray[0][0]
$lastcol = $excelArray[0][1]
_ExcelWriteCell($oexcel, _NowCalc(), 1, $lastcol + 1)
While 1
    $line = FileReadLine($file)
    If @error Then ExitLoop
    $size = DirGetSize(StringStripWS($line, 3)) / 1024 / 1024
    $iIndex = _ArraySearch($excelArray, $line, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1)
    If @error Then ContinueLoop
    _ExcelWriteCell($oexcel, $size, $iIndex, $lastcol + 1)
_ExcelWriteFormula($oexcel, "=SUM(R2C" & $lastcol + 1 & ":R38C" & $lastcol + 1 & ")", 39, $lastcol + 1)
_ExcelWriteFormula($oexcel, "=R39C" & $lastcol + 1 & "/1024", 40, $lastcol + 1)
$oexcel.ActiveSheet.columns($lastcol).copy ;used to copy the format of the original last column of the spreadsheet
$oexcel.ActiveSheet.columns($lastcol + 1).PasteSpecial(-4122, Default, Default, Default) ;this just pastes the format of the original last column to the new last column
$oexcel.ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Select ;select cell A1 just to unselect the entire column from previous command
$oexcel.columns.AutoFit ;auto sizes the column width
_ExcelBookClose($oexcel, 1) ;save file when closing

The script is compiled and sitting is a sub-directory on the server in question. The text file and the spreadsheet that are used are both in this same folder as well.  When I navigate to the folder and run the script by double-clicking on the executable, the process runs but the folder view where I ran the script will go back up one level so when the script completes, I am in the parent folder from where I started.  I have added message boxes throughout the script and have determined that the folder view goes back up one level at some point after the @error check for the file open and before the @error check for the ExcelBookOpen (where the comments are).

I just wanted to know if someone can tell me why and if there is a way to prevent it. (Note: still using v3.3.8.1 on this machine but slowly converting scripts to v3.3.14.2).



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Excel may be changing the application or working directory.  You can determine this be displaying the various @....DIR macros during execution.  You can also force a change of the current working directory using the FileChangeDir function.  See the Help file for syntax and a listing of the @....DIR macros.


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