Trong Posted February 5, 2019 Share Posted February 5, 2019 (edited) May be useful for someone! expandcollapse popup; START CODE TEST Local $iTime = TimerInit() Local $Sip = _Get_IP() Local $iError = @error, $iExtended = @extended Local $eTime = TimerDiff($iTime) $iTime = "! IP: " & $Sip & @CRLF & "! ON: " & Round($eTime / 1000, 3) & "s" & @CRLF & "! Error: " & $iError & @CRLF & "! Extended: " & $iExtended & @CRLF ConsoleWrite($iTime) MsgBox(64 + 262144, "_Get_IP()", $iTime) ; END CODE TEST Func _Get_IP() ;~ HttpSetUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT ' & StringRegExpReplace(FileGetVersion('kernel32.dll'), '^(\d+\.\d+)(.*)$', '$1', 1) & '; ' & (((StringInStr(@OSArch, "64") > 0) And (Not (@AutoItX64 > 0))) ? "WOW64" : "Win64; x64") & ")") HttpSetUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT Win64; x64)') Local $aUrlGetIP = ["", "", "", "", ""] Local $aStunServers[8][2] = [["", 19302], ["", 3478], ["", 3478], ["", 3478], ["", 3478], ["", 3478], ["", 3478], ["", 3478]] ;_GetIP_ by Dao Van Trong - TRONG.LIVE Local $bPacketRd12 = BinaryMid(BinaryMid(Binary(Random(1.1, 2 ^ 31 - 1)), 1, 6) & Binary(Random(1.1, 2 ^ 31 - 1)), 1, 12) ;Generate request: some random unique ID in size of 12 bytes ; Binding request has class=0x00 and method=0x000000000001 (Binding) and is encoded into the first two bytes as 0x0001. Check Local $bBinary = Binary("0x0001000000000000") & $bPacketRd12, $sReturn = "", $iError = 0, $sIpServ, $iSocket, $bRcvData, $StunID = -1, $iReTry = 2, $stunOK = 1, $MAPPED_ADDRESS = 0x0001, $IPv4 = 0x01, $IPv6 = 0x02, $SumStunSrv = UBound($aStunServers) - 1 TCPStartup() While 1 $bRcvData = "" $StunID += 1 If $StunID > $SumStunSrv Then $iReTry -= 1 If $iReTry < 1 Then $stunOK = 0 $iError = -1 ExitLoop EndIf $StunID = -1 ContinueLoop EndIf If $aStunServers[$StunID][0] = "" Then ContinueLoop $sIpServ = TCPNameToIP($aStunServers[$StunID][0]) If @error Then ContinueLoop ; couldn't resolve server's IP $iSocket = UDPOpen($sIpServ, $aStunServers[$StunID][1]) If @error Then ContinueLoop UDPSend($iSocket, $bBinary) If @error Then UDPCloseSocket($iSocket) ContinueLoop EndIf Local $xTimer = 0, $iTimer = TimerInit() Do Sleep(1) $xTimer = TimerDiff($iTimer) $bRcvData = UDPRecv($iSocket, 1280) Until (@error Or ($bRcvData <> "") Or ($xTimer > 2000)) UDPCloseSocket($iSocket) If $bRcvData = "" Then ContinueLoop EndIf ;~ $xTimer = TimerDiff($iTimer) ;~ ConsoleWrite('+ Connected and Get IP from ' & $aStunServers[$StunID][0] & ':' & $aStunServers[$StunID][1] & ' ON: ' & Round($xTimer / 100, 3) & 's ' & @CRLF) ExitLoop WEnd If $stunOK Then #cs ; Struct can be written now in place of binary data, but it's all big-endian (weird for reading in AutoIt): Local $tSTUN = DllStructCreate("byte Header_[8]; byte Header_ID[12];" & _ "byte Type[2];" & _ "byte Length[2];" & _ "byte Attrib;" & _ "byte Family;" & _ "byte Port[2];" & _ "byte IP[4];") #ce ; I will just parse binary directly instead. Local $iSizeData = BinaryLen($bRcvData) If $iSizeData Then ; sanity check Local $bReadID = BinaryMid($bRcvData, 9, 12) ; server returns my unique "ID" Local $iType, $iLength = 0 Local $iPos = 21 ; further parsing starts after the header, see the struct and STUN doc If $bReadID = $bPacketRd12 Then ; check validity of the response by checking returned ID (handle) While $iPos < $iSizeData $iType = Dec(Hex(BinaryMid($bRcvData, $iPos, 2))) ; Big endian to number $iPos += 2 ; skip the size of "Type" field $iLength = Dec(Hex(BinaryMid($bRcvData, $iPos, 2))) ; Big endian to number $iPos += 2 ; skip the size of "Length" field If $iType = $MAPPED_ADDRESS Then ExitLoop $iPos += $iLength ; skip the size of all of the data in this chunk WEnd EndIf $iPos += 1 ; skip the size of "Attrib" field Local $iFamily = Dec(Hex(BinaryMid($bRcvData, $iPos, 1))) ; read "Family" info. - ; Big endian to number $iPos += 1 ; skip the size of "Family" field $iPos += 2 ; skip the size of "Port" field If $iFamily = $IPv4 Then ; Read IP info. Four bytes are IP in network byte order (big endian) $sReturn = Int(BinaryMid($bRcvData, $iPos, 1)) & "." & Int(BinaryMid($bRcvData, $iPos + 1, 1)) & "." & Int(BinaryMid($bRcvData, $iPos + 2, 1)) & "." & Int(BinaryMid($bRcvData, $iPos + 3, 1)) If ($sReturn <> "") And ($sReturn <> "") Then UDPShutdown() Return $sReturn EndIf $iError = -2 ElseIf $iFamily = $IPv6 Then ; IPv6 $iError = 1 EndIf ; No such data available $iError = 2 EndIf ; You are blocked or something $iError = 3 EndIf Local $aReturn = 0, $iDomain, $aHost, $sPattern = "^(?i)(?:(?:[a-z]+):\/\/)?(?:(?:(?:[^@:]+))(?::(?:[^@]+))?@)?([^\/:]+)(?::(?:\d+))?(?:\/(?:[^?]+)?)?(?:\?\N+)?" For $i = 0 To UBound($aUrlGetIP) - 1 $aHost = StringRegExp($aUrlGetIP[$i], $sPattern, 1) If Not @error And IsArray($aHost) Then $iDomain = $aHost[0] TCPNameToIP($iDomain) If @error Then ContinueLoop $sReturn = InetRead($aUrlGetIP[$i], 1 + 2 + 8 + 16) If @error Or $sReturn == "" Then ContinueLoop $aReturn = StringRegExp(BinaryToString($sReturn), "((?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})", 3) ; [\d\.]{7,15} If Not @error Then $sReturn = $aReturn[0] ExitLoop EndIf $sReturn = "" Next TCPShutdown() If ($sReturn <> "") And ($sReturn <> "") Then Return SetError(0, $iError, $sReturn) Return SetError(4, $iError, "") ;_GetIP_ by Dao Van Trong - TRONG.LIVE EndFunc ;==>_Get_IP Edited April 12, 2019 by VIP ms GHOSTSKIKDA, HoldanCZ and Skeletor 2 1 Regards, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skeletor Posted February 6, 2019 Share Posted February 6, 2019 Yep, this helps me... thanks a million. Kind RegardsSkeletor "Coffee: my defense against going postal." Microsoft Office Splash Screen | Basic Notepad Program (Beginner) | Transparent Splash Screen | Full Screen UI Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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