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Need help for setting value in json file

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Can someone that actually worked with the JSON UDF help me to set a value in this file:

I need to change the value of device_id for something else than {}.{eda378a3-9101-4cb8-88fe-c74dcaa303b4}.

I know that I have to use the function Json_ObjPut but I am not sure where to start.


    "AuxAudioDevice1": {
        "balance": 0.5,
        "deinterlace_field_order": 0,
        "deinterlace_mode": 0,
        "enabled": true,
        "flags": 0,
        "hotkeys": {
            "libobs.mute": [],
            "libobs.push-to-mute": [],
            "libobs.push-to-talk": [],
            "libobs.unmute": []
        "id": "wasapi_input_capture",
        "mixers": 255,
        "monitoring_type": 0,
        "muted": false,
        "name": "Mic/Aux",
        "prev_ver": 402653185,
        "private_settings": {},
        "push-to-mute": false,
        "push-to-mute-delay": 0,
        "push-to-talk": false,
        "push-to-talk-delay": 0,
        "settings": {
            "device_id": "{}.{eda378a3-9101-4cb8-88fe-c74dcaa303b4}"
        "sync": 0,
        "volume": 0.88222622871398926
    "DesktopAudioDevice1": {
        "balance": 0.5,
        "deinterlace_field_order": 0,
        "deinterlace_mode": 0,
        "enabled": true,
        "flags": 0,
        "hotkeys": {
            "libobs.mute": [],
            "libobs.push-to-mute": [],
            "libobs.push-to-talk": [],
            "libobs.unmute": []
        "id": "wasapi_output_capture",
        "mixers": 255,
        "monitoring_type": 0,
        "muted": true,
        "name": "Audio du Bureau",
        "prev_ver": 402653185,
        "private_settings": {},
        "push-to-mute": false,
        "push-to-mute-delay": 0,
        "push-to-talk": false,
        "push-to-talk-delay": 0,
        "settings": {
            "device_id": "default"


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