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DOS console tool


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So, I have a task that I needed to get the IP address of a set of websites. Now, I am firewalled where I am at, so my outgoing pings don't come back, but the IP is still resolved. I intended to get them by pinging them, but the built in ping method only returns time, and not IPs. As I got to thinking about it, it happens a lot where I issue a DOS command, but may need to interpret the results differently each time. So, I set out trying to find a way to get data from the DOS console. I couldn't find a post that discussed this, and I am sure there's probably an easier way, but I wrote a little tool that executes a DOs command and returns the console info.

func _DOS($var)
        ;$var is the dos command to be executed...
    RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & $var & " > " & @TempDir & "DOSconsoleGrab.txt","",@SW_HIDE)
    $df = FileOpen(@TempDir & "DOSconsoleGrab.txt",0)
    $data = FileRead($df)
    FileClose(@TempDir & "DOSconsoleGrab.txt")
    FileDelete(@TempDir & "DOSconsoleGrab.txt")
    Return $data

Basically, in DOS, any time you issue a command and then follow it with > and a file name, it will dump the console output to that file. So, this just executes a DOS command and dumps the console data to a temporary text file which it then reads from and give back to you, deleteing the temp files first.

I've never posted anything that might help someone else, and I am in debt to this board, so maybe this is a start?

Edited by J_Y_C
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Below is an example of how to use the new StdoutRead, StderrRead and StdinWrite functions now available in AutoIt 3.2.

It fires a cmd file that contains a DIR command and a pause command. It then waits to see when the "Press any key to continue . . ." string is found in the stdout channel and send a carriage return to close the box.

I've used two rolling buffers for the situation if by chance the string is split across two consecutive reads.


; test.au3


#include <Constants.au3>

Dim $PID

Dim $numChars

Dim $buff

Dim $tmpBuff

Dim $bQuit

Dim $mySubstr

Dim $str1

Dim $str2

$mySubstr = "Press any key to continue . . ."

$bQuit = 0


$buff = ""

$tmpBuff = ""

While 1

$numChars = StdoutRead($PID,0,1)

If @error Then ExitLoop

If $numChars > 0 Then

$tmpBuff = StdoutRead($PID,$numChars)

$str1 = $buff & $tmpBuff

If StringInStr($str1,$mySubstr) Then





$buff = $tmpBuff

$tmpBuff = ""




While 1

$buff = StderrRead($PID)

If @error Then ExitLoop

MsgBox(0, "STDERR read:", $buff)



; test.cmd


DIR /s C:\



Edited by singapuree
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Open a command window and type ping /?

I think that you can return the IP with the right switch.

If you search te forum you should be able to find a script that I posted a long time ago that would allow you to just enter ping and it wouls return a list of switches and how to use them


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Ah ha, thanks all.

It's actually been a minute since I posted this, and I think you are all correct, there are lots of better ways to do this. At the time, I just couldn't find one that was as fast for me.

If you look in AutoIt Smith's fileman, he has a great solution for reading/writing to stdIO:


I hope he doesn't mind that I posted it, he has it posted on another thread about TCP stuff, but it's relevant to this thread...


When I tried a similar method to what you posted, I could only get it to work with DOS functions. When I would run console based Java code, it wouldn't work with that...

Edited by J_Y_C
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