BobiusMaximus Posted December 10, 2006 Posted December 10, 2006 Yeh, basically I'm working on a prog right now. I've done the bulk of it, but now I'm stuck. I need to have loop which clicks somewhere, types something, clicks somewhere else then waits a bit before starting again. I have the co-ordinates and I've got the script ready to go in the loop, however, I also need the loop to stop when I push a button such as F10 and I'm stuck. Help please? -Bob Photoshop User and Noob AutoIt user.
Somerset Posted December 10, 2006 Posted December 10, 2006 Yeh, basically I'm working on a prog right now.I've done the bulk of it, but now I'm stuck.I need to have loop which clicks somewhere, types something, clicks somewhere else then waits a bit before starting again.I have the co-ordinates and I've got the script ready to go in the loop, however, I also need the loop to stop when I push a button such as F10 and I'm stuck.Help please?-Boblook up hotkeyset in the help file....
Xenobiologist Posted December 10, 2006 Posted December 10, 2006 Hi, have a look at AU3Record and into the helpfile for HotkeySet and While...wend or For..Next or Do...until. So long, Mega P.S. May post the post, too. Scripts & functions Organize Includes Let Scite organize the include files Yahtzee The game "Yahtzee" (Kniffel, DiceLion) LoginWrapper Secure scripts by adding a query (authentication) _RunOnlyOnThis UDF Make sure that a script can only be executed on ... (Windows / HD / ...) Internet-Café Server/Client Application Open CD, Start Browser, Lock remote client, etc. MultipleFuncsWithOneHotkey Start different funcs by hitting one hotkey different times
AzKay Posted December 10, 2006 Posted December 10, 2006 Look at _IsPressed()? Or as beerman said, HotKeySet() # MY LOVE FOR YOU... IS LIKE A TRUCK- #
BobiusMaximus Posted December 10, 2006 Author Posted December 10, 2006 I can set hotkeys already, it's the Loop bit I'm confused about ^^ And I'l have a look at those other ones ^^ -Bob Photoshop User and Noob AutoIt user.
AzKay Posted December 10, 2006 Posted December 10, 2006 Can we see some code? # MY LOVE FOR YOU... IS LIKE A TRUCK- #
BobiusMaximus Posted December 10, 2006 Author Posted December 10, 2006 Sure: #Include <Misc.au3> #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bot for Playing field 2 found at By BobiusMaximus To use this bot start the game then scroll your window up to the top. This has been designed using a 1024*768 Resoloution monitor and 'Opera' browser so may not work on others. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If WinExists("Playing Field 2 -")Then WinActivate("Playing Field 2 -") MouseClickDrag("left", 1020, 365, 1020, 440) MouseClick("left", 321, 623) Send("crazymonkey") MouseClick("left", 445, 623) MouseClick("left", 620, 360) EndIf Do MouseClick("left", 321, 623) Send("consume") MouseClick("left", 445, 623) Sleep(1500) Until -Bob Photoshop User and Noob AutoIt user.
Xenobiologist Posted December 10, 2006 Posted December 10, 2006 Hi, looks not that wrong, but Do ... until ??? what? You missed that. So long, Mega Scripts & functions Organize Includes Let Scite organize the include files Yahtzee The game "Yahtzee" (Kniffel, DiceLion) LoginWrapper Secure scripts by adding a query (authentication) _RunOnlyOnThis UDF Make sure that a script can only be executed on ... (Windows / HD / ...) Internet-Café Server/Client Application Open CD, Start Browser, Lock remote client, etc. MultipleFuncsWithOneHotkey Start different funcs by hitting one hotkey different times
BobiusMaximus Posted December 10, 2006 Author Posted December 10, 2006 Exactly, I can't figure out how to end it rofl ^^ Photoshop User and Noob AutoIt user.
Somerset Posted December 10, 2006 Posted December 10, 2006 expandcollapse popup#Include <Misc.au3> #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bot for Playing field 2 found at By BobiusMaximus To use this bot start the game then scroll your window up to the top. This has been designed using a 1024*768 Resoloution monitor and 'Opera' browser so may not work on others. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate") HotKeySet("{f1}", "Start") HotKeySet("{f2}", "Stop") While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Func Terminate() Exit 0 EndFunc Func Start() If WinExists("Playing Field 2 -")Then WinActivate("Playing Field 2 -") MouseClickDrag("left", 1020, 365, 1020, 440) MouseClick("left", 321, 623) Send("crazymonkey") MouseClick("left", 445, 623) MouseClick("left", 620, 360) EndIf while 1 MouseClick("left", 321, 623) Send("consume") MouseClick("left", 445, 623) Sleep(1500) wend EndFunc Func Stop() Exitloop EndFunc
BobiusMaximus Posted December 10, 2006 Author Posted December 10, 2006 That doesn't work o.O Anyway, I improved the script a little so you don't have to do anything to start it(so just leave the window as is then run script) #Include <Misc.au3> #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bot for Playing field 2 found at By BobiusMaximus This has been designed using a 1024*768 Resoloution monitor and 'Opera' browser so may not work on others. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If WinExists("Playing Field 2 -")Then WinActivate("Playing Field 2 -") MouseClickDrag("left", 1020, 365, 1020, 440) MouseClick("left", 498, 464) MouseClick("left", 506, 623) Sleep(1500) MouseClick("left", 456, 610) Sleep(7000) MouseClick("left", 461, 429) Sleep(1500) MouseClick("left", 321, 623) Send("crazymonkey") MouseClick("left", 445, 623) MouseClick("left", 620, 360) EndIf Do MouseClick("left", 321, 623) Send("consume") MouseClick("left", 445, 623) Sleep(2000) Until Can you try adding it again to that one and see if it works then? -Bob Photoshop User and Noob AutoIt user.
Somerset Posted December 10, 2006 Posted December 10, 2006 since your a new person.... on the script i reconfigured for you. you have to hit the f1 key on your keyboard to get it started, and hit the f2 key to stop it. the escape key to exit the program......
BobiusMaximus Posted December 10, 2006 Author Posted December 10, 2006 (edited) It says there is an error in line 44 whenever I try to run that... Edit: I got my script working, but it doesn't stop when I push '0' #Include <Misc.au3> #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bot for Playing field 2 found at By BobiusMaximus This has been designed using a 1024*768 Resoloution monitor and 'Opera' browser so may not work on others. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If WinExists("Playing Field 2 -")Then WinActivate("Playing Field 2 -") MouseClickDrag("left", 1020, 365, 1020, 440) MouseClick("left", 498, 464) MouseClick("left", 506, 623) Sleep(1500) MouseClick("left", 456, 610) Sleep(7000) MouseClick("left", 461, 429) Sleep(1500) MouseClick("left", 321, 623) Send("crazymonkey") MouseClick("left", 445, 623) MouseClick("left", 620, 360) EndIf Do MouseClick("left", 321, 623) Send("consume") MouseClick("left", 445, 623) Sleep(2000) Until _IsPressed("0") -Bob Edited December 10, 2006 by BobTheLeetHaxx0r Photoshop User and Noob AutoIt user.
Somerset Posted December 10, 2006 Posted December 10, 2006 expandcollapse popup#Include <Misc.au3> #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bot for Playing field 2 found at By BobiusMaximus To use this bot start the game then scroll your window up to the top. This has been designed using a 1024*768 Resoloution monitor and 'Opera' browser so may not work on others. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $quit HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate") HotKeySet("{f1}", "Start") HotKeySet("{f2}", "Stop") While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Func Terminate() Exit 0 EndFunc Func Start() $quit = 1 If WinExists("Playing Field 2 -")Then WinActivate("Playing Field 2 -") MouseClickDrag("left", 1020, 365, 1020, 440) MouseClick("left", 321, 623) Send("crazymonkey") MouseClick("left", 445, 623) MouseClick("left", 620, 360) EndIf while $quit = 1 MouseClick("left", 321, 623) Send("consume") MouseClick("left", 445, 623) Sleep(1500) wend EndFunc Func Stop() $quit = 0 EndFunc sorry try this...
Somerset Posted December 10, 2006 Posted December 10, 2006 (edited) It says there is an error in line 44 whenever I try to run that... Edit: I got my script working, but it doesn't stop when I push '0' expandcollapse popup#Include <Misc.au3> #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bot for Playing field 2 found at By BobiusMaximus This has been designed using a 1024*768 Resoloution monitor and 'Opera' browser so may not work on others. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If WinExists("Playing Field 2 -")Then WinActivate("Playing Field 2 -") MouseClickDrag("left", 1020, 365, 1020, 440) MouseClick("left", 498, 464) MouseClick("left", 506, 623) Sleep(1500) MouseClick("left", 456, 610) Sleep(7000) MouseClick("left", 461, 429) Sleep(1500) MouseClick("left", 321, 623) Send("crazymonkey") MouseClick("left", 445, 623) MouseClick("left", 620, 360) EndIf Do MouseClick("left", 321, 623) Send("consume") MouseClick("left", 445, 623) Sleep(2000) Until _IsPressed("0")oÝ÷ Øþ«¨µëhër¢êð¢¹"kÊØb±«¢+Ø%¹±Õ±Ðí5¥Í¹ÔÌÐì((Ì´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´(( ½Ð½ÈA±å¥¹¥±È½Õ¹Ð¡ÑÑÀè¼½¡±±ÁÍ̹½´½µ¥½Á±å¥¹¥±È¹¡Ñµ°( ä ½¥ÕÍ5᥵ÕÌ((Q¡¥Ì¡Ì¸Í¥¹ÕÍ¥¹ÄÀÈШÜØàIͽ±½ÕÑ¥½¸µ½¹¥Ñ½È¹Ìäí=ÁÉÌäìɽÝÍÈͼµä¹½Ðݽɬ½¸½Ñ¡É̸((´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´()%]¥¹á¥ÍÑÌ ÅÕ½ÐíA±å¥¹¥±È´ÅÕ½Ðì¥Q¡¸(]¥¹Ñ¥ÙÑ ÅÕ½ÐíA±å¥¹¥±È´ÅÕ½Ðì¤(%5½ÕÍ ±¥É ÅÕ½Ðí±ÐÅÕ½Ðì°ÄÀÈÀ°ÌØÔ°ÄÀÈÀ°ÐÐÀ¤(%5½ÕÍ ±¥¬ ÅÕ½Ðí±ÐÅÕ½Ðì°Ðäà°ÐØФ(%5½ÕÍ ±¥¬ ÅÕ½Ðí±ÐÅÕ½Ðì°ÔÀØ°ØÈ̤(%M±À ÄÔÀÀ¤(%5½ÕÍ ±¥¬ ÅÕ½Ðí±ÐÅÕ½Ðì°ÐÔØ°ØÄÀ¤(%M±À ÜÀÀÀ¤(%5½ÕÍ ±¥¬ ÅÕ½Ðí±ÐÅÕ½Ðì°ÐØÄ°ÐÈä¤(%M±À ÄÔÀÀ¤(%5½ÕÍ ±¥¬ ÅÕ½Ðí±ÐÅÕ½Ðì°ÌÈÄ°ØÈ̤(%M¹ ÅÕ½ÐíÉéåµ½¹äÅÕ½Ðì¤(%5½ÕÍ ±¥¬ ÅÕ½Ðí±ÐÅÕ½Ðì°ÐÐÔ°ØÈ̤(%5½ÕÍ ±¥¬ ÅÕ½Ðí±ÐÅÕ½Ðì°ØÈÀ°ÌØÀ¤)¹%()¼(%5½ÕÍ ±¥¬ ÅÕ½Ðí±ÐÅÕ½Ðì°ÌÈÄ°ØÈ̤(%M¹ ÅÕ½Ðí½¹ÍÕµÅÕ½Ðì¤(%5½ÕÍ ±¥¬ ÅÕ½Ðí±ÐÅÕ½Ðì°ÐÐÔ°ØÈ̤(%M±À ÈÀÀÀ¤)U¹Ñ¥°}%ÍAÉÍÍ ÅÕ½ÐìÌÀÅÕ½Ðì¤ôÄ Edited December 10, 2006 by beerman
Somerset Posted December 10, 2006 Posted December 10, 2006 to get your working try this #Include <Misc.au3> #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bot for Playing field 2 found at By BobiusMaximus This has been designed using a 1024*768 Resoloution monitor and 'Opera' browser so may not work on others. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If WinExists("Playing Field 2 -")Then WinActivate("Playing Field 2 -") MouseClickDrag("left", 1020, 365, 1020, 440) MouseClick("left", 498, 464) MouseClick("left", 506, 623) Sleep(1500) MouseClick("left", 456, 610) Sleep(7000) MouseClick("left", 461, 429) Sleep(1500) MouseClick("left", 321, 623) Send("crazymonkey") MouseClick("left", 445, 623) MouseClick("left", 620, 360) EndIf Do MouseClick("left", 321, 623) Send("consume") MouseClick("left", 445, 623) Sleep(2000) Until _IsPressed("30") = 1yeah yours works, but keep in mind you have a 2 second delay so pressing the 0 key will not be instant you might have to hit several times...
Developers Jos Posted December 10, 2006 Developers Posted December 10, 2006 (edited) yeah yours works, but keep in mind you have a 2 second delay so pressing the 0 key will not be instant you might have to hit several times...To get instant response on the 0 you could something like this: Func Start() $quit = 1 If WinExists("Playing Field 2 -") Then WinActivate("Playing Field 2 -") MouseClickDrag("left", 1020, 365, 1020, 440) MouseClick("left", 321, 623) Send("crazymonkey") MouseClick("left", 445, 623) MouseClick("left", 620, 360) EndIf While $quit = 1 MouseClick("left", 321, 623) Send("consume") MouseClick("left", 445, 623) ; sleep 2 secs $T = TimerInit() While TimerDiff($T) < 2000 And $quit = 1 Sleep(10) WEnd WEnd EndFunc ;==>Start Func Stop() $quit = 0 EndFunc ;==>Stop Edited December 10, 2006 by JdeB SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
BobiusMaximus Posted December 10, 2006 Author Posted December 10, 2006 Well, I reckon I don't need the 2second wait there now I've been trying it out, how could I manage that? -Bob Photoshop User and Noob AutoIt user.
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