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DirCreate and FileCopy


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Who ever knew, DirCreate and FileCopy would be so hard?

JK, I can do it. But not on this :S

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

$Window = GUICreate("BetaPad Installer | Beta 1.0 Installer", 476, 56, @DesktopHeight / 2.5, @DesktopWidth / 4)
$Location = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8, 16, 257, 21)
$Locate = GUICtrlCreateButton("Location to install", 272, 16, 97, 25, 0)
$Install = GUICtrlCreateButton("Install", 376, 16, 89, 25, 0)


While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $msg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $Locate
            $var = FileSelectFolder("Choose a folder to install to.", "", 5)
            GUICtrlSetData($Location, $var)
        Case $Install
            DirCreate($Location & "\Docs")
            FileInstall(@ScriptDir & "\Files\AVE2.exe", $Location, 1)
            FileInstall(@ScriptDir & "\Docs\readme.txt", $Location, 1)

No errors are given, but the files and Docs folder is not made.


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Who ever knew, DirCreate and FileCopy would be so hard?

JK, I can do it. But not on this :S

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

$Window = GUICreate("BetaPad Installer | Beta 1.0 Installer", 476, 56, @DesktopHeight / 2.5, @DesktopWidth / 4)
$Location = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8, 16, 257, 21)
$Locate = GUICtrlCreateButton("Location to install", 272, 16, 97, 25, 0)
$Install = GUICtrlCreateButton("Install", 376, 16, 89, 25, 0)

While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $msg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $Locate
            $var = FileSelectFolder("Choose a folder to install to.", "", 5)
            GUICtrlSetData($Location, $var)
        Case $Install
            DirCreate($Location & "\Docs")
            FileInstall(@ScriptDir & "\Files\AVE2.exe", $Location, 1)
            FileInstall(@ScriptDir & "\Docs\readme.txt", $Location, 1)

No errors are given, but the files and Docs folder is not made.


use message boxes to check your values... $location contains the control id of the location edit box, not its contents. check out GUICtrlRead()
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Who ever knew, DirCreate and FileCopy would be so hard?

JK, I can do it. But not on this :S

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

$Window = GUICreate("BetaPad Installer | Beta 1.0 Installer", 476, 56, @DesktopHeight / 2.5, @DesktopWidth / 4)
$Location = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8, 16, 257, 21)
$Locate = GUICtrlCreateButton("Location to install", 272, 16, 97, 25, 0)
$Install = GUICtrlCreateButton("Install", 376, 16, 89, 25, 0)

While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $msg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $Locate
            $var = FileSelectFolder("Choose a folder to install to.", "", 5)
            GUICtrlSetData($Location, $var)
        Case $Install
            DirCreate($Location & "\Docs")
            FileInstall(@ScriptDir & "\Files\AVE2.exe", $Location, 1)
            FileInstall(@ScriptDir & "\Docs\readme.txt", $Location, 1)

No errors are given, but the files and Docs folder is not made.


That d****d FileInstall has caused me enough grief.

First off, from the help file

You can not use a Variable in the FileInstall(). This also invariably applies to macros as well. Just use FileInstall("\Files\AVE2.exe", $Location, 1)


I would just use the FileInstall to install the file to the @TempDir and then use FileMove() with the flag set to 9 (Overwrite + create folder struc) to put the file where you want it.

You may also have to use quotes or FileGetShortName() for $Location.

And I think (just for safety) add a backslash at the end of $Location ......... $Location = $Location & '\'


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The PCRE (Regular Expression) ToolKit for AutoIT - (Updated Oct 20, 2011 ver: - Please update your current version before filing any bug reports. The installer now includes both 32 and 64 bit versions. No change in version number.

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This work for me.

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

Local $var

$Window = GUICreate("BetaPad Installer | Beta 1.0 Installer", 476, 56, @DesktopHeight / 2.5, @DesktopWidth / 4)
$Location = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8, 16, 257, 21)
$Locate = GUICtrlCreateButton("Location to install", 272, 16, 97, 25, 0)
$Install = GUICtrlCreateButton("Install", 376, 16, 89, 25, 0)

While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $msg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $Locate
            $var = FileSelectFolder("Choose a folder to install to.", "", 5)
            GUICtrlSetData($Location, $var)
        Case $Install
            if $var = '' Then 
                MsgBox(64,"Warning","You need to select a folder to install to.")
            DirCreate($var & "\Docs")
            FileInstall(".\Files\AVE2.exe", $var & '\', 1)
            FileInstall(".\Docs\readme.txt", $var & '\', 1)

Like GEOsoft mention "you can not use a Variable in the FileInstall()". That is true for the source section of fileinstall but you can use variable at destination section.

To make your script works.

1) Replace @ScriptDir for .

2) you were using variable $location which only hold the value of Control ID "GUICtrlCreateInput" and not the full path where you want to make the install. So in FileInstall() change $location for $var and add trailing backslash.

Edited by Danny35d
AutoIt Scripts:NetPrinter - Network Printer UtilityRobocopyGUI - GUI interface for M$ robocopy command line
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Thanks danny..

Why do you replace @ScriptDir with . ? I don't get that.

Read this link if you want to learn the basic of internal directory structure, but basically...

Every regular directory on the disk has two special entries. These are named "." (single dot), which refers to the current directory, and ".." (double dot), which refers to the parent directory.

AutoIt Scripts:NetPrinter - Network Printer UtilityRobocopyGUI - GUI interface for M$ robocopy command line
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This won't help me. What is not working or show the new code? :">

The code I add on post #6 work fine on my computer winxp sp2.

Your example suffers the same problem as the intial topic starter. You need to read the control with GuiCtrlRead to get the information else any typed path inserted into the input control is ignored.

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

$Window = GUICreate("BetaPad Installer | Beta 1.0 Installer", 476, 56, @DesktopHeight / 2.5, @DesktopWidth / 4)
$Location = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8, 16, 257, 21)
$Locate = GUICtrlCreateButton("Location to install", 272, 16, 97, 25, 0)
$Install = GUICtrlCreateButton("Install", 376, 16, 89, 25, 0)

While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $msg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $Locate
            $var = FileSelectFolder("Choose a folder to install to.", "", 5)
            If Not @error Then
                GUICtrlSetData($Location, $var)
        Case $Install
            $path = GUICtrlRead($Location)
            If $path = '' Then
                MsgBox(64, "Warning", "You need to select a folder to install to.")
            ElseIf DirCreate($path) And DirCreate($path & "\Docs") Then
                FileInstall(".\Files\AVE2.exe", $path & '\', 1)
                FileInstall(".\Docs\readme.txt", $path & '\', 1)
                MsgBox(64, "Warning", "Install failed.")


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@MHZ The only reason I didn't use GUICtrlRead() is becasue Secure_ICT already has the path information in $var = FileSelectFolder("Choose a folder to install to.", "", 5). I didn't see the point of using GUICtrlRead() to get the path when $var already has the path, but thanks for the little tip it never cross my mind of using fileinstall() between ElseIf DirCreate($path) And DirCreate($path & "\Docs") Then Edited by Danny35d
AutoIt Scripts:NetPrinter - Network Printer UtilityRobocopyGUI - GUI interface for M$ robocopy command line
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