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Randomizing a message and then typing it

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I think i got the title wrong...maybe its suppose to be "Randomly choosing a message then typing it"

i need a script that will randomly choose a message from a list then type it in the active ___(what do you call them???like the place where you type something when you are creating posts)

Edited by rrrm99
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A while ago i needed function that animate the title of window, so i have made a small(?) function that help me with that (_StringRandomize() and also _StringMove() to help this function :) )...

#include <String.au3>

$hWnd = WinGetTitle("")

TitleAnimate($hWnd, $hWnd, 5, 3)

Func TitleAnimate($hWnd, $FinalTitle, $AniSpeed=0, $TimeToAnimate=5)
    If Not IsHWnd($hWnd) Then $hWnd = WinGetHandle($hWnd)
    Local $CurrentWinTitle = WinGetTitle($hWnd)
    Local $TitlesArr = StringSplit($CurrentWinTitle, "")
    Local $NewTitle = ""
    Local $Timer = TimerInit()
    For $iT = 1 To $TitlesArr[0]
        $NewTitle = _StringRandomize($CurrentWinTitle)
        WinSetTitle(WinGetTitle($hWnd), "", $NewTitle)
        If TimerDiff($Timer)/1000 >= $TimeToAnimate Then ExitLoop
    WinSetTitle(WinGetTitle($hWnd), "", $FinalTitle)

Func _StringRandomize($String)
    If StringLen($String) = 0 Then Return
    Local $StrArr = StringSplit($String, ""), $iS, $StrArr, $RandomStr
    For $iS = 1 To $StrArr[0]
        $RandomStr = Random(1, $StrArr[0], 1)
        $String = _StringMove($String, $StrArr[$iS], $RandomStr)
    Return $String

Func _StringMove($String, $FindStr, $NewPos)
    If StringLen($String) = 0 Then Return
    If Not StringInStr($String, $FindStr) Then Return $String
    Local $NewStr=StringReplace($String, $FindStr, "", 1)
    If $NewPos >= StringLen($String) Then $NewPos = StringLen($String)-1
    Return _StringInsert($NewStr, $FindStr, $NewPos)



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You can use Send("Text") to simulate those keys...

i know i just dont know how to make it choose what message


Can anybody make me a script that will use the Random()

and then pop up a msgbox if number [random number here] pops up then it will have a different message for each number in the MSGbox then it will

read it then type it to the window [insert window title here]

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global $ran = random(1,5);$ran will be a random number from 1-5

if $ran = 1 Then;if 1 it will make a message box with the message
if $ran = 2 Then
if $ran = 3 Then
if $ran = 4 Then
if $ran = 5 Then

Is this what you wanted?

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global $ran = random(1,5);$ran will be a random number from 1-5

if $ran = 1 Then;if 1 it will make a message box with the message
if $ran = 2 Then
if $ran = 3 Then
if $ran = 4 Then
if $ran = 5 Then

Is this what you wanted?


how do you make it read the MSGbox then type something in [insert Window title here] according to the message

like if it shows up


then it will type the words OMG in [insert window title here]

Edited by rrrm99
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how do you make it read the MSGbox then type something in [insert Window title here] according to the message

like if it shows up


then it will type the words OMG in [insert window title here]

Does WinSetTitle() ring a bell? It's in the help file.


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yes...but i still don't know all the functions and what they do(only know the mousclicks a few win comands)

here is my script...

; Start of Script.Do not edit anything unless told
MouseClick ("left", 50, 755, 1)
MouseClick ("left", 85, 320, 1)
WinActivate ("http://www.yahoo.com/ - Microsoft Internet Explorer")
WinWaitActive ("http://www.yahoo.com/ - Microsoft Internet Explorer")
MouseClick ("left", 150, 70, 1)
WinActivate ("No page to display - Microsoft Internet Explorer")
WinWaitActive ("No page to display - Microsoft Internet Explorer")
MouseClickDrag ("left", 195, 105, 75, 105)
Send ("http://prankmail.org")
Send ("{ENTER}")
WinActivate ("Prankmail | Making email fun again - Microsoft Internet Explorer")
WinWaitActive ("Prankmail | Making email fun again - Microsoft Internet Explorer")
Sleep (20000)
MouseClick( "left", 305, 650, 1)
Sleep (20000)
MouseClick ("left", 410, 310, 1)
; Email To...need to randomize
Send ("PutEmail@Here.com")
MouseClick ("left", 420, 330, 1)
;Email From...do not need to randomize
Send ("PutEmail@here.com")
MouseClick ("left", 395, 350, 1)
; Subject Below...do not need to randomize
Send ("Subject Here")
MouseClick ("left", 420, 370, 1)
; Now i need the randomizer below
;Put Randomizer here
Send ("what ever the randomizer randomized")
;Script Ends Here...

i need the someone to edit the script so it does the randomize thingies

and as you can see i have very limited autoit knowledge

and it might not work if you try it on your comp

Edited by rrrm99
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