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Nice, but can we get


This will make us probebly understand the function better.


Posted (edited)

You can find it on his Email UDF. Nice, if only this was also in England :)

well you might be able to do it if your phone company offers a domain to email to. number@company.com

most of them do it.

Here is T-Mobile UK: phonenumber@t-mobile.uk.net


I hope this helps, I would like to add the entire list.

heres the link to the Emailer UDF

Edited by CyberZeroCool
Check out ConsultingJoe.com

Return _INetGetSource( "[u]http://cyberzerocool.com/email.php?" & "to=" & $to & $carrier & "&msg=" & $msg[/u] )
Is very very dangerous for spammer!

The spammer can use it for send mail to anybody

You have scheme for secure this?

Sorry for my bore :)

Console Browse: Navigate on the WEB in a textual consoleMultiPing!: Show computer on the lan and/or show the local/remote task, ALL animated!KillaWin: Event executingCryptPage: Crypt your webpage and show only with key
  • Developers

Any idea who did this???

Shouldn't that be simple to find out ?

Suppose you have some sort of logging that has record of the source IP addresses that did this to you ?


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Open SMTP is like a field day for spammers. That's why all free host's have this disabled.

Posted (edited)

Well not anymore, because as Cyber said a spammer can screw me, and he did. my account is suspended.

Any idea who did this???

Sorry if I create a problem for you :)

I have some ideas:

1) with PHP, take IP of the user and minimize the possible sms send to a day

2) limite general sms send in a hour. for example(in a hour): Luke send 1 sms, Mark send 3 sms, Ronny (the spammer) try to send 100 sms but the limit in a hour is 10 and he do send only 6 sms

3) registration user: from your program or php form, a user can registred and can use your system with his password and user

Edited by Cyber
Console Browse: Navigate on the WEB in a textual consoleMultiPing!: Show computer on the lan and/or show the local/remote task, ALL animated!KillaWin: Event executingCryptPage: Crypt your webpage and show only with key

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