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Help with Banner clicker


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i need help with a simple banner clicker in the IE

thats what i have

;~ HotKeySet( "{F10}" , "_Stop")
#include <IE.au3>
HotKeySet("{F10}", "_exit")
HotKeySet("{F11}", "_start")

ToolTip("Lose5er auto Banner klicker. Press F10 to stop the script ", 10, 10)


Func _exit()
Exit 1

Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1)
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)

TrayTip("Lose5er auto Banner klicker", "Starting in 5 secs, Press F10 to stop script", 5, 1)

Func _start()
sleep (500)


sleep (500)
Run('D:/Programme/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe www.lose5er.de ')
WinSetState("Windows Internet Explorer", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
WinActivate("Windows Internet Explorer", "")
WinSetState("Windows Internet Explorer", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
sleep (5000)
WinSetState("Windows Internet Explorer", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
WinActivate("Windows Internet Explorer", "")
WinSetState("Windows Internet Explorer", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
MouseClick("left", 210,420, 1)
sleep (100)
Send ("ID-Number")
sleep (100)
sleep (100)
sleep (100)
For $a = 1 to 30 Step 1
sleep (1000)
Run('D:/Programme/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe www.lose5er.de/member/galerie_frame_forced_aa.php ')
sleep (3000)
WinSetState("Galerie - Windows Internet Explorer", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)

For $i = 1 to 3 Step 1
sleep (12000)
WinSetState("Galerie - Windows Internet Explorer", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
WinActivate("Galerie - Windows Internet Explorer", "")
WinSetState("Galerie - Windows Internet Explorer", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
sleep (500)
WinSetState("Galerie - Windows Internet Explorer", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
WinSetState("Galerie - Windows Internet Explorer", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
WinSetState("Galerie - Windows Internet Explorer", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
WinActivate("Galerie - Windows Internet Explorer", "")
ControlClick ("Galerie - Windows Internet Explorer","", "Internet Explorer_Server1", "", "", 747, 42)
sleep (500)


sleep (500)
sleep (500)
sleep (500)




My problems are the controlclick and mouseclick.

mouseclick work but i will make it with controlclick and that dosnt work, why?

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Which mouse button is it clicking? How many times is it clicking? I think you're missing some information in your parameters.

button and clicks are defaulvalues

button left and clicks 1.

But i test it and i think it works.

br EmEx

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In the code you posted they are not default values, they are blanks. With some functions leaving a parameter blank uses the default value, this function does not behave that way. This function does not even support the Default keyword.

I tested it myself with the Taskbar properties window (right click on Taskbar -> Properties)

These did not work:

ControlClick('Taskbar and Start Menu', '', 'Cancel', '', '')

ControlClick('Taskbar and Start Menu', '', 'Cancel', Default, Default)

This worked:

ControlClick('Taskbar and Start Menu', '', 'Cancel', 'left', 1)
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