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Anything Wrong?

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IS there anything wrong with this?? Because I tell it to stop when the Input reaches 100 but it goes on anyway. Please help



GUIctrlsetdata($Input1, GUIctrlread($Input1) + random(1,3,1))

Until $Input1 = 100

I think something is missing but I dont know. Thank you for your help

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the problem is that you tell it to stop when input reaches EXACTLY 100.

change the last line to

untill $input =>100


untill $input >99

in case you can't do =>

OH MY GOD, YOU ARE LIKE A GENIUS. NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT!!! (BTW: i am not shouting i am just so happy ty.)

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Like this is only way for me to understand with what to work with

$Input1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', 5, 5)

    GUIctrlsetdata($Input1, GUIctrlread($Input1) + random(1,3,1))
Until Number(GUIctrlread($Input1)) >= 100

Bert understands...


Ohhh. What you just said makes so much more sence then what i was doing. Thank you for helping me
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So you understand comparing a handle to a number makes no sense? Use GUICtrlRead() to read the handle then convert to number and then do the compare.

Finally I understand!!!! I learned something new. (I feel Educated lol) Thank you again !!

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Im sorry, Im New, I dont understand. Can I do something else??

Yes you can. It would be a good idea to store it in a variable instead.

Then check it


; storing var

$var = 2

Until $var > 100

This isn't the best way.. This is:

For $var = 0 to 100 step 1

;Script to repeat





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Yes you can. It would be a good idea to store it in a variable instead.

Then check it


; storing var

$var = 2

Until $var > 100

This isn't the best way.. This is:

For $var = 0 to 100 step 1

;Script to repeat





I think you completely missed the point...
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