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_HTTPPost problem..


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Hi , I am trying to create a program which will upload an image to a website for decoding, I am using the HTTP UDF, here is what I have so far.

#include <HTTP.au3>

$host = "www.captchakiller.com"
$page = "/api.php"
$vars = "method=upload_captcha&api_key=(key here)&file=C:\testc.png&expire=60&rights=false"
$data = _HTTPEncodeString($vars)
$socket = _HTTPConnect($host)
$recv = _HTTPRead($socket,1)

_HTTPPost($host, $page, $socket, $data)

ConsoleWrite("Data received:"&@CRLF&$recv&@CRLF)

The program will run, but Data recieved will be empty and I am clueless why.

The website is captchakiller I am making this for a game which uses captchas to login.

This is the requirement to use the api.php

You must POST with "Content-Type: multipart/form-data".
There are 5 required parameters:

    * method - upload_captcha
    * api_key - string representing the API key
    * file - transmit the CAPTCHA image
    * expire - number of seconds after which CAPTCHA has expired (usually 60 or 300)
    * rights - true or false 

Possible results:

    * FAILURE: access denied - get API key from website
    * FAILURE: file_size=0
    * SUCCESS: captcha_id=<string GUID>

I get no results just an empty space. I will be grateful if any one can help. Thanks

Edited by jens42
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That is a cool idea, however I think the problem is that your not uploading the file, your just telling it the destination. I think you need to do a fileread on that with that data as the file.

I cant test it because I'm at work but I'm going to take a look at this later.

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Great thnx for the reply, I'll work on that and tell you how it comes along

I've been looking at it and I think HTTP.au3 needs to be modified for this method. Because its POST data and an encoded image if you look at the VB.NET example


Public Function postCaptcha(ByVal strApiKey As String, ByVal strCaptchaFile As String) As String

Dim objEncoding As New System.Text.UTF8Encoding

Dim objStreamWriter As System.IO.StreamWriter

Dim objStream As System.IO.Stream

Dim objHTTPRequest As HttpWebRequest

Dim sbPostData As New System.Text.StringBuilder

Dim intUploadBit As Integer

Dim intUploadSoFar As Integer

Dim inttoUpload As Integer

Dim i As Integer

Dim objStreamReader As System.IO.Stream

Dim strResult As String

'set request properties

objHTTPRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create("http://www.captchakiller.com/api.php")

objHTTPRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = True

objHTTPRequest.Accept = "*/*"

objHTTPRequest.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)"

objHTTPRequest.KeepAlive = False

objHTTPRequest.Timeout = 30000

objHTTPRequest.Method = "POST"

objHTTPRequest.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=7cf2a327f01ae"

sbPostData.Append("--" + "7cf2a327f01ae" + vbCrLf)

sbPostData.Append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""api_key""" + vbCrLf)


sbPostData.Append(strApiKey + vbCrLf)

sbPostData.Append("--" + "7cf2a327f01ae" + vbCrLf)

sbPostData.Append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""expire""" + vbCrLf)


sbPostData.Append("1000" + vbCrLf) 'defaulted to 1000 but you can change this

sbPostData.Append("--" + "7cf2a327f01ae" + vbCrLf)

sbPostData.Append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""method""" + vbCrLf)


sbPostData.Append("upload_captcha" + vbCrLf)

sbPostData.Append("--" + "7cf2a327f01ae" + vbCrLf)

sbPostData.Append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""rights""" + vbCrLf)


sbPostData.Append("false" + vbCrLf) 'defaulted to false but you can change this

'this is the header for our captcha file upload

sbPostData.Append("--" + "7cf2a327f01ae" + vbCrLf)

sbPostData.Append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""file""; filename=""" & strCaptchaFile & "" + vbCrLf)

sbPostData.Append("Content-Type: image/pjpeg" + vbCrLf)


'read our captch into a byte array

Dim objBinReader As New BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(strCaptchaFile))

Dim bytPhotoContents As Byte() = objBinReader.ReadBytes(objBinReader.BaseStream.Length)


'convert our other post data into a byte array

Dim bytPostContents As Byte() = objEncoding.GetBytes(sbPostData.ToString)

'create a footer for insertation after the file bytes are uploaded

Dim bytPostFooter As Byte() = objEncoding.GetBytes(vbCrLf + "--" + "7cf2a327f01ae" + vbCrLf)

'create a new data buffer to hold all of our byte arrays

Dim bytDataBuffer As Byte() = New Byte(bytPostContents.Length + bytPhotoContents.Length + bytPostFooter.Length) {}

'copy the contents of our three byte arrays into our single byte array

System.Buffer.BlockCopy(bytPostContents, 0, bytDataBuffer, 0, bytPostContents.Length)

System.Buffer.BlockCopy(bytPhotoContents, 0, bytDataBuffer, bytPostContents.Length, bytPhotoContents.Length)

System.Buffer.BlockCopy(bytPostFooter, 0, bytDataBuffer, bytPostContents.Length + bytPhotoContents.Length, bytPostFooter.Length)

'set the content length based on our new byte array length

objHTTPRequest.ContentLength = bytDataBuffer.Length

'get our stream and post our data

objStream = objHTTPRequest.GetRequestStream()

'chunk up our data and upload it to our stream

'will generally only need to send in one chunk unless file is large

intUploadBit = Math.Max(bytDataBuffer.Length / 100, 50 * 1024)

intUploadSoFar = 0

While i < bytDataBuffer.Length

inttoUpload = Math.Min(intUploadBit, bytDataBuffer.Length - i)

intUploadSoFar += inttoUpload

objStream.Write(bytDataBuffer, i, inttoUpload)

i = i + intUploadBit

End While

'close our stream


'get the response from the server

Dim objHTTPResponse As HttpWebResponse = CType(objHTTPRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)

objStreamReader = objHTTPResponse.GetResponseStream()

'final result from server is returned to strResult

Dim objStreamResult As New System.IO.StreamReader(objStreamReader)

strResult = objStreamResult.ReadToEnd

'close our objects



Return strResult

End Function

It can be done tho.

Edited by CyberZeroCool

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I give up on this, sorry man. It's almost easier to just use IE.au3 to navigate through captchakiller.com; Login, Upload Captch, View Results.

[center]AutoIT + Finger Print Reader/Scanner = COOL STUFF -> Check Out Topic![/center][center][font=Arial Black]Check out ConsultingJoe.com[/font][/center][center]My Scripts~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Web Protocol Managing - Simple WiFi Scanner - AutoTunes - Remote PC Control V2 - Audio SpectrascopePie Chart UDF - At&t's TTS - Custom Progress Bar - Windows Media Player Embed[/center]

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