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It isn't seeming to properly read the value of the offset that I give it, it is always returning 0.

I can tell this because while looking in Cheat Engine at the address, it shows the value properly as it is displayed in the process I am trying to scan.

However, when I check for @Error it comes out as 0 showing that no error is occuring.

Is there anything Vista could be screwing this up about, and any possible fixes or advice?

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#include <NomadMemory.au3>
$hWnd = "winmine"
$PID = WinGetProcess($hWnd, "")

$Memory = _MemoryOpen($PID, default)

$ReadMemory = _MemoryRead(0x02a3d22c, $Memory)

MsgBox(0, @Error, $ReadMemory)

When the MsgBox pops up, it shows @error as 0 and $ReadMemory as 0 even though Cheat Engine is showing the address 0x02a3d22c as the value displayed for the time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now this may be a useless workaround for you, and this being my first post kinda sheds some light on my experience. But I have been having no probs with it and I am running vista. Based off of the code that you are using I notices that you are not using the _MemoryGetBaseAddress UDF written by Szhlopp.

I do not know a whole lot about memory, but I believe that Cheat Engine gives you the offset from the process that it is attached to, and not the physical address. What _MemoryGetBaseAddress does is find the location of the process in memory and then you use the offset learned from CE along with the address you get from Szhlopp's function with _MemoryRead from NomadMemory.

Szhlopp's function can be found here: Memory UDF, For finding that EXE's address! "Game.exe+753EC"

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