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C to AU3


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I do some operation, but can not find AU3 code, found the C code, I try to convert AU3, but wrong, so please help me! Thank you everyone! !

C code:

voidTransparentBitmap (HDChdc, HBITMAPhBitmap, intxStart, intyStart, intxadd, intyadd, COLORREFcTransparentColor) 
/ / Create a temporary DC 
HDChMem, hBack, hObject, hTemp, hSave; 
HBack = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc); 
HObject = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc); 
HMem = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc); 
HSave = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc); 
HTemp = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc); 
/ / Selected bitmap 
SelectObject (hTemp, hBitmap); 
GetObject (hBitmap, sizeof (BITMAP), (LPSTR) & m_bm); 
/ / Show bitmap wide high 
/ / Get the width of the bitmap 
PtSize.x = m_bm.bmWidth; 
/ / Get the bitmap of the degree of 
PtSize.y = m_bm.bmHeight; 
/ / Convert the point value of logic 
DPtoLP (hTemp, & ptSize, 1); 
/ / Create a temporary bitmap 
HBITMAPbmBack, bmObject, bmMem, bmSave; 
/ / Monochrome bitmap 
BmBack = CreateBitmap (ptSize.x, ptSize.y, 1,1, NULL); 
bmObject = CreateBitmap (ptSize.x, ptSize.y, 1,1, NULL); 
/ / Bitmap compatible with the equipment 
bmMem = CreateCompatibleBitmap (hdc, ptSize.x, ptSize.y); 
bmSave = CreateCompatibleBitmap (hdc, ptSize.x, ptSize.y); 
/ / Will create a temporary bitmap selected in the provisional DC 
HBITMAPOldbmBack, OldbmObject, OldbmMem, OldbmSave; 
OldbmBack = (HBITMAP) SelectObject (hBack, bmBack); 
OldbmObject = (HBITMAP) SelectObject (hObject, bmObject); 
OldbmMem = (HBITMAP) SelectObject (hMem, bmMem); 
OldbmSave = (HBITMAP) SelectObject (hSave, bmSave); 
/ / Set mapping mode 
SetMapMode (hTemp, GetMapMode (hdc)); 
/ / Original bitmap to retain 
BitBlt (hSave, 0,0, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, hTemp, 0,0, SRCCOPY); 
/ / Set the background color for the color to be transparent 
CColor = SetBkColor (hTemp, cTransparentColor); 
/ / Create a goal shielding code 
BitBlt (hObject, 0,0, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, hTemp, 0,0, SRCCOPY); 
/ / Restore the original source of DC background color 
SetBkColor (hTemp, cColor); 
/ / Create a reversal of goal shielding code 
BitBlt (hBack, 0,0, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, hObject, 0,0, NOTSRCCOPY); 
/ / Copy the background of the main DC to the target DC 
BitBlt (hMem, 0,0, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, hdc, xStart, yStart, SRCCOPY); 
/ / Mask bitmap display area 
BitBlt (hMem, 0,0, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, hObject, 0,0, SRCAND); 
/ / Mask of the transparent bitmap color 
BitBlt (hTemp, 0,0, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, hBack, 0,0, SRCAND); 
/ / To a bitmap with the background of the left goal DC XOR operation 
BitBlt (hMem, 0,0, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, hTemp, 0,0, SRCPAINT); 
/ / Copy the screen on goal 
StretchBlt (hdc, xStart, yStart, ptSize.x + xadd, ptSize.y + yadd, hMem, 0,0, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, SRCCOPY); 
/ / Restore original bitmap 
BitBlt (hTemp, 0,0, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, hSave, 0,0, SRCCOPY); 
/ / Delete temporary memory bitmap 
DeleteObject (SelectObject (hBack, OldbmBack)); 
DeleteObject (SelectObject (hObject, OldbmObject)); 
DeleteObject (SelectObject (hMem, OldbmMem)); 
DeleteObject (SelectObject (hSave, OldbmSave)); 
/ / Delete temporary memory DC 
DeleteDC (hMem); 
DeleteDC (hBack); 
DeleteDC (hObject); 
DeleteDC (hSave); 
DeleteDC (hTemp); 
)oÝ÷ ØÌ¢{ޮȨ7r^jëh×6#include <WinAPI.au3> 
$opendll = DllOpen ( "gdi32.dll") 
$dll = DllOpen ( "user32.dll") 
$ghGDIPDll = DllOpen ( "GDIPlus.dll") 
$Bitmap = "main-bg.bmp" 
$hWin = GUICreate ("test") 
$nID = GUICtrlCreatePic ("", 10,10,0,0) 
GUISetState () 
TransBMP ($hWin, $nID, $Bitmap, 0,0,250,300,0xffffff) 
Sleep (1000) 
Until GUIGetMsg () = -3 

DllClose ($opendll) 
DllClose ($dll) 
DllClose ($ghGDIPDll) 

Func TransBMP ($hWin, $nID, $Bitmap, $xStart, $yStart, $xadd, $yadd, $cTransparentColor) 
     Global Const $SRCCOPY = 0x00CC0020 
Global Const $SRCAND = 0x008800C6 
Global Const $SRCPAINT = 0x00EE0086 
Global Const $IMAGE_BITMAP = 0 
Global Const $GWL_HINSTANCE = -6 
Global Const $LR_LOADFROMFILE = 0x0010 
Global Const $GDIP_PXF32ARGB = 0x0026200A 
     Dim $m_bm 
; Create a temporary DC 
$Hwnd = WinGetHandle ($hWin) 
$phWnd = DLLCall ($dll, "hwnd", "GetDlgItem", "hwnd", $hWin, "int", $nID) 
     $dc = DllCall ($dll, "int", "GetDC", "hwnd", $phWnd[0]) 
Dim $HDChMem, $hBack, $hObject, $hTemp, $hSave 
$HBack = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC ($dc[0]) 
$HObject = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC ($dc[0]) 
$HMem = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC ($dc[0]) 
$HSave = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC ($dc[0]) 
$HTemp = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC ($dc[0]) 
$HBmp = BitmapCreateFromFile ($Bitmap) 
$hBitmap = BitmapCloneArea ($hBmp, 0,0, $xadd, $yadd, $GDIP_PXF32ARGB) 
; Selected bitmap 
_WinAPI_SelectObject ($HTemp, $hBitmap) 
; _WinAPI_GetObject ($HBitmap, _WinAPI_GetFileSizeEx ($hBitmap), $hBmp) 
; Show wide bitmap high 
Dim $POINTptSize 
; Access to the width of the bitmap 
$PtSizex = $m_bm.bmWidth 
; Made of the degree of bitmap 
$PtSizey = $m_bm.bmHeight 
; Point value is converted to logic 
$Str = "ptr var1; ptr var2" 
$Ptsize = DllStructCreate ($str) 
DllStructSetData ($ptsize, "var1", $ptSizex) 
DllStructSetData ($ptsize, "var2", $ptSizey) 
DPtoLP ($hTemp, $ptsize, 1) 
; Create a temporary bitmap 
Dim $HBITMAPbmBack, $bmObject, $bmMem, $bmSave 
; Monochrome bitmap 
$bmBack = _WinAPI_CreateBitmap ($ptSizex, $ptSizey, 1,1) 
$bmObject = _WinAPI_CreateBitmap ($ptSizex, $ptSizey, 1,1) 
; Bitmap compatible with the equipment 
$bmMem = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleBitmap ($dc [0], $ptSizex, $ptSizey) 
$bmSave = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleBitmap ($dc [0], $ptSizex, $ptSizey) 
; Will create a temporary bitmap selected in the provisional DC 
Dim $HBITMAPOldbmBack, $OldbmObject, $OldbmMem, $OldbmSave 
$OldbmBack = _WinAPI_SelectObject ($hBack, $bmBack) 
$OldbmObject = _WinAPI_SelectObject ($hObject, $bmObject) 
$OldbmMem = _WinAPI_SelectObject ($hMem, $bmMem) 
$OldbmSave = _WinAPI_SelectObject ($hSave, $bmSave) 
; Set mapping mode 
SetMapMode ($hTemp, GetMapMode ($dc [0])) 
; To retain the original bitmap 
_WinAPI_BitBlt ($HSave, 0,0, $ptSizex, $ptSizey, $hTemp, 0,0, $SRCCOPY) 
; The background color set to color to be transparent 
$cColor = _WinAPI_SetBkColor ($hTemp, $cTransparentColor) 
; The creation of goal shielding code 
_WinAPI_BitBlt ($HObject, 0,0, $ptSizex, $ptSizey, $hTemp, 0,0, $SRCCOPY) 
; DC restore the original source of the background color 
_WinAPI_SetBkColor ($HTemp, $cColor) 
; The aim to create shield inversion code 
_WinAPI_BitBlt ($HBack, 0,0, $ptSizex, $ptSizey, $hObject, 0,0, NOT $SRCCOPY) 
; Copies of the background of the main DC to the target DC 
_WinAPI_BitBlt ($HMem, 0,0, $ptSizex, $ptSizey, $dc [0], $xStart, $yStart, $SRCCOPY) 
; Shielding the display bitmap 
_WinAPI_BitBlt ($HMem, 0,0, $ptSizex, $ptSizey, $hObject, 0,0, $SRCAND) 
; Shielding of transparent bitmap color 
_WinAPI_BitBlt ($HTemp, 0,0, $ptSizex, $ptSizey, $hBack, 0,0, $SRCAND) 
; Will aim bitmap with the background of the left DC XOR operation 
_WinAPI_BitBlt ($HMem, 0,0, $ptSizex, $ptSizey, $hTemp, 0,0, $SRCPAINT) 
; Copies to screen on goal 
StretchBlt ($dc [0], $xStart, $yStart, $ptSizex + $xadd, $ptSizey + $yadd, $hMem, 0,0, $ptSizex, $ptSizey, $SRCCOPY) 
; Restore original bitmap 
_WinAPI_BitBlt ($HTemp, 0,0, $ptSizex, $ptSizey, $hSave, 0,0, $SRCCOPY) 
; Delete temporary memory bitmap 
_WinAPI_DeleteObject (_WinAPI_SelectObject ($HBack, $OldbmBack)) 
_WinAPI_DeleteObject (_WinAPI_SelectObject ($HObject, $OldbmObject)) 
_WinAPI_DeleteObject (_WinAPI_SelectObject ($HMem, $OldbmMem)) 
_WinAPI_DeleteObject (_WinAPI_SelectObject ($HSave, $OldbmSave)) 
; Delete temporary memory DC 
_WinAPI_DeleteDC ($HMem) 
_WinAPI_DeleteDC ($HBack) 
_WinAPI_DeleteDC ($HObject) 
_WinAPI_DeleteDC ($HSave) 
_WinAPI_DeleteDC ($HTemp) 
_WinAPI_DeleteObject ($HBitmap) 

Func StretchBlt ($dc, $x, $y, $nWidth, $nHeight, $hSrcDC, $xSrc, $ySrc, $nSrcWidth, $nSrcHeight, $dwrop) 
$blt = DllCall ($opendll, "int", "StretchBlt", "int", $dc, "int", $x, "int", $y, "int", $nWidth, "int", $nHeight , _ 
"int", $hSrcDC, "int", $xSrc, "int", $ySrc, "int", $nSrcWidth, "int", $nSrcHeight, "int", $dwrop) 
Return $blt [0] 

Func DPtoLP ($dc, $lppoint, $ncount) 
$lp = DllCall ($opendll, "int", "DPtoLP", "ptr", $lppoint, "int", $ncount) 
Return $lp [0] 

Func SetMapMode ($dc, $nmapmode) 
$mode = DllCall ($opendll, "int", "SetMapMode", "int", $dc, "int", $nmapmode) 
Return $mode [0] 

Func GetMapMode ($dc) 
$mode = DllCall ($opendll, "int", "GetMapMode", "int", $dc) 
Return $mode [0] 

Func BitmapCreateFromFile ($sFileName) 
Local $aResult 
$aResult = DllCall ($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipCreateBitmapFromFile", "wstr", $sFileName, "int *", 0) 
If @ error Then Return SetError (@error, @extended, 0) 
DllClose ($ghGDIPDll) 
Return SetError ($aResult [0], 0, $aResult [2]) 
EndFunc ;==>_ GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromFile 

Func BitmapCloneArea ($hBmp, $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iFormat = 0x00021808) 
Local $aResult 

$aResult = DllCall ($ghGDIPDll, "int", "GdipCloneBitmapAreaI", "int", $iLeft, "int", $iTop, "int", $iWidth, "int", $iHeight, _ 
"Int", $iFormat, "ptr", $hBmp, "int *", 0) 
If @ error Then Return SetError (@error, @extended, 0) 
Return SetError ($aResult [0], 0, $aResult [7]) 
EndFunc ;==>_ GDIPlus_BitmapCloneArea

Only a little bit of my English, please forgive me! I hope you understand what I said!thank you!

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