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StringRegExp & Phone Numbers

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I'm using the following code to see if there is a phone number (in one of the following formats - it is not supposed to grab the 1 if the number starts with it) on the clipboard:



(949) 555-5642


(323) 555 0946

1 (626) 555 8790

1 864-555-7689


$aPhoneOnClip = StringRegExp(ClipGet(), "[2-9]\d{9}|\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}|\(\d{3}\) {0,1}\d{3}[-| ]{0,1}\d{4}\b", 1)
;ConsoleWrite("@error for $aPhoneOnClip StringRegExp = " & @error & @CRLF)
If @error = 0 Then 
    $phoneNumber = $aPhoneOnClip[0]
    ConsoleWrite("$phoneNumber = " & $phoneNumber & @CRLF)
    $phoneNumber = StringRegExpReplace($phoneNumber, "\(|\)| |-", "")
    ConsoleWrite("$phoneNumber = " & $phoneNumber & @CRLF)
    $phoneNumber = InputBox("Dial Phone Number", "Enter Phone Number:", $phoneNumber)
    $phoneNumber = InputBox("Dial Phone Number", "Enter Phone Number:", "XXX-XXX-XXXX")

I have software on my computer that dials my phone for me so all I need is a number in 10-digit format, no symbols or space or anything - the software is picky. The idea is that if someone sends a message thru IM or email I can just copy that section of the text and press my windows hotkey which while execute the script, grab the phone number from the clipboard - if it's there, then either automatically dial it or ask me if I want to dial it. If there is no number on clipboard (@error <> 0) then just prompt for the number to dial. The script runs fine if there's a number on the clipboard that matches one of the formats and does exactly what it is supposed to do if there are no matches, but that's only if I comment out that second line, the ConsoleWrite.


1) Does anyone see a better way to write the StringRegExp in regards to the specific phone number formats I'm looking for? I suppose it doesn't really make a difference, but this is my first time using StringRegExp so any advice is appreciated ^_^ The phone number could be given in a single line or somewhere inside a paragraph.

2) (I stumbled upon this problem while trying to tweak the StringRegExp) If I uncomment that second line and there is no match on the clipboard, the ConsoleWrite tells me @error = 1, which is expected. But, the rest of the code that checks for @error = 0 still runs. Does ConsoleWrite Set error back to 0 for some reason? I replaced ConsoleWrite with a MsgBox and got the same result. That's not really my main question, but I'm still curious... I'm sure it's something stupid I just missed in the help file and I couldn't find it in the forums either.


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Does anyone see a better way to write the StringRegExp

If it's working as it should, then this is the better way ;)

Does ConsoleWrite Set error back to 0 for some reason?

Yes, because there is no error in writing to the console ^_^ - Basically, all functions that does not set error (base on help file's remarks), will set the @error to 0 anyway, because there is no error.

So you can hold the @error in variable to workaround this:

$aPhoneOnClip = StringRegExp(ClipGet(), "[2-9]\d{9}|\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}|\(\d{3}\) {0,1}\d{3}[-| ]{0,1}\d{4}\b", 1)
$iError = @error

ConsoleWrite("@error for $aPhoneOnClip StringRegExp = " & @error & @CRLF)

If $iError = 0 Then
    $phoneNumber = $aPhoneOnClip[0]
    ConsoleWrite("$phoneNumber = " & $phoneNumber & @CRLF)
    $phoneNumber = StringRegExpReplace($phoneNumber, "[\(\) -]", "")
    ConsoleWrite("$phoneNumber = " & $phoneNumber & @CRLF)
    $phoneNumber = InputBox("Dial Phone Number", "Enter Phone Number:", $phoneNumber)
    $phoneNumber = InputBox("Dial Phone Number", "Enter Phone Number:", "XXX-XXX-XXXX")



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#include <array.au3>

Global $s_text = ClipGet()

; Remove non digit chars except cr/lf
Global $s_pat_replace = "[\h\(\)-]"
$s_text = StringRegExpReplace($s_text, $s_pat_replace, "")

; Get my list of numbers
Global $s_pat_regex = "1?(\d{10})(?:\z|\v+)"
Global $a_sre = StringRegExp($s_text, $s_pat_regex, 3)


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