Custom Query


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Results (501 - 600 of 1093)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Milestone Component Resolution Reporter
#2385 @include AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2391 Select...Case...EndSelect - Remarks - PROPOSAL Documentation Rejected anonymous
#2396 WinActivate - Remarks - PROPOSAL Documentation Fixed anonymous
#2436 AutoIt Command Line Interpreter AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2489 HttpSetUserAgent return value AutoIt Completed anonymous
#2490 HttpSetUserAgent return value AutoIt Duplicate anonymous
#2504 GUICtrlSendToDummy to нidden window AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2505 Array create without declaration AutoIt Duplicate anonymous
#2538 GUISetAccelerators should take care of disabled control AutoIt Fixed anonymous
#2574 "Switch...Case...EndSwitch" AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2631 Change delimiters used in SciTE.session SciTE4AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2633 more possibilities when assigning values to variables AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2655 FileReadToArray and binary file AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2656 array automatic redim for $array[] = ... AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2665 Support for EFS (Encrypting File System) AutoIt Completed anonymous
#2673 AdlibRegister(0) execute function instanly instead of after 250ms AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2681 More parameters to FileReadToArray function AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2684 Remove drag behavior of WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2686 Random to return max value when min equals max. AutoIt Completed anonymous
#2727 optional Datatypes AutoIt Wont Fix anonymous
#2750 Ternary Operator Should Have the Lowest Precedence AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2755 SetError - Description Documentation Fixed anonymous
#2761 HelpFile Title Documentation Completed anonymous
#2778 include REGEXP function in to SQLite Standard UDFs Rejected anonymous
#2788 fuzzy string searching AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2794 FileDelete ability to remove the file stream AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2831 Function Binding AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2832 Call (["CallArgArray", ...]) doesn't modify ByRef arguments AutoIt No Bug anonymous
#2872 FileDelete set @extended deleted count AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2938 Add "GetCount" to ControlCommand() AutoIt Fixed anonymous
#2963 Macro for file name in included files AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2968 Add mSeconds to _SetTime function AutoIt Completed anonymous
#2969 label size AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2980 Can't call a function in a map with the point operator [BETA] AutoIt Works For Me anonymous
#2989 @OSVersion And Windows 10 AutoIt Completed anonymous
#2995 Create and pass array as parameter in the parameter itself AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3000 scriptline AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3035 _FileListToArrayRec: new switch for (protected system files) AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3044 Language reference > Variables and Constants Documentation Rejected anonymous
#3118 StringSplit - NewFlag - case Other Rejected anonymous
#3133 Win* functions to set @error or @extended flag in case of fail / timeout AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3138 GUIRegisterMsg - add to chain AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3142 Auto-Complete in SciTE SciTE4AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3148 Add new events to GUIGetMsg() AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3149 Add new functions to SQLite UDF Standard UDFs Completed anonymous
#3150 Add new functions to GuiListView UDF AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3153 AU3Check to change SciTE console results output sequence Au3Check Rejected anonymous
#3194 autoIT script in selenium IDE AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3212 Fast Shutdown AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3222 FileInstall Documentation Completed anonymous
#3228 Return empty string on failure for _ArrayToString AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3238 Au3info doesn't compensate for DPI scaling Au3Info Fixed anonymous
#3272 suggesting 2 features that would be really useful AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3550 New Date And Time Function AutoIt Completed anonymous
#3553 _SQLite_Startup() - cannot use SQLite.dll without "_x64" suffix in 64 bit script AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3627 Feature Request: AutoItWinGetHandle() AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3649 Add the word glob to docs for search engines Documentation Fixed anonymous
#3656 PCRE updates and security issues AutoIt Fixed anonymous
#3675 $tagNETRESOURCE: Add constants AutoIt Completed anonymous
#3676 $tagResource Help lacks some DisplayTypes Documentation Rejected anonymous
#3679 InetGet / InetRead - Disable Cache Option AutoIt Works For Me anonymous
#3680 Improve _ArrayBinarySearch function Standard UDFs Rejected anonymous
#3681 In the section "Variables" the prefix "o" is not described. Documentation Completed anonymous
#3710 Server 2019 @OSVersion not correct AutoIt Fixed anonymous
#3742 Locate Windows Shell context menu items in an extra menu AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3783 _WinAPI_SetThreadAffinityMask, _WinAPI_SetThreadGroupAffinity, _WinAPI_ GetProcessGroupAffinity AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3784 StringSplit2D AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3787 StringRegExp AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3793 Add project explorer and open folder options in scite SciTE4AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3839 User data in control AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#3840 file path given does not selects properly AutoIt No Bug anonymous
#3874 FileOpen() and similar functions should set @error to non-zero on failure AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2495 _FileWriteFromArray for save _ExcelReadSheetToArray arrays Standard UDFs Duplicate anton-ilyasov@…
#1758 tables for the gui AutoIt Rejected any
#1602 _ArrayMinIndex and Void entries AutoIt Rejected any0day@…
#896 CPU intencive yet simple and powerful addition to PixelSearch AutoIt Rejected ao0921@…
#196 Enable shell printing of AutoIt source code AutoIt Rejected apoliak@…
#535 don't pause the script when the tray menu is open or the gui title bar is right clicked AutoIt Rejected ar.0.cut.all.the.dots@…
#3539 FileGetTime ( "filename" [, option = 0 [, format = 0], UTC=0]]] ) AutoIt Completed argumentum
#3547 @ErrorStdOut or $ErrorStdOut for /ErrorStdOut AutoIt Completed argumentum
#3695 Func _SQLite_Display2DResult($aResult, $iCellWidth = 0, $bReturn = False, $sDelim_Col = "", $sDelim_Row = @CRLF) Standard UDFs Completed argumentum
#3696 Func _ArrayFromString($s, $sDelim_Col = "|", $sDelim_Row = @CRLF, $iForce2D = 0) Standard UDFs Completed argumentum
#3740 better _ChooseColor() Standard UDFs Completed argumentum
#3766 @IncludeScriptFullPath and @IncludeScriptName AutoIt Duplicate argumentum
#3804 _GUICtrlMenu_CreateMenu() example Documentation Completed argumentum
#3806 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawString() with color Standard UDFs Completed argumentum
#3946 _ChooseFont() updated defaults Standard UDFs Completed argumentum
#3990 _IsPressed() add "indicate whether the key has been pressed since the last query" AutoIt Completed argumentum
#1172 .NET controls in beta AutoIt Rejected arthur@…
#1974 Tidy autoit source auto include and global comment SciTE4AutoIt Rejected arustad@…
#2182 The real "ContinueCase" AutoIt Rejected asdf8
#2624 GUIUnRegisterMsg AutoIt Rejected asdf8
#582 Tab Item on a Tab Control, Tips not showing AutoIt Completed atc
#1138 XML Other Rejected athiwatc
#1022 Different between " and ' like PHP AutoIt Rejected athiwatc@…
#2383 Allow Aut2exe GUI to accept dropped files Aut2Exe Fixed autoit@…
#2322 Random() produces unexpected result. AutoIt Rejected autoit@…
#2245 Microsoft Access UDF Standard UDFs Rejected aymhenry@…
#1334 dynamic include - rt embedding - Bug found? AutoIt Rejected benjamin-thomas.schreiber@…
#2226 Please give your comments to avoid two windows which are getting opened. AutoIt Rejected bhargavi.vittalsingh@…
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.