


02:21 Ticket #2158 (While Wend Problem) closed by Valik
No Bug: Problem is simple and obvious. Should have been posted on the forum. This is not a support forum.
01:12 Ticket #2158 (While Wend Problem) created by anonymous
I have a simple adfly program that i want to loop but the while …


15:28 Ticket #2157 (ProcessList() crashes on Windows Terminal Server Win2k8-R2) created by HighGuy
Hi, i have a script running on a Windows Terminal Server Win2k8-R2 …


17:38 Ticket #2156 (File or Directory check) closed by Valik
Rejected: IsDir() or IsFile() can be done in a single line of code, 3 if you wrap it in a function with your name of choice. The rest of your request is slightly more than 3 lines of code but still pretty damn simple. In other words, write your own, you don't need us to hold your hand.
08:28 Ticket #2156 (File or Directory check) created by malath84@…
IsDir or IsFile Boolean Function for files and folders that checks a …
00:41 Milestone completed


16:49 Ticket #2154 (_ArrayShift & _ArrayUnShift) closed by Valik
Rejected: Not crazy about the names and your code leaves a lot to be desired.
15:29 Ticket #2155 (Run's default workingdir) created by lwc
The documentation mentions that ShellExecute/ShellExecuteWait's …
13:31 Ticket #2154 (_ArrayShift & _ArrayUnShift) created by markem@…
Hi! :-) I noted that AutoIt has _ArrayPop and _ArrayPush. Those go …


23:42 Ticket #2153 (Program speed) closed by Valik
No Bug: Your problem is the function whatchamit on line grom of file makanamararer. Useful bug report, should have been posted on the forum anyway.
17:55 Ticket #2153 (Program speed) created by pksnl@…
My programs are running good when compiled with version on a …
14:52 Ticket #2152 (X^2 Not Working in Hex()) created by tobgle@…
In This returns 000000, but it should return FFFFFF …


17:39 Ticket #2151 (integrate signtool in AutoIt3Wrapper) closed by Valik
Rejected: Replying to anonymous: > #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After can't used, if signtool uses external authentication like PKI card Why? Rather, why does having this built into AutoIt3Wrapper solve the issue you describe? Further, who said you had to run SIGNTOOL directly in the directive? Write your own script that does work when invoked by AutoIt3Wrapper directives. I can't see digital signing being used by very many people and I'm certain that you can do it already using existing directives built into AutoIt3Wrapper.
17:34 Ticket #2150 (_FileWriteFromArray() 2d array bug) closed by Valik
Duplicate: Closing as a duplicate of #2125.
10:03 Ticket #2151 (integrate signtool in AutoIt3Wrapper) created by anonymous
I like to add digital signatures to some programs. It would be good to …


21:16 Ticket #2150 (_FileWriteFromArray() 2d array bug) created by i2c
[…] […] Line 271 to 274 of File.au3: […] In case we want to …


19:09 Ticket #2149 (_StringBetween does not accept NULL-chars in the boundary strings) created by anonymous
When using NULL-characters in the start or end string, _StringBetween …
18:09 Ticket #2148 (Crash with _GUICtrlListBox_InsertString()) created by Valik
The following code crashes Autoit (taken from #2147): […] Changing …
18:04 Ticket #2147 (_GUICtrlListBox_InsertString and random) closed by Valik
No Bug: Closing this as no bug. I'll open a new ticket for the crash issue.
15:06 Ticket #2147 (_GUICtrlListBox_InsertString and random) created by ady.sefu2008@…
[…] Down work to insert in list a random number.
07:31 Ticket #2146 (AutoIt passes invalid handle to CloseHandle during process shutdown) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [6843] in version:


13:21 Ticket #2146 (AutoIt passes invalid handle to CloseHandle during process shutdown) created by jonathan.boeing@…
Autoit crashes frequently when run on the checked build of Windows. …


09:00 Ticket #2145 (unable to change password or post) closed by Valik
No Bug: Given that you are reporting your problem on our issue tracker I'm going to chalk it up to you being stupid. Ticket closed since it has fuck all to do with AutoIt.
07:13 Ticket #2145 (unable to change password or post) created by bulldog christian@…
Lost my password so asked for a new one. All OK. Posted a comment all …


17:17 Ticket #2144 (Compiled script does not open with FILE_SHARE_DELETE) closed by Valik
No Bug: I'm not sure why you are reporting this as a bug. I think that allowing the file to be deleted/renamed will break FileInstall() in cases where the file is deleted/renamed during execution.
11:34 Ticket #2144 (Compiled script does not open with FILE_SHARE_DELETE) created by anonymous
I tried to implement a selfdelete using a copy of the executable in a …


17:12 Milestone completed
16:23 Ticket #2143 (Window Info: Request to add ControlClick position on the Window tab) closed by Valik
Rejected: Good to see you explored the Options menu within the program.
16:19 Ticket #2143 (Window Info: Request to add ControlClick position on the Window tab) created by jdelaney@…
I've been working a lot with relative position clicking within an …


21:12 Ticket #1987 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamFromFile crashes AutoIt) closed by trancexx
Works For Me: I can't reproduce this with current AutoIt no matter what I do or on what system I run that script.
13:25 Ticket #2142 (Native _AutoItObject_ObjCreateEx) created by ptrex
Make the _AutoItObject_ObjCreateEx function a AutoIT native function. …


23:09 Ticket #2111 (RunAs broken when Authenticated Users added to Replace a process level ...) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [6820] in version:
12:55 Ticket #2099 (Crash of script when using "_GUICtrlDTP_SetSystemTimeEx()" function) closed by trancexx
Works For Me: 6 weeks should have been enough for that I guess.


21:13 Ticket #1760 (#OnAutoItStartRegister, ignores single quoted function names.) closed by trancexx
Fixed: Fixed by revision [6816] in version:
17:23 Ticket #2138 (GuiCtrlRead with GUICtrlSendToDummy) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [6815] in version:
16:40 Ticket #2141 (AU3Check keyword #IgnoreFunc causing error) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [6814] in version:


22:35 Ticket #2141 (AU3Check keyword #IgnoreFunc causing error) created by Beege
The following script causes an error: […] Output: […]


03:59 Ticket #2111 (RunAs broken when Authenticated Users added to Replace a process level ...) reopened by Valik
I'm more interested in seeing what privileges the account in question has than a test script. Download the following program. It's a custom program I wrote that lists the privileges an access token has. Run it using the account where RunAs() fails. Show me the output so I can see what privileges the account in question has and what state they are in.
03:47 Ticket #2140 (SciTE should remember last edited line between restarts) closed by Valik
Works For Me: It does remember it. Mine does, anyway. Closing as "Works For Me" since that is exactly the case. I suggest you use the forum in the future so you don't waste my time asking for things that already exist in a product that isn't even our own.


07:38 Ticket #2140 (SciTE should remember last edited line between restarts) created by mail@…
My Project has more than 4,000 lines of code. Everytime I open the …
06:52 Ticket #1992 (RichEdit sometimes leaves a "ghost" scrollbar on maximize) closed by trancexx
No Bug: Use GUIRegisterMsg to process specific messages yourself. That's not UDF's job. Parent window is your responsibility.
06:32 Ticket #2032 (_ExcelBookOpen 2007 xlsm file (print area gets lost)) closed by trancexx
Works For Me


23:24 Ticket #2082 (drivestatus on mapped network drives fails on directories) closed by trancexx
Duplicate: This is duplicate of #2064.
23:00 Ticket #2087 (IniWrite & IniReadSection bug) closed by trancexx
No Bug: String literal in AutoIt is defined as zero or more characters enclosed in quotes (single or double). I'm sure that anyone who wrote explanation for Ini functions meant it to be understandable for absolute beginners. Probably that's why it's bit confusing. Maybe some English speaking person can write description for more advanced members or maybe they shouldn't be needing it. It's a dilemma. Either way, no bug.
22:44 Ticket #2139 (_GUICtrlIpAddress_Create can't put 3 numbers) closed by trancexx
Works For Me
00:03 Ticket #1319 (AutoIt3.exe always exists after closing script with RichEdit) closed by trancexx
Fixed: Fixed by revision [6805] in version:


20:23 Ticket #2139 (_GUICtrlIpAddress_Create can't put 3 numbers) created by TalivanIBM
I can't put 3 numbers since the last update of autoit, only 2 numbers …
02:49 Ticket #2138 (GuiCtrlRead with GUICtrlSendToDummy) created by stroket@…
GuiCtrlRead(Dummy Ctrl-ID Set By GUICtrlSendToDummy) returns a …


18:15 Ticket #1523 (Au3Check support UNICODE and all Include file use unicode enc.) closed by Valik
Duplicate: Closing as a duplicate of #2091.
18:13 Ticket #2137 ("typo" in "Function Reference" for "ProcessWaitClose") closed by Valik
No Bug
16:32 Ticket #2137 ("typo" in "Function Reference" for "ProcessWaitClose") created by rwb@…
In my testing, I find that non-zero should be replaced by …
10:22 Ticket #2135 (DB reading bug in SQLite UDF) closed by trancexx
No Bug: Read the rules for posting here please.


17:19 Ticket #2136 (FileSetAttrib adds Archive attribute when System or Hidden attribs are set) closed by Jpm
No Bug
12:39 Ticket #2136 (FileSetAttrib adds Archive attribute when System or Hidden attribs are set) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
Example: […] Run this and you see that Archive attribute is added …
10:07 Ticket #1395 (DLLCallbacks on Exit) closed by trancexx
Fixed: Fixed by revision [6796] in version:
09:30 Ticket #2135 (DB reading bug in SQLite UDF) created by mikkokh
There is something wrong in this UDF on AutoIt versions and …
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