- 10:20 Ticket #1161 (old colormode links and remarks.) created by
- old colormode links and remarks. counting 9 after help search for …
- 19:34 Ticket #1160 (GuictrlcreatePic not displaying over ListView in Win7) created by
- Using Windows 7 RC the image will not display over a listview control. …
- 16:35 Ticket #1159 (To select an child from the device manager in win vista 32 bit machine) closed by
- Rejected: I suggest you read WikiStart.
- 08:13 Ticket #1159 (To select an child from the device manager in win vista 32 bit machine) created by
- autoit script not working in Win vista for selecting a child from the …
- 20:48 Ticket #1158 (Global update the WinAPI.au3 library) created by
- I suggest to include the following usefull functions in native AutoIt …
- 19:58 Ticket #1085 (General timer descrepancies) closed by
- No Bug: Microsoft lists 9 chipsets that are affected. I really don't think we need to document a problem that's due to a hardware defect on so few chipsets.
- 19:54 Ticket #1142 (_ArraySearch return 0 (number vs string)) closed by
- No Bug: The equality test is essentially: […] The statement Number("string") returns 0 which compares true against 0 which means the search was successful and the index was found. This is not a bug.
- 19:45 Ticket #1117 (_excelwriteformula quotes - possible bug) closed by
- No Bug: No useful information provided.
- 19:42 Ticket #1139 (Run filename plus path) closed by
- Fixed: This is already done in I changed the examples slightly as well.
- 19:34 Ticket #1102 (Doc, StringInStr, count.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 19:14 Ticket #1157 (Add Crypt.au3) created by
- Crypt.au3 needs cleaned up and added before the next beta (setting as …
- 19:05 Ticket #1156 (AutoItSetOption() generates a fatal error) created by
- AutoItSetOption() generates a fatal error when an invalid option is …
- 13:24 Ticket #1155 (_WinAPI_CreateSolidBitmap() is too slow) created by
- As this is a very useful function is too slow, I suggest to replace it …
- 23:39 Ticket #1154 (ControlClick() and VB.NET compatibility) created by
- If a button in a VB.NET app is not visible (minimized, hidden, …
- 15:43 Ticket #1153 (User-defined libraries support with 'Open Include'.) created by
- if possible, support for opening 'User-defined libraries' with …
- 15:07 Ticket #1152 (Please fix my bug!) closed by
- No Bug: This is not a support forum. Read WikiStart sometime in the next 48 hours while you are banned from the forum for your flagrant misuse of the issue tracker.
- 11:41 Ticket #1152 (Please fix my bug!) created by
- I wrote a code and a part of it like this: [code] $root=ProcessList() …
- 16:48 Ticket #1151 (cSnippet Error _GUIImageList_AddIcon: -1) closed by
- Duplicate: You're annoying. First, you post an absolutely worthless screenshot to an old ticket. Then, because I deleted the useless screenshot, you create a new ticket to post the worthless screenshot. And do you know what you contribute? Absolutely nothing. Either figure out why the problem happens or stop wasting time. Closing as duplicate of #240.
- 09:21 Ticket #1151 (cSnippet Error _GUIImageList_AddIcon: -1) created by
- This is really an update to ticket #240. I'm hoping this will shed …
- 07:11 Ticket #1150 (TCPrecv returns @error=-1) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 16:28 Ticket #1150 (TCPrecv returns @error=-1) created by
- I have noted that when the port is closed from remote side , TCPrecv …
- 07:02 Ticket #1148 (_ArraySort() Helpfile Typo) closed by
- No Bug: nothing wrong tooltip indicate the default valut which is ascending and the doc say what is done when set to 1
- 00:55 Ticket #1149 (GUICtrlSetTrans()) closed by
- Rejected: You're right, it could be nice. If it were possible to do. And if it were possible to do... WinSetTrans() would already do it. But, it's not possible. So, rejected.
- 00:25 Ticket #1149 (GUICtrlSetTrans()) created by
- Set the transparency of a GUI Control. Could be nice. :X
- 10:02 Ticket #1148 (_ArraySort() Helpfile Typo) created by
- Helpfile lists: $iDescending [optional] If set to 1, sort descendingly …
- 06:28 Ticket #1144 (Typo in AutoIt help file (.chm)) closed by
- Duplicate: duplicate ticket already fixed in beta. Thanks for trying beta before sumitting a new ticket.
- 06:23 Ticket #1140 (_ArraySearch return 0 (if $avArray is not a 1 dimensional array)) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 02:36 Ticket #1147 (Comparison of numbers against strings gives unexpected results) created by
- The wording used in the helpfile, Datatypes section (when a string is …
- 23:01 Ticket #1146 (Obfuscator & OnAutoItExitRegister.) closed by
- Fixed: It is just a matter of adding one line to obfuscator.dat: onautoitexitregister,1,0 Download the version available in the Beta Directory and save it in the Obfuscator program directory. Jos
- 19:46 Ticket #1146 (Obfuscator & OnAutoItExitRegister.) created by
- OnAutoItExitRegister() set functions get stripped in Obfuscated …
- 19:39 Ticket #1145 (GUICtrlCreateTreeView() steals application focus) reopened by
- Your ticket describes activation, your example describes focus and demonstrates focus. It does demonstrate the problem for me on Fixing the ticket to describe the problem correctly. In the future, please submit carefully written and well thought out issues with examples to avoid further hassle.
- 17:16 Ticket #1145 (GUICtrlCreateTreeView() steals application focus) closed by
- No Bug: Go read WikiStart and stop wasting people's time, please. Not only did you fail to provide an example so I could show you where the problem in your code lies, you shouldn't have even been posting here in the first place.
- 12:19 Ticket #1145 (GUICtrlCreateTreeView() steals application focus) created by
- The following code steals focus from the active application even …
- 08:09 Ticket #1144 (Typo in AutoIt help file (.chm)) created by
- Found a typo in the following section: Function Reference > File, …
- 04:27 Ticket #1143 (Winamp cause script to fail) closed by
- No Bug: That's nice. Now go read WikiStart to find out why this ticket has been closed.
- 04:11 Ticket #1143 (Winamp cause script to fail) created by
- My script is heavy on ControlSend items I noted today while Winamp …
- 11:05 Ticket #1142 (_ArraySearch return 0 (number vs string)) created by
- #Include <Array.au3> Dim $array[1] $array[0]=0 …
- 19:53 Ticket #1141 (@InetGetActive - @InetGetBytesRead not in au3.keyword.properties) closed by
- No Bug: Even though you filed this report against version you are clearly using the definitions for SciTE. The version of SciTE does not contain those macros, which is correct. I suggest using the definitions if you really are using the version of AutoIt. However, if you are using version of AutoIt, then read the changelog.
- 18:21 Ticket #1141 (@InetGetActive - @InetGetBytesRead not in au3.keyword.properties) created by
- Hello all, Those '@InetGetActive' and '@InetGetBytesRead' are not in …
- 12:22 Ticket #1140 (_ArraySearch return 0 (if $avArray is not a 1 dimensional array)) created by
- WRONG: If UBound($avArray, 0) > 2 Or UBound($avArray, 0) < 1 Then …
- 02:21 Ticket #1139 (Run filename plus path) created by
- The help pages for Run, RunWait, RunAs and RunAsWait functions could …
- 17:16 Ticket #1138 (XML) closed by
- Rejected: This has been answered so many times before.
- 08:18 Ticket #1138 (XML) created by
- XML has been a standard and I know there is a XML UDF out there. But …
- 01:46 Ticket #1137 (Change RegEnumKey/RegEnumVal error return to be more sensible.) created by
- Hello, I hope it will not be 'is a feature, not a bug' ;) Both …
- 17:39 Ticket #1136 (IsArray sets @extended=0) closed by
- No Bug: Sigh. Why do we bother writing documentation when people don't bother reading it. Try reading the documentation for SetExtended().
- 17:29 Ticket #1136 (IsArray sets @extended=0) created by
- When i use function IsArray then resets @extended. In help for IsArray …
- 15:36 Ticket #1062 (language support) closed by
- No Bug: Due to lack of additional information I'm closing this as no bug.
- 15:23 Ticket #1133 (NOT and Int64 numbers) closed by
- Duplicate: Closing as a duplicate of #767.
- 15:22 Ticket #1135 (bug with beta version about Option OnExitFunc) closed by
- No Bug: You don't say? Maybe you should try reading the changelog and the script-breaking changes page as well if you're going to use the beta? Otherwise, don't use the beta.
- 12:00 Ticket #1135 (bug with beta version about Option OnExitFunc) created by
- This instruction Opt("OnExitFunc", "EzSkinOnExitFunc") works well …
- 03:14 Ticket #1134 (Code cleanup of _FileWriteToLine()) created by
- Just a slight code clean-up by reducing the number of lines required …
- 23:04 Ticket #1133 (NOT and Int64 numbers) created by
- NOT only acts on 32bit part of Int64 numbers. Request to make it Int64 …
- 00:09 Ticket #1132 (@OSVersion Incorrect on Windows 7) closed by
- No Bug: AutoIt doesn't support Windows 7 because quite obviously AutoIt shipped before any publicly available version of Windows 7. Try the beta. ALWAYS try the beta before reporting a bug.
- 23:54 Ticket #1132 (@OSVersion Incorrect on Windows 7) created by
- @OSVersion reports "WIN_VISTA" when run on Windows 7. Obviously this …
- 20:42 Ticket #1131 (Integration API) closed by
- Rejected: What's stopping you from implementing something? It doesn't have to (and should not) be built in.
- 18:28 Ticket #1131 (Integration API) created by
- It would be a great feature to provide a set of APIs to integrate …
- 15:54 Ticket #1120 (Overwrite hidden system files with FileInstall()) reopened by
- Replying to Jpm: > Filecopy does not work either > I will add the same remarks In that case, maybe we should reconsider. I can certainly copy SuperHidden files with stuff like Explorer. Given that the overwrite flag is being used, we should probably do the work for the user. It seems pointless to allow an overwrite flag but still make the user write additional code to ensure the overwrite happens. The same goes for FileCopy() and FileMove() as well. Also DirCopy() and DirMove() need tested to ensure the overwrite flag always overwrites when it should.
- 15:47 Ticket #1129 (StringIsXDigit is wrong return value.) closed by
- No Bug: The return value is correct for the current implementation. If a UNICODE character corresponds to one of the hex-digits then the return value is true.
- 14:49 Ticket #1130 ($tagNMLVKEYDOWN stuct not working in x64 OS) created by
- $tagNMLVKEYDOWN in StructureConstants.au3 "int VKey" needs to be …
- 14:36 Ticket #1129 (StringIsXDigit is wrong return value.) created by
- […] ..? It's report - A is Hex? = 1 - A is Hex? = 1 (A -> …
- 07:21 Ticket #1126 (ImageSearch) closed by
- No Bug: You need to have a .dll that run under X64. As I remeber this UDF which is not delivered by AUtoIt don't have one. Next time don't use trak on subject not delivered by the AutoIt installer
- 06:08 Ticket #1128 (UDF Addition: _WinAPI_PathFindOnPath) created by
- Proposal for inclusion of aforementioned function in the standard UDF …
- 21:56 Ticket #1127 (Implement a new function : StdOutReadLine) created by
- Hi there, I would like to see a new function in AutoIT : …
- 16:04 Ticket #1126 (ImageSearch) created by
- […] this is the error im getting if i launch my program in autoit …
- 08:29 Ticket #1125 (StringRegExpReplace fails for case insensitive group (?i...)) created by
- This example […] gives this result […] I think Result 2 should …
- 18:25 Ticket #1124 (_Date_Time_SystemTimeTo*Str() Errors with bFmt = 1) created by
- Both the _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr() and …
- 22:11 Ticket #1120 (Overwrite hidden system files with FileInstall()) closed by
- Rejected: I agree.
- 21:46 Ticket #1122 (_MathCheckDiv. No error return value.) closed by
- Fixed: In fact it is already fix for next beta
- 21:35 Ticket #1123 (SetError(), SetExtended(), default return value.) closed by
- No Bug: Replying to anonymous: > Documentation for both SetError and SetExtended() 'Return Value' say "By default, none, ...". > Assuming "none" stands for or just zero. > > But both return 1 when used without a Return value. > > {{{ > ConsoleWrite('SetError(2) = ' & SetError(1) & @CRLF) > ConsoleWrite('SetExtended(2) = ' & SetExtended(1) & @CRLF) > }}} > It means there is no documented return value unless one is explicitly set. > ps: A additional remark to SetExtended() about the fact that it not just sets @extended, but also resets @error back to zero, might be usefull. Every single function resets @error when it's called. There are no exceptions. That is a documented feature. Also documented is that SetExtended() should only be used if its only necessary to set @extended. Otherwise SetError(<error>, [extended]) should be used. In other words, nothing to see here.
- 19:40 Ticket #1123 (SetError(), SetExtended(), default return value.) created by
- Documentation for both SetError and SetExtended() 'Return Value' say …
- 17:57 Ticket #1122 (_MathCheckDiv. No error return value.) created by
- Is using SetError(1) after Return. They need to be swapped. […] ps: …
- 15:33 Ticket #1121 (uninstall, beta, file FTPEx.au3 still standing.) closed by
- Fixed: Thanks already fix for next beta
- 04:01 Ticket #1121 (uninstall, beta, file FTPEx.au3 still standing.) created by
- beta include file FTPEx.au3 was not uninstalled. It still had its …
- 16:04 Ticket #1120 (Overwrite hidden system files with FileInstall()) created by
- FileInstall should to be able to overwrite files with +HS attributes …
- 15:35 Ticket #1119 (Minor change to Help File wording for FileWrite) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 17:38 Ticket #1119 (Minor change to Help File wording for FileWrite) created by
- Even though they are functionally similar, there is a difference …
- 17:15 Ticket #1118 (Change to _ArrayConcatenate) created by
- I'd like to request a change to _ArrayConcatenate. Specifically, I'd …
- 16:56 Ticket #1116 (GUICtrlCreateGraphic not obeying GUIResizeMode) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 21:06 Ticket #1117 (_excelwriteformula quotes - possible bug) created by
- I searched for a bug on _excelwriteformula but did not see one. I am …
- 17:21 Ticket #1095 (tidy indent with $var_ exception.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in current Beta v of Tidy.
- 16:18 Ticket #1112 (Add _WinAPI_SetCheckMethod() and modify _WinAPI_Check()) reopened by
- I'm not sure why you closed this ticket, JP. You are still using __WinAPI_Check() all over the place in the code. The function itself is still in the code. In other words, this ticket is not complete because my statement of "all non-fatal fatal errors are going to be removed from the language" isn't even remotely close to being true. I'm re-opening this ticket until it's actually complete.
- 01:32 Ticket #1116 (GUICtrlCreateGraphic not obeying GUIResizeMode) created by
- GUICtrlCreateGraphic is not obeying AutoItSetOption("GUIResizeMode", …
- 23:07 Ticket #1112 (Add _WinAPI_SetCheckMethod() and modify _WinAPI_Check()) closed by
- Fixed
- 23:02 Ticket #1114 (_ArrayDisplay() not honouring Opt("GUIDataSeparatorChar",...)) closed by
- Works For Me: Working for me as fixed in the current beta. It was not working under
- 18:41 Ticket #1115 (documentation for GuiCreate error) closed by
- No Bug: The documentation is correct. You're making the assumption (a reasonable assumption!) that things work like MSDN describes. Unfortunately somebody decided that it would be a good idea to overload that particular extended style to provide some custom behavior hard-coded into AutoIt. In other words, it works as our documentation describes due to a poor design decision.
- 18:07 Ticket #1115 (documentation for GuiCreate error) created by
- The help says […] This is not correct, or at least it is not …
- 16:38 Ticket #1113 (Can't use _ to ignore an empty line (using for array initialization)) closed by
- Wont Fix: I'm closing this as won't fix because I don't think this behavior needs changed. Simple solution? Don't try to include blank lines when using line continuation.
- 12:42 Ticket #1114 (_ArrayDisplay() not honouring Opt("GUIDataSeparatorChar",...)) created by
- […] Should produce: [0] = 4 [1] = ABCDE|FGHI [2] = JKL|MNO [3] = …
- 12:36 Ticket #1113 (Can't use _ to ignore an empty line (using for array initialization)) created by
- Trying to use '_', only followed by whitespace (separating a part of …
- 10:18 Ticket #1110 (AutoIt Doc : Error in syntax description for _INetSmtpMail) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 01:30 Ticket #1111 (Typo in _DateAdd remarks) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 01:18 Ticket #1112 (Add _WinAPI_SetCheckMethod() and modify _WinAPI_Check()) created by
- A lot of people "suffer" when using _WinAPI_... functions which …
- 01:04 Ticket #1111 (Typo in _DateAdd remarks) created by
- Currently reads "When 3 months is are to '2004/1/31' then the result …
- 22:20 Ticket #1110 (AutoIt Doc : Error in syntax description for _INetSmtpMail) created by
- [[Image(http://www.autoitscript.fr/forum/download/file.php?id=624&mode= …
- 22:17 Ticket #981 (_WinAPI_AnsiToOem + _WinAPI_OemToAnsi) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 21:40 Ticket #1077 (GUICtrlSetBkColor excessive recoloring == faulty coloring, and strange ...) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 16:17 Ticket #1109 (I cannot double click on the list box located on window) closed by
- No Bug: Read WikiStart.
- 09:52 Ticket #1109 (I cannot double click on the list box located on window) created by
- Hi, i want to click on the list box window using autoit, i have given …
- 21:04 Ticket #1107 (Ability to sort hexadecimal numbers using in a Listview) closed by
- Rejected: Learn how to use GUICtrlRegisterListView rather than a standard sort.
- 16:10 Ticket #1108 (Compiling Error) closed by
- No Bug: did you ever try to run it without compile it. $SS_SIMPLE not defined. Compiler does not check if a script can be run . In your case the SciTE check syntax will tell you the error
- 12:14 Ticket #1108 (Compiling Error) created by
- I try to compile the attachment file of my script and it is successful …
- 10:37 Ticket #1107 (Ability to sort hexadecimal numbers using in a Listview) created by
- I've looked in the helpfile but there doesn't seem to be a way to sort …
- 18:38 Ticket #1105 (Vertical Button, Double Label When Disabled) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 11:09 Ticket #1106 (ListView with $WS_EX_STATICEDGE Under Vista no text) closed by
- Wont Fix: Definitely Vista does not accept to set the data windows return and error so the listviewitem is not created as you can see if you check the creation result.
- 11:05 Ticket #1104 (Scientific number, addition failer. (x>2^53)) closed by
- No Bug: No bug, you cannot assume that the precision of a Float number to integer can take in account number that have around 15 digits precision. in this particular case compare to 249 the precision rounding take place at a different place.
- 11:02 Ticket #1103 (Scientific convertion to integer adding +1. (x>=2^49)) closed by
- No Bug: No bug, you cannot assume that the precision of a Float number to integer can take in account number that have around 15 digits precision.
- 10:57 Ticket #1106 (ListView with $WS_EX_STATICEDGE Under Vista no text) created by
- I run XP but as i tested my code on Vista i noticed the extended style …
- 03:07 Ticket #1105 (Vertical Button, Double Label When Disabled) created by
- Version When "$BS_MULTILINE" is assigned to a button, and the …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.